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carolyncole edited this page Apr 17, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the marc_liberation wiki!

Full Installation Steps

  1. Install dependencies (if needed)

    brew install mysql
    export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/
    mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents
    ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/mysql/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
    brew services start mysql
    brew tap homebrew/cask
    brew cask install phantomjs
    brew install redis
    brew services start redis
  2. Oct8 installation from Readme For this step you need to download files from Oracle and have them in your Downloads directory when you try running the brew install steps below it will then indicate exactly where to move the files

    brew tap InstantClientTap/instantclient
    brew install instantclient-basic # fails but gives you mv location
    mv ~/Downloads/ <location from brew step>
    brew install instantclient-basic
    brew install instantclient-sdk #fails but gives you mv location
    mv ~/Downloads/ <location from brew step>
    brew install instantclient-sdk
    brew install instantclient-sqlplus #fails but gives you mv location
    mv ~/Downloads/ <location from brew step>
    brew install instantclient-sqlplus
  3. clone the repo

    git clone ...
    cd marc_liberation
  4. Bundle if mysql2 bundle fails make sure you have added openssl to your LIBRARY_PATH as described in dependencies

    bundle install
  5. Create the database

    rake db:create db:migrate rake db:seed
  6. Setup fixtures

    cp -v marc_to_solr/translation_maps/location_display.rb.tmpl marc_to_solr/translation_maps/location_display.rb
    cp -v marc_to_solr/translation_maps/locations.rb.tmpl marc_to_solr/translation_maps/locations.rb
    cp -v marc_to_solr/translation_maps/holding_library.rb.tmpl marc_to_solr/translation_maps/holding_library.rb
  7. Run the tests

    rake spec
  8. Congratulations! You are now ready to configure voyager and run

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