This repository contains the work developed for a Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), in the curricular unit of Integrated Avionic Systems from Instituto Superior Técnico. The objective of this work was to improve the understandind of this type of systems. In order to simulate our TCAS, a flight simulator (X-Plane) was used, to acquire real-time data of the airplane in the simulation. This could then be treated and analysed, and used to simulate the TCAS algorithm. A graphical interface displaying the TCAS data, with sound alerts was also implemented. In collaboration with several groups, a TCP communication protocol was implemented, to exchange data amongst the several groups. Each group would run and operate a simulator, and data would be exchanged amongst all groups. This would then be used to simulate several TCAS systems, one for each simulator running.
This repository is composed of:
- ProgramTCAS - a folder containing the complete code developed for the TCAS, including communication with remaining groups.
- TestTCAS - a small program created to test the developed algorithm and grapihcal interface. It simulates several aircrafts, and allows to perceive how the program should run.
- AlertsTCAS - A folder containing the soundtracks for the TCAS alerts.
- ExampleClient - An example of a Python client that could be used to acquire data from our program. This was made as an example for other groups, who should receive data from our program, in order to simulate other avionic systems.
- Pedro Trindade
- António Negrinho
- Pedro Valdeira