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Thomas Engels edited this page Mar 17, 2016 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the UP2D wiki!


Step0: choose your compiler

You first have to choose a compiler. Usually, you will want to use either gfortran or ifort, if the latter is available. You set the compiler in the environment (BASH):

export FC=gfortran

Step1: install FFTW

FFTW is the FFT engine used in UP2D. Download the tarball from and extract it somewhere. We usally use ~/src/ for the libraries

./configure --prefix=$PWD --enable-sse2 --enable-openmp --enable-threads
make -j4
make install

Please note that on some machines, the resulting library will be in YOUR_FFTW_DIRECTORY/lib64/ and not in YOUR_FFTW_DIRECTORY/lib and we'll have trouble with that. Please create a softlink then ln -s lib64 lib. We finally need to tell UP2D where to find FFTW, and we do this through the environment variable $FFT_ROOT

export FFT_ROOT=$PWD

that's it already!

Step2: install HDF5

HDF5 is the library we use for input and ouptut of flow field data. Download it hdf5-1.8.14.tar.gz from somwhere and extract it. Please note: if you install FLUSI as well, it is wise to keep the HDF5 for UP2D and FLUSI separate by using different folders

./configure --prefix=$PWD --enable-fortran 
make -j1
make install

Please note that on some machines, the resulting library will be in YOUR_HDF5_DIRECTORY/lib64/ and not in YOUR_HDF5_DIRECTORY/lib and we'll have trouble with that. Please create a softlink then ln -s lib64 lib. Tell our code where to find the HDF5 installation:

export HDF_ROOT=$PWD

Note: it can happen that the code yells later, when compiled sucessfully, that shared libraries cannot be found. In this case, append the HDF5 directory to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

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