- add support for closing the case by the requester
- implement reopen command (!reopen 14 @user)
- implement add command (!add 14 @user) add @user to case
- implement remove command (!remove 14 @user) removes @user from case
- add language support via config file
- add support for a specific channel to post bot logs such as case creation, closing, reactions, etc
- add support to configure the channel prefix (default is case)
- categorize commands using cogs
- Consider moving channel tests to check section
- Grab also a few message before and after for better context (thanks KenDeep)
- implement (!hi) command easter egg to check for server_owner or suppoter or a funny message for unworthy users
- implement check if user is administrator to skip role checks
- add slow mode for reactions, so a user cannot spam into a channel. Timeout should be something like 10-30 seconds
- rework helpling to support multible servers. Only the server owner can use command "!assign <@role>" to create a entry in the database for it
- !list shows all active cases on any servers for users and admins and on server channels only the ones for the server.
- !next only works on a server configured for helpling. Private message also disabled
- when a user or mod is in multible servers and sends commands via pm, message him with a reaction message to choose which server he wants for responding