- fix: make classes decorator work on prototypes and static classes [067883]
- fix: make isInPath variants tolerant of unset refs [21dd9f]
- fix(routing): make route replacement not discard previous state [aa807b]
- fix(routing): allow for partial query replacement [eaeea8]
- feat(routing): enable default values for routing params [c77a52]
- 1.1.1 [fdd80d]
- fix(typing): fix decorator typing for @Prop [71de71]
- chore: add code climate config [e2db4f]
- chore(docs): add documentation generation and markdown files [9ad950]
- chore(docs): add documentation generation and markdown files [ef9b75]
- chore(docs): document vue helper types [4e2923]
- chore(docs): document utility functions [e779c2]
- chore(docs): document helper types [f2395d]
- chore(docs): document function extensions [bbc38a]
- chore(docs): document descriptor functions [7f377e]
- feat: add typescript util for property existence [f7f7bf]
- chore(docs): document timing decorators [ccf7d0]
- chore: add badges to readme [2bd35a]
- chore(docs): document route decorators [33764b]
- chore(docs): use @example tags in documentation [b964ba]
- chore(docs): document property decorators [2f7f7c]
- fix: rename onelementparent to onparentelement [117071]
- chore(docs): document event listener decorators [c69d67]
- chore(docs): document css classes decorators [dc03b5]
- chore(docs): document conditional decorators [114b2b]
- chore(docs): document vue ref conditions [3ff6e5]
- chore(docs): document event conditions [4c2dec]
- chore(docs): document child selector conditions [7aa377]
- chore: generate api doc md files [ba87c2]
- chore(docs): document argument and dom order conditions [468f69]
- feat: add default infixes for kebap and snake case classes [4d90bb]
- chore: add linter, resolve linter issues [30d7e4]
- feat: re-export vue-class-component for convenience [0e0121]
- feat: add prop decorator, flavors, typings [d7f352]
- fix!: swap debounce and debuffer [ea7429]
- fix(condition): invert IfNot filter logic [94991a]
- fix(listener): OnElement should use dom handlers [e32686]
- fix: extended function creation error [78668e]
- fix(typings): return type of classes decorators [e1d6f4]
- fix: typing for classes decorator [8a33b1]
- fix: index files and typings [fb9d93]
- feat: add several conditions for conditional decorators [06b60f]
- chore: move create listener decorator helper to vue dir [afd04d]
- feat: add routing and conditional decorators [a539db]
- feat: add routing and conditional decorators [bd1102]
- add timing decorators [688bb8]
- add timing decorators, side-effect handling [95cd75]
- centralize listener decorators [d25bb6]
- add listener decorators, use api-extractor [d15e19]
- migrate to gulp [5734f2]
- function and descriptor util [bac080]
- Initial commit [7821b0]