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Provide breakpoints for responsive webdesign

npm install @propero/vue-breakpoints


Consuming the Plugin

import Vue from "vue";
import {VueBreakpoints} from "@propero/vue-breakpoints";

Vue.use(VueBreakpoints, {
  // If you want 'breakpoint--SIZE', e.g. 'breakpoint--s' or 'breakpoint--above-m'
  // classes to be automatically added to the body tag
  // optional, default false
  addCssClasses: true,
  // What breakpoints you want and at what thresholds they should start
  // optional, default 'xs480 s736 m980 l1280 xl1690'
  breakpoints: "s480 m760 l1280"
// Or just

Using the Plugin

The plugin defines a Breakpoints object at the $break property of all vue components. You can use them, e.g. in templates using v-if.

  <desktop-header v-if="$break.above('m')" />
  <mobile-header v-else />

If you enable css classes, you can use them in your stylesheets also.

.burger-menu {
  display: none
.breakpoint--below-m .burger-menu {
  display: block;
.breakpoint--s .brand-icon {
  height: 48px

The defined classes are names breakpoint--below-SIZE, breakpoint--above-SIZE and breakpoint--SIZE where SIZE is a placeholder for the name of the breakpoint given.

The Plugin exports several utility functions and properties:

Member Name Description Example Use
current A key-value pair with the current breakpoint name and it's corresponding width $break.current[0] === "s"
currentPoint The current breakpoint name $break.currentPoint === "s"
currentSize The current breakpoint's width $break.currentSize > 640
above(size) Returns true if the current screen size is above the threshold for the breakpoint given $break.above('m')
below(size) Returns true if the current screen size is below the threshold for the breakpoint given $break.below('m')
aboveOr(size) Returns true if the current screen size is above or at the threshold for the breakpoint given $break.aboveOr('m')
belowOr(size) Returns true if the current screen size is below or at the threshold for the breakpoint given $break.belowOr('m')
between(lower, upper) Returns true if the current screen size is at or over the lower threshold and below the upper threshold for the breakpoints given $break.between('m', 'l')
outside(lower, upper) Returns true if the current screen size is below the lower threshold and above the upper threshold for the breakpoints given $break.outside('m', 'l')