diff --git a/src/proper_statem.erl b/src/proper_statem.erl
index 96794985..117848a3 100644
--- a/src/proper_statem.erl
+++ b/src/proper_statem.erl
@@ -603,7 +603,8 @@ safe_apply(M, F, A) ->
%% concurrent tasks.
`Result' specifies the outcome of the attemp to serialize command
%% execution, based on the results observed. It can be one of the following:
-%% - `ok'
- `no_possible_interleaving'
+%% - `ok'
- `no_possible_interleaving'
+%% - `{exception, Kind, Reason, StackTrace}'
-spec run_parallel_commands(mod_name(), parallel_testcase()) ->
@@ -620,33 +621,49 @@ run_parallel_commands(Mod, {_Sequential, _Parallel} = Testcase) ->
run_parallel_commands(Mod, {Sequential, Parallel}, Env) ->
case run(Mod, Sequential, Env) of
- {{Seq_history, State, ok}, SeqEnv} ->
- F = fun(T) -> execute(T, SeqEnv, Mod) end,
- Parallel_history = pmap(F, Parallel),
- case check(Mod, State, SeqEnv, false, [], Parallel_history) of
- true ->
- {Seq_history, Parallel_history, ok};
- false ->
- {Seq_history, Parallel_history, no_possible_interleaving}
- end;
- {{Seq_history, _, Res}, _} ->
- {Seq_history, [], Res}
+ {{Seq_history, State, ok}, SeqEnv} ->
+ F = fun(T) -> execute(T, SeqEnv, Mod) end,
+ case pmap(F, Parallel) of
+ {ok, Parallel_history} ->
+ case check(Mod, State, SeqEnv, false, [], Parallel_history) of
+ true ->
+ {Seq_history, Parallel_history, ok};
+ false ->
+ {Seq_history, Parallel_history,
+ no_possible_interleaving}
+ end;
+ {error, Exc, Parallel_history} ->
+ {Seq_history, Parallel_history, Exc}
+ end;
+ {{Seq_history, _, Res}, _} ->
+ {Seq_history, [], Res}
%% @private
-spec execute(command_list(), proper_symb:var_values(), mod_name()) ->
- parallel_history().
-execute([], _Env, _Mod) -> [];
-execute([{set, {var,V}, {call,M,F,A}} = Cmd|Rest], Env, Mod) ->
+ {ok, parallel_history()} | {error, term(), parallel_history()}.
+execute(Cmds, Env, Mod) -> execute(Cmds, Env, Mod, []).
+-spec execute(command_list(), proper_symb:var_values(), mod_name(),
+ parallel_history()) -> {ok, parallel_history()} |
+ {error, proper:exception(), parallel_history()}.
+execute([], _Env, _Mod, Hist) -> {ok,lists:reverse(Hist)};
+execute([{set, {var,V}, {call,M,F,A}} = Cmd|Rest], Env, Mod, Hist) ->
M2 = proper_symb:eval(Env, M),
F2 = proper_symb:eval(Env, F),
A2 = proper_symb:eval(Env, A),
- Res = apply(M2, F2, A2),
- Env2 = [{V,Res}|Env],
- [{Cmd,Res}|execute(Rest, Env2, Mod)].
+ case safe_apply(M2, F2, A2) of
+ {ok,Res} ->
+ Env2 = [{V,Res}|Env],
+ execute(Rest, Env2, Mod, [{Cmd,Res}|Hist]);
+ {error, Exc} ->
+ {error, Exc, lists:reverse(Hist)}
+ end.
-spec pmap(fun((command_list()) -> parallel_history()), [command_list()]) ->
- [parallel_history()].
+ {ok, [parallel_history()]} |
+ {error, proper:exception(), [parallel_history()]}.
pmap(F, L) ->
await(spawn_jobs(F, L)).
@@ -654,18 +671,28 @@ pmap(F, L) ->
[command_list()]) -> [pid()].
spawn_jobs(F, L) ->
Parent = self(),
- [spawn_link_cp(fun() -> Parent ! {self(),catch {ok,F(X)}} end) || X <- L].
--spec await([pid()]) -> [parallel_history()].
-await([]) -> [];
-await([H|T]) ->
+ [spawn_link_cp(fun() -> Parent ! {self(), F(X)} end) || X <- L].
+-spec await([pid()]) ->
+ {ok, [parallel_history()]} |
+ {error, proper:exception(), [parallel_history()]}.
+await(Pids) -> await(Pids, [], false).
+-spec await([pid()], [parallel_history()], false | proper:exception()) ->
+ {ok, [parallel_history()]} |
+ {error, proper:exception(), [parallel_history()]}.
+await([], Hist, false) -> {ok, lists:reverse(Hist)};
+await([], Hist, Exc) -> {error, Exc, lists:reverse(Hist)};
+await([H|T], Hist, MaybeExc) ->
- {H, {ok, Res}} ->
- [Res|await(T)];
- {H, {'EXIT',_} = Err} ->
- _ = [exit(Pid, kill) || Pid <- T],
- _ = [receive {P,_} -> d_ after 0 -> i_ end || P <- T],
- erlang:error(Err)
+ {H, {ok, Res}} ->
+ await(T, [Res|Hist], MaybeExc);
+ {H, {error, Exc, Res}} ->
+ Exc2 = case MaybeExc of
+ false -> Exc;
+ E -> E
+ end,
+ await(T, [Res|Hist], Exc2)
%% @private
diff --git a/test/command_props.erl b/test/command_props.erl
index 7b9fe35e..d848088a 100644
--- a/test/command_props.erl
+++ b/test/command_props.erl
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ prop_check_true() ->
{{_, State, ok}, Env} = proper_statem:run(?MOD, Seq, []),
- Res = [proper_statem:execute(C, Env, ?MOD) || C <- Par],
+ Res = [begin {ok, R}=proper_statem:execute(C, Env, ?MOD), R end || C <- Par],
V = proper_statem:check(?MOD, State, Env, false, [], Res),
equals(V, true)
diff --git a/test/parallel_statem.erl b/test/parallel_statem.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69f38e5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/parallel_statem.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+%%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+%%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% From X4lldux
+%%% When there was a crash in sequential phase of `run_parallel_commands`
+%%% the returned result was `{exception,_,_,_}` tuple, but when a crash
+%%% occurred in the parallel phase, then the `run_parallel_commands`
+%%% also crashed.
+%%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% -compile(export_all).
+-export([initial_state/0, next_state/3, precondition/2, postcondition/3]).
+-export([foo/1, crash/0]).
+-export([prop_parallel_crash/0, prop_sequential_crash/0]).
+initial_state() ->
+ [].
+precondition(_, _) ->
+ true.
+next_state(S, _V, {call,_,_,[_Arg]}) ->
+ S.
+postcondition(_, _, _) ->
+ true.
+foo(_) ->
+ ok.
+crash() ->
+ erlang:error(boom).
+parallel_crash_commands() ->
+ exactly(
+ {
+ [{set,{var,1},{call,?MODULE,foo,[1]}}], % seq
+ [
+ [{set,{var,2},{call,?MODULE,crash,[]}}], % proc 1
+ [] % proc 2
+ ]
+ }).
+sequential_crash_commands() ->
+ exactly(
+ {
+ [{set,{var,1},{call,?MODULE,crash,[]}}], % seq
+ [
+ [{set,{var,2},{call,?MODULE,foo,[1]}}], % proc 1
+ [] % proc 2
+ ]
+ }).
+prop_parallel_crash() ->
+ ?FORALL(Cmds, parallel_crash_commands(),
+ begin
+ {_S,_P,Res} = run_parallel_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
+ assert_exception(Res)
+ end).
+prop_sequential_crash() ->
+ ?FORALL(Cmds, sequential_crash_commands(),
+ begin
+ {_S,_P,Res} = run_parallel_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
+ assert_exception(Res)
+ end).
+assert_exception({exception, error, boom, _}) -> true;
+assert_exception(_) -> false.
diff --git a/test/proper_tests.erl b/test/proper_tests.erl
index 44429f95..cb9e764f 100644
--- a/test/proper_tests.erl
+++ b/test/proper_tests.erl
@@ -898,6 +898,10 @@ native_type_props_test_() ->
-record(untyped, {a, b = 12}).
-type untyped() :: #untyped{}.
+parallel_statem_test_() ->
+ [?_passes(parallel_statem:prop_parallel_crash()),
+ ?_passes(parallel_statem:prop_sequential_crash())].
true_props_test_() ->
[?_passes(?FORALL(X,integer(),X < X + 1)),
?_passes(?FORALL(A,atom(),list_to_atom(atom_to_list(A)) =:= A)),