USE APIbuild based on APIunit definition create enironment by APIcra scripts
APIbuild, Basically, Build is the process of creating the application program for a software release, by taking all the relevant source code files and compiling them and then creating a build artifacts, such as binaries or executable program, etc.
- here will be generated many different version of many enironment to binary
- mixin environment and source code:
- APIunit definition
- Apicra script
- Apiexec runner
- source code app
APIexec, executor/runner is executing APIcra based on APIunit definition
- is using scripts to execute commands by ProMaGen library
- APIexec is library based on
- python
- fastapi openapi
- generated sdk
- documentation
- docs, is possible to run in any language, bash scripts, using actually infrastructure
APIunit, definition of application and environment
- logic to automatisation different servers:
- local
- dev/test
- production
APIcra, scripts to create enironment for some source code app
- many different standarisated libraries of shell scripts to create/remove environment
ProMaGen is UI for APIexec, based on manual, or for admins, hi leel management
- nodejs
- python
- js
- api ecosystem
- cloud for app
Now is possible to executing directly scripts from apicra by promagen, but we need runner and definition to say, what the server should do automaticly.
It's a background for a APicra Runner preparation with own UI