Rex (with ISPN), Keycloak and BPM are services required to run the tests. Rex and Keycloak are running in TestContainers, BPM in mocked using WireMock.
Container strict start order:
- Keycloak (IT tests wide) [Docker]
- 1 instance per entire IT tests run
- ISPN (per IT test class) [Docker]
- Rex (per IT test class) [Docker]
- ORCH EAP container (per IT test class) [Local]
- BPM Wiremock server (per IT test class) [Local]
Process of the test build:
- Orch get auth token from Keycloak (services are configured with auth and the token is passed between them)
- Orch sends the build tasks to Rex
- Rex does the task dependency resolution and submit the tasks one by one(when ready) to BPM
- BPM notifies Rex of task completion
- Rex notifies Orch of the task completion and submits new (ready) tasks to BPM
- Export realm using web UI
- Manually add uesrs to the exported realm, because they are not included in the export
Example export file: