title |
Cell Line Literature Mining |
{ align=right width=36px}As an extension of the standard "data resource" model of Progenetix, together in a collaboration with a group from the ZHAW we have implemented "knowledge exploration" entry points for cell line genomics. Based on work from the INODE project the ZHAW team has parsed collections of scientific publications with relation to CCL analyses for the semantic identification of functional annotations, e.g. the contextual association of genes or genomic regions.
{ align=left width=120px}Based on a list of CCL-related publications (e.g. from the studies containing CNV data in progenetix or those referenced in the cellosaurus entries) we utilize subject-predicate-object triple extraction from text, and entity-ontology linking via a graph database. Relationships extracted in a context that references a given cell line arer then represented for some selected categories. Here, following the overall Progenetix paradigm of whoole genome (CNV) profile representation for a start we focus on objects with genomic "mappability", especially genes and cytobands.
!!! note "Fuzziness of cell line <-> object associations"
The listing of a given object (e.g. gene) on a cell line page is based on the
identification of the gene id in the referencing publication. However, such an
association may be circumstantial (e.g. the gene being identified as target in
a list of analyzed cell line samples).
- Navigate to
Cell Line Listings
- Use search bar to find the cell line of interest
- You will be redirected to cell line page where cell line metadata and variant information is displayed.
- By scrolling down, you can find the section Literature Derived Contextual Information.
- There, all gene results are listed. Gene of interest can be visualised on the CNV frequency plot by clicking on the gene.