diff --git a/Fold.tmPreferences b/Fold.tmPreferences
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..206bb9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Fold.tmPreferences
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ scope
+ text.html.ngx
+ settings
+ foldScopes
+ begin
+ punctuation.definition.comment.begin
+ end
+ punctuation.definition.comment.end
+ excludeTrailingNewlines
+ begin
+ punctuation.section.block.begin
+ end
+ punctuation.section.block.end
+ begin
+ punctuation.section.embedded.begin
+ end
+ punctuation.section.embedded.end
+ begin
+ punctuation.section.group.begin
+ end
+ punctuation.section.group.end
+ begin
+ punctuation.section.mapping.begin
+ end
+ punctuation.section.mapping.end
+ begin
+ punctuation.section.sequence.begin
+ end
+ punctuation.section.sequence.end
diff --git a/NgxHTML.sublime-syntax b/NgxHTML.sublime-syntax
index 93099fb..7d90116 100644
--- a/NgxHTML.sublime-syntax
+++ b/NgxHTML.sublime-syntax
@@ -1,30 +1,39 @@
%YAML 1.2
name: Ngx HTML
- - component.html
scope: text.html.ngx
version: 2
extends: Packages/HTML/HTML.sublime-syntax
+ - component.html
- angular_blocks: (?xi:for | if | else | else if | switch | case | empty | placeholder | defer | default | error | loading | let)\b
+ bin_digit: '[01_]'
+ oct_digit: '[0-7_]'
+ dec_digit: '[0-9_]'
+ hex_digit: '[\h_]'
+ dec_integer: (?:0|[1-9]{{dec_digit}}*)
+ dec_exponent: '[Ee](?:[-+]|(?![-+])){{dec_digit}}*'
+ # JavaScript identifier
+ ident_name: (?:{{ident_start}}{{ident_part}}*{{ident_break}})
+ ident_break: (?!{{ident_part}})
+ ident_escape: (?:\\u(?:\h{4}|\{\h+\}))
+ ident_start: (?:[_$\p{L}\p{Nl}]|{{ident_escape}})
+ ident_part: (?:[_$\p{L}\p{Nl}\p{Mn}\p{Mc}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}\x{200C}\x{200D}]|{{ident_escape}})
- main:
- - meta_prepend: true
- - include: interpolation
- - include: ng-control-flow
- interpolation:
- - match: '{{'
- scope: meta.interpolation.ngx.html punctuation.section.interpolation.begin.ngx.html
- embed: scope:source.js
- embed_scope: meta.interpolation.ngx.html source.js.embedded.ngx.html
- escape: '}}'
- escape_captures:
- 0: meta.interpolation.ngx.html punctuation.section.interpolation.end.ngx.html
+###[ HTML CUSTOMIZATIONS ]#####################################################
+ tag:
+ - meta_prepend: true
+ - include: ng-declarations
+ - include: ng-statements
+ - include: ng-interpolations
- meta_prepend: true
@@ -34,8 +43,25 @@ contexts:
- include: tag-ng-on-attribute
- include: tag-ng-bindon-attribute
+###[ ANGULAR EXPRESSIONS ]#####################################################
+ ng-expressions:
+ # https://angular.dev/guide/templates/expression-syntax
+ - include: ng-arrays
+ - include: ng-groups
+ - include: ng-objects
+ - include: ng-function-calls
+ - include: ng-filters
+ - include: ng-operators
+ - include: ng-constants
+ - include: ng-numbers
+ - include: ng-strings
+ - include: ng-variables
+###[ ANGULAR TAG ATTRIBUTES ]##################################################
- - match: '(\*)([a-zA-Z]\w*)'
+ - match: (\*)([a-zA-Z]\w*)
scope: meta.attribute-with-value.template.html
1: punctuation.definition.template.html
@@ -45,7 +71,7 @@ contexts:
- tag-event-attribute-assignment
- - match: '(\#)([a-zA-Z]\w*)'
+ - match: (\#)([a-zA-Z]\w*)
scope: meta.attribute.reference.html
1: punctuation.definition.reference.html
@@ -55,7 +81,7 @@ contexts:
- tag-event-attribute-assignment
- - match: '(\[)([a-zA-Z@][!\w.-]*)(\])'
+ - match: (\[)([a-zA-Z@][!\w.-]*)(\])
scope: meta.attribute-with-value.bind.html
1: punctuation.section.bind.begin.html
@@ -66,7 +92,7 @@ contexts:
- tag-event-attribute-assignment
- - match: '(\()([a-zA-Z@][\w:.]*)(\))'
+ - match: (\()([a-zA-Z@][\w:.]*)(\))
scope: meta.attribute-with-value.on.html
1: punctuation.section.on.begin.html
@@ -77,7 +103,7 @@ contexts:
- tag-event-attribute-assignment
- - match: '(\[\()([a-zA-Z][\w.]*)(\)\])\s*'
+ - match: (\[\()([a-zA-Z][\w.]*)(\)\])
scope: meta.attribute-with-value.bindon.html
1: punctuation.section.bindon.begin.html
@@ -87,40 +113,471 @@ contexts:
- tag-event-attribute-meta
- tag-event-attribute-assignment
+###[ ANGULAR DECLARATIONS ]####################################################
+ ng-declarations:
+ - match: (@)let{{ident_break}}
+ scope: meta.let.ngx keyword.declaration.variable.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.ngx
+ push:
+ - ng-let-assignment
+ - ng-let-variable
+ ng-let-variable:
+ - match: '{{ident_name}}'
+ scope: variable.other.readwrite.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - include: else-pop
- ng-control-flow:
- - match: '(@){{angular_blocks}}'
- scope: keyword.control.control-flow.html
+ ng-let-assignment:
+ - meta_content_scope: meta.let.identifier.ngx
+ - match: =
+ scope: meta.let.ngx keyword.operator.assignment.ngx
+ set: ng-let-value
+ - include: else-pop
+ ng-let-value:
+ - meta_include_prototype: false
+ - meta_content_scope: meta.let.value.ngx
+ - match: ';'
+ scope: punctuation.terminator.expression.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - include: ng-expressions
+###[ ANGULAR STATEMENTS ]######################################################
+ ng-statements:
+ # conditionals
+ # https://angular.dev/guide/templates/control-flow#conditionally-display-content-with-if-else-if-and-else
+ - match: (@)if{{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.if.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.ngx
+ push:
+ - ng-block
+ - ng-conditional-group
+ - match: (@)else\s+if{{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.elseif.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.ngx
+ push:
+ - ng-block
+ - ng-conditional-group
+ - match: (@)else{{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.else.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.ngx
+ push: ng-block
+ # https://angular.dev/guide/templates/control-flow#conditionally-display-content-with-the-switch-block
+ - match: (@)case{{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.case.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.ngx
+ push:
+ - ng-block
+ - ng-conditional-group
+ - match: (@)default{{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.case.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.ngx
+ push: ng-block
+ - match: (@)switch{{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.control.conditional.switch.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.ngx
+ push:
+ - ng-block
+ - ng-conditional-group
+ # https://angular.dev/guide/templates/control-flow#providing-a-fallback-for-for-blocks-with-the-empty-block
+ - match: (@)for{{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.control.loop.for.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.ngx
+ push:
+ - ng-block
+ - ng-for-group
+ - match: (@)empty{{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.control.loop.else.ngx
- 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.html
+ 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.ngx
+ push: ng-block
+ # https://angular.dev/guide/templates/defer
+ - match: (@)(?:defer|error|loading|placeholder){{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.ngx
- - match: '='
- scope: punctuation.section.let.begin.ngx.html
- push:
- - meta_scope: meta.let.ngx.html
- - match: ';'
- scope: punctuation.section.let.end.ngx.html
- pop: 2
- - match: \{
- scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.html
- push:
- - meta_scope: meta.block.html
- - include: main
- - match: \}
- scope: punctuation.section.block.end.html
- pop: 2
- - match: \(
- scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.html
- push:
- - meta_scope: meta.group.html
- - match: \b(async)\b
- scope: keyword.control.html
- - match: \b(track|of|prefetch on|on|prefetch when|when|as)\b
- scope: keyword.operator.word.html
- - match: \b(minimum|after)\b(\?)
- captures:
- 1: keyword.operator.word.html
- 2: keyword.control.question.html
- - match: \)
- scope: punctuation.section.group.end.html
- pop: 1
+ - ng-block
+ - ng-defer-group
+ ng-block:
+ - meta_include_prototype: false
+ - match: \{
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.ngx
+ set: ng-block-body
+ - include: else-pop
+ ng-block-body:
+ - meta_scope: meta.block.ngx
+ - match: \}
+ scope: punctuation.section.block.end.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - include: main
+ ng-conditional-group:
+ - meta_include_prototype: false
+ - match: \(
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.ngx
+ set: ng-conditional-group-body
+ - include: else-pop
+ ng-conditional-group-body:
+ - meta_scope: meta.group.ngx
+ - match: \)
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - match: as{{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.as.ngx
+ - include: ng-expressions
+ ng-defer-group:
+ - meta_include_prototype: false
+ - match: \(
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.ngx
+ set: ng-defer-group-body
+ - include: else-pop
+ ng-defer-group-body:
+ - meta_scope: meta.group.ngx
+ - match: \)
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - match: (?:idle|viewport|interaction|hover|immediatetimer){{ident_break}}
+ scope: constant.language.event.ngx
+ - match: (?:prefetch on|on|prefetch when|when){{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.ngx
+ - match: (minimum|after)(\?)
+ captures:
+ 1: keyword.operator.word.ngx
+ 2: keyword.control.question.ngx
+ - include: ng-expressions
+ ng-for-group:
+ - meta_include_prototype: false
+ - match: \(
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.ngx
+ set: ng-for-group-body
+ - include: else-pop
+ ng-for-group-body:
+ - meta_scope: meta.group.ngx
+ - match: \)
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - match: track{{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.control.flow.ngx
+ - match: let{{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.declation.variable.ngx
+ - match: of{{ident_break}}
+ scope: keyword.operator.iteration.ngx
+ - include: ng-expressions
+###[ ANGULAR INTERPOLATIONS ]##################################################
+ ng-interpolations:
+ - match: '{{'
+ scope: meta.embedded.ngx.html punctuation.section.embedded.begin.ngx.html
+ push: ng-interpolation-body
+ ng-interpolation-body:
+ - meta_include_prototype: false
+ - meta_content_scope: meta.embedded.ngx.html source.ngx.embedded.html
+ - match: '}}'
+ scope: meta.embedded.ngx.html punctuation.section.embedded.end.ngx.html
+ pop: 1
+ - include: ng-expressions
+###[ ANGULAR ARRAYS ]###########################################################
+ ng-arrays:
+ - match: \[
+ scope: punctuation.section.sequence.begin.ngx
+ push: ng-array-body
+ ng-array-body:
+ - meta_scope: meta.sequence.array.ngx
+ - match: \]
+ scope: punctuation.section.sequence.end.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - include: ng-expressions
+###[ ANGULAR GROUPS ]##########################################################
+ ng-groups:
+ - match: \(
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.ngx
+ push: ng-group-body
+ ng-group-body:
+ - meta_scope: meta.group.ngx
+ - match: \)
+ scope: punctuation.section.group.end.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - include: ng-expressions
+###[ ANGULAR OBJECTS ]#########################################################
+ ng-objects:
+ - match: \{
+ scope: meta.mapping.ngx punctuation.section.mapping.begin.ngx
+ push: ng-object-body
+ ng-object-body:
+ - meta_content_scope: meta.mapping.ngx
+ - match: \}
+ scope: meta.mapping.ngx punctuation.section.mapping.end.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.mapping.pair.ngx
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: meta.mapping.ngx punctuation.separator.mapping.key-value.ngx
+ set: ng-object-value
+ - match: (?=\S)
+ set: ng-object-key
+ ng-object-key:
+ - meta_include_prototype: false
+ - match: '{{ident_name}}(?=\s*:)'
+ scope: meta.mapping.key.ngx meta.string.ngx string.unquoted.ngx
+ set: ng-object-body
+ - match: ''
+ set: ng-object-key-expression
+ ng-object-key-expression:
+ - meta_content_scope: meta.mapping.key.ngx
+ - match: (?=[,:}])
+ set: ng-object-body
+ - include: ng-block-pop
+ - include: ng-expressions
+ ng-object-value:
+ - meta_content_scope: meta.mapping.value.ngx
+ - match: (?=[,:}])
+ set: ng-object-body
+ - include: ng-block-pop
+ - include: ng-expressions
+###[ ANGULAR FILTERS ]#########################################################
+ ng-filters:
+ - match: \|(?!\|)
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.pipe.ngx
+ push:
+ - ng-filter-meta
+ - ng-filter-function
+ ng-filter-function:
+ - match: (({{ident_name}})\s*)(\()
+ captures:
+ 1: meta.function-call.identifier.ngx
+ 2: variable.function.filter.ngx
+ 3: meta.function-call.arguments.ngx punctuation.section.arguments.begin.ngx
+ set: ng-function-call-arguments
+ - match: '{{ident_name}}'
+ scope: meta.function-call.identifier.ngx variable.function.filter.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - include: else-pop
+ ng-filter-meta:
+ - meta_include_prototype: false
+ - meta_scope: meta.filter.ngx
+ - include: immediately-pop
+###[ ANGULAR FUNCTION CALLS ]##################################################
+ ng-function-calls:
+ - match: (({{ident_name}})\s*)(\()
+ captures:
+ 1: meta.function-call.identifier.ngx
+ 2: variable.function.ngx
+ 3: meta.function-call.arguments.ngx punctuation.section.arguments.begin.ngx
+ push: ng-function-call-arguments
+ ng-function-call-arguments:
+ - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.ngx
+ - match: \)
+ scope: meta.function-call.arguments.ngx punctuation.section.arguments.end.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.arguments.ngx
+ - include: ng-expressions
+###[ ANGULAR OPERATORS ]#######################################################
+ ng-operators:
+ # https://angular.dev/guide/templates/expression-syntax#what-operators-are-supported
+ - match: ','
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.ngx
+ - match: ';'
+ scope: punctuation.terminator.expression.ngx
+ - match: '[!=]==?|[<>]=?'
+ scope: keyword.operator.comparison.ngx
+ - match: '[-+*/%]'
+ scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.ngx
+ - match: '&&|\|\||!'
+ scope: keyword.operator.logical.ngx
+ - match: '='
+ scope: keyword.operator.assignment.ngx
+ - match: \?\?
+ scope: keyword.operator.null-coalescing.ngx
+ - match: '\?'
+ scope: keyword.operator.ternary.ngx
+ push: ng-ternary-expression
+ ng-ternary-expression:
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: keyword.operator.ternary.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - include: ng-block-pop
+ - include: ng-expressions
+###[ ANGULAR LITERALS ]########################################################
+ ng-constants:
+ - match: true{{ident_break}}
+ scope: constant.language.boolean.true.ngx
+ - match: false{{ident_break}}
+ scope: constant.language.boolean.false.ngx
+ - match: null{{ident_break}}
+ scope: constant.language.null.ngx
+ - match: undefined{{ident_break}}
+ scope: constant.language.undefined.ngx
+ ng-numbers:
+ # floats
+ - match: |-
+ (?x:
+ # 1., 1.1, 1.1e1, 1.1e-1, 1.e1, 1.e-1 | 1e1, 1e-1
+ {{dec_integer}} (?: (\.) {{dec_digit}}* (?:{{dec_exponent}})? | {{dec_exponent}} )
+ # .1, .1e1, .1e-1
+ | (\.) {{dec_digit}}+ (?:{{dec_exponent}})?
+ ){{ident_break}}
+ scope: meta.number.float.decimal.ngx constant.numeric.value.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.separator.decimal.ngx
+ 2: punctuation.separator.decimal.ngx
+ # integers
+ - match: (0)({{dec_digit}}+){{ident_break}}
+ scope: meta.number.integer.octal.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: constant.numeric.base.ngx invalid.deprecated.numeric.octal.ngx
+ 2: constant.numeric.value.ngx invalid.deprecated.numeric.octal.ngx
+ - match: (0[Xx])({{hex_digit}}*)(n)?{{ident_break}}
+ scope: meta.number.integer.hexadecimal.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: constant.numeric.base.ngx
+ 2: constant.numeric.value.ngx
+ 3: constant.numeric.suffix.ngx
+ - match: (0[Oo])({{oct_digit}}*)(n)?{{ident_break}}
+ scope: meta.number.integer.octal.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: constant.numeric.base.ngx
+ 2: constant.numeric.value.ngx
+ 3: constant.numeric.suffix.ngx
+ - match: (0[Bb])({{bin_digit}}*)(n)?{{ident_break}}
+ scope: meta.number.integer.binary.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: constant.numeric.base.ngx
+ 2: constant.numeric.value.ngx
+ 3: constant.numeric.suffix.ngx
+ - match: ({{dec_integer}})(n|(?!\.)){{ident_break}}
+ scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.ngx
+ captures:
+ 1: constant.numeric.value.ngx
+ 2: constant.numeric.suffix.ngx
+ ng-strings:
+ - match: \"
+ scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.ngx
+ push: ng-double-quoted-string-body
+ - match: \'
+ scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.ngx
+ push: ng-single-quoted-string-body
+ ng-double-quoted-string-body:
+ - meta_include_prototype: false
+ - meta_scope: meta.string.ngx string.quoted.double.ngx
+ - match: \"
+ scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - match: \n
+ scope: invalid.illegal.newline.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - include: ng-string-content
+ ng-single-quoted-string-body:
+ - meta_include_prototype: false
+ - meta_scope: meta.string.ngx string.quoted.single.ngx
+ - match: \'
+ scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - match: \n
+ scope: invalid.illegal.newline.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - include: ng-string-content
+ ng-string-content:
+ - match: \\x\h{2}
+ scope: constant.character.escape.hex.ngx
+ - match: \\u\h{4}
+ scope: constant.character.escape.unicode.16bit.ngx
+ - match: \\.
+ scope: constant.character.escape.ngx
+###[ ANGULAR VARIABLES ]#######################################################
+ ng-variables:
+ - match: ({{ident_name}})\s*(\??\.)
+ captures:
+ 1: variable.other.object.ngx
+ 2: punctuation.accessor.ngx
+ push: ng-members
+ - match: '{{ident_name}}'
+ scope: variable.other.readwrite.ngx
+ push: ng-subscription
+ ng-members:
+ - match: ({{ident_name}})\s*(\??\.)
+ captures:
+ 1: variable.other.object.ngx
+ 2: punctuation.accessor.ngx
+ - match: (({{ident_name}})\s*)(\()
+ captures:
+ 1: meta.function-call.identifier.ngx
+ 2: variable.function.ngx
+ 3: meta.function-call.arguments.ngx punctuation.section.arguments.begin.ngx
+ set: ng-function-call-arguments
+ - match: '{{ident_name}}'
+ scope: variable.other.member.ngx
+ set: ng-subscription
+ - include: else-pop
+ ng-subscription:
+ - match: \[
+ scope: punctuation.section.subscription.begin.ngx
+ push: ng-subscription-body
+ - include: else-pop
+ ng-subscription-body:
+ - meta_scope: meta.subscription.ngx
+ - match: \]
+ scope: punctuation.section.subscription.end.ngx
+ pop: 1
+ - include: ng-expressions
+###[ ANGULAR PROTOTYPES ]######################################################
+ ng-block-pop:
+ - match: (?=[)}])
+ pop: 1
diff --git a/Symbol List - Variables.tmPreferences b/Symbol List - Variables.tmPreferences
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c028302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Symbol List - Variables.tmPreferences
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ scope
+ meta.let.identifier.ngx variable
+ settings
+ showInSymbolList
+ 1
+ showInIndexedSymbolList
+ 1
diff --git a/tests/syntax_test_control_flow.component.html b/tests/syntax_test_control_flow.component.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b452bc..0000000
--- a/tests/syntax_test_control_flow.component.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-@if (loggedIn) {
- The user is logged in
-} @else {
- The user is not logged in
-@if (a > b) {
- {{ a }} is greater than {{ b }}
-@if (a > b) {
- {{ a }} is greater than {{ b }}
-} @else if (b > a) {
- {{ a }} is less than {{ b }}
-} @else {
- {{ a }} is equal to {{ b }}
-@switch (accessLevel) {
- @case ('admin') {
- }
- @case ('moderator') {
- }
- @default {
- }
-@for (user of users; track user.id) {
- {{ user.name }}
-} @empty {
- Empty list of users
-@defer {
-@defer (on viewport) {
-} @placeholder {
-@defer (on viewport) {
-} @loading {
- Loading…
-} @error {
- Loading failed :(
-} @placeholder {
-@defer (on viewport; prefetch on idle) {
-@for (item of items; track item.id; let idx = $index, e = $even) {
- Item #{{ idx }}: {{ item.name }}
-@for (item of items) {
- {{ item.title }}
-@for (item of items) {
- {{ item.title }}
-} @empty {
No Items
-@for (item of items; track item.name) {
- {{ item.name }}
-} @empty {
- There are no items.
-@if (users$ | async; as users) {
- {{ users.length }}
-@for (item of items; track item.id) {
- {{ item.name }}
-@switch (condition) {
- @case (caseA) {
- Case A.
- }
- @case (caseB) {
- Case B.
- }
- @default {
- Default case.
- }
-@defer (on ; when ; prefetch on ; prefetch when ) {
-} @placeholder (minimum? ) {
- Placeholder
-} @loading (minimum? ; after? ) {
-} @error {
- An loading error occured
diff --git a/tests/syntax_test_scopes.component.html b/tests/syntax_test_scopes.component.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d10da1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax_test_scopes.component.html
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+@let name = user.name;
+@let greeting = 'Hello, ' + name;
+@let data = data$ | async;
+@if (a > b) {
+ {{ a }} is greater than {{ b }}
+} @else if (b > a()) {
+ {{ a() }} is less than {{ b.c() }}
+} @else {
+ {{ a }} is equal to {{ b }}
+@if (user.profile.settings.startDate; as startDate) {
+ {{ startDate }}
+@switch (accessLevel) {
+ @case ('admin') {
+ }
+ @case {
+ }
+ @default {
+ }
+@for (user of users; track user.id) {
+ {{ user.name }}
+} @empty {
+ Empty list of users
+@for (item of items; track item.id; let idx = $index, e = $even) {
+ Item #{{ idx }}: {{ item.name }}
+@if (users$ | async; as users) {
+ {{ users.length }}
+ @defer { }
+ @defer (on viewport) {
+ } @loading {
+ Loading…
+ } @error {
+ Loading failed :(
+ } @placeholder {
+ }
+@defer (on viewport; when $var prefetch on idle; prefetch when true) {
+ {{ 'Hello', "World" }}
+ {{ "\xAF \u2AFF \n \"" }}
+ {{ true, false, null, undefined }}
+ {{ Number, Boolean, NaN, Infinity, parseInt }}
+ {{ ['Onion', 'Cheese', 'Garlic'] }}
+ {{ { name: 'Alice', 'object': { array + "name": [0, 2, 3] } } }}
+ {{ - + * / % === !== == != = < <= >= > && || ! ?? }}
+ {{ foo ? bar : baz }}
+ {{ foo = null ?? 'default' }}
+ {{ person['name'][0] = "Mirabel" }}
+ {{ obj?.member }}
+ {{ obj.method() }}
+ {{ func(arg, "value") }}
+ {{ var | filter | annimation ("forward") }}