Releases: primefaces/primeng
Releases Β· primefaces/primeng
What's Changed
- Dynamic Dialog: Fixed errors when is opened by @SoyDiego in #13502
- π Fix: Resolves TypeError by renaming onKeyDown function to match its definition by @jhcpeixoto in #13490
- Editable Column: do not exit mode on shift enter by @123FLO321 in #11476
- Fixed #12706 - added isPlaying State and fixed usage of start- and stopAutoplay from outside of the component by @EnricoMessall in #12816
- fix(primeng/p-button): add disable class on host element by @volvachev in #12704
- fix(CI): remove outdated travis by @Rotzbua in #12611
- Pass autocomplete attribute into input element by @Salamek in #11020
- In primeng calendar, date can be lined through or disabled using date⦠there is no way to disable years by @faisal6699 in #12154
- Add overlayOptions properties to p-autocomplete, fixes #12600 by @JanST123 in #12601
- autofocus by default dynamic dialog by @brKlaus in #13113
- fix(primeng/p-chips): docs and type of property
by @volvachev in #12651 - Fix issue 12713 - Toggleable Panel inside another toggleable panel by @creed-maxeta in #12721
- Fixed #12775: p-multiSelect - Check selection limit when limit changes by @kyjus25 in #12797
- Feature #3496: Tooltip optionally take a TemplateRef by @kyjus25 in #12805
- [04152023] | [dONE] | Add locale property to paginator component and β¦ by @TaherShbnnzhd in #12898
- fix: formarray wrongly marked as touched by @davidediak in #12958
- fix(primeng/p-password): typo in template by @volvachev in #13031
- docs(primeng/p-speeddial): typos in tooltip and accessibility sections by @estellepicq in #13109
- (p-image) Add previewImageSrc attribute for preview image by @Adishone in #13185
- fix #13254 - TreeTable: selectionChange emitter type error by @ronozato in #13255
- Refactor dynamic dialog: Errors when is opened #13497 by @SoyDiego in #13538
- Fix #13522 - SplitButton [NG]: Menu is not closing when click on outside by @gucal in #13548
- Dropdown escape key event default prevented by @JanST123 in #13464
- Removed duplicated AppRoutingModule by @SoyDiego in #13535
- Add appendTo to Dynamic Dialog by @shayl29 in #12283
- feat(primeng/p-galleria): add new property for autoplay mode by @volvachev in #12965
- fix(primeng/p-chips): update the state of the
element when clear button is clicked by @volvachev in #13030 - Fix #13086 - KeyFilter.pattern type by @Menecats in #13087
- Fixed #13132 : Calendar: onModelChange not called with keepInvalid=true if user enters a well-formatted date but outside allowed range by @Siggen in #13133
- Fix #13246 - Do not prevent Enter key when using pKeyFilter by @driftfox in #13247
- fix(dialog): maximizable responsive dialog by @joreyaesh in #13269
- DynamicDialog missing prettier by @fbobbio in #13511
- 13519 fixed steps example broken by @SoyDiego in #13527
- jest test fixes via forwardRef by @umuero in #13429
- Remove duplicated code in selectRange method of Table component by @dylansyoung in #13543
- Fix (#13523) the problem of showing the badge in the components of Tieredmenu β¦ by @mehrabisajad in #13533
- Fixed #12722 - Calendar: Error if using datatype string with selectionMode="range" and keepInvalid=true by @jase88 in #13524
- inputTextArea: Fixed on click, makes scroll up by @SoyDiego in #13495
- Fix #13323 - Splitter: added min-width: 0 to nested panels by @acekeeper93 in #13324
- [FIX] removed duplicated "inputId" attribuite. by @pouyababaie in #13550
- [#13348] - Fixed calendar component, added yearOptions onInit by @SoyDiego in #13349
- docs: fix incorrect class names for ProgressSpinner by @Aniruddha-Shriwant in #13556
- fix: #13559 || DropDown filter search not trimming text and search gone empty by @ashikjs in #13563
- Modify refactor selectButton by @Kisters-BS in #13010
- feat: Add custom style class to p-table p-dataview p-treeview by @steve3d in #13205
- Fix fileUpload: choose button is disabled #13566 by @dylansyoung in #13567
- fix: #13560 || DropDown clear or close icon on click dropDown option show by @ashikjs in #13564
- Fix #13525 inputNumber not showing clear when 0 by @dylansyoung in #13555
- Picklist: Added dragConfig to assign zIndex by @SoyDiego in #13515
- fix: dialog component drag behavior by @Algoritm211 in #13492
- Change in TableRowSelectEvent property data by @indulakshmikr in #13430
- TreeTable and TreeSelect: Output emits wrong type (TreeTable.onNodeExpand and TreeSelect.onNodeUnselect and .onNodeSelect) by @BeGj in #13416
- OverlayPanel: Fixed does not hide after scrolling by @SoyDiego in #13480
- [#13344] - Fixed double call autocomplete component by @SoyDiego in #13350
- Fixed menu component, links without items turned group by @SoyDiego in #13378
- Add LazyLoadOnInit flag for Data View (#12526) by @femangl in #13520
- fix: #13572 || AutoComplete showClear close icon overlap with loader icon by @ashikjs in #13574
- feat: override toast default life by @sjwall in #13570
- Fix for incorrect behaviour when a column is both sortable and filter⦠by @senasowseelya in #13392
- fix: #13578 || Autocomplete Force Selection case sensitive issue by @ashikjs in #13579
New Contributors
- @123FLO321 made their first contribution in #11476
- @Salamek made their first contribution in #11020
- @faisal6699 made their first contribution in #12154
- @JanST123 made their first contribution in #12601
- @brKlaus made their first contribution in #13113
- @creed-maxeta made their first contribution in #12721
- @TaherShbnnzhd made their first contribution in #12898
- @davidediak made their first contribution in #12958
- @estellepicq made their first contribution in #13109
- @Adishone made their first contribution in #13185
- @ronozato made their first contribution in #13255
- @shayl29 made their first contribution in #12283
- @Siggen made their first contribution in #13133
- @driftfox made their first contribution in #13247
- @joreyaesh made their first contribution in #13269
- @fbobbio made their first contribution in #13511
- @umuero made their first contribution in #13429
- @dylansyoung made their first contribution in #13543
- @mehrabisajad made their first contribution in #13533
- @acekeeper93 made their first contribution in #13324
- @pouyababaie made their first contribution in #13550
- @Aniruddha-Shriwant made their first contribution in #13556
- @ashikjs made their first contribution in #13563
- @Algoritm211 made their first contribution in
What's Changed
- SplitButton menu options not working correctly in v16.1.0 by @biswasSaumyadip in #13391
- [#13368] Fixed OrganizationChart is not refreshing by @SoyDiego in #13396
- Fixed fileupload, now is showing multiple errors messages by @SoyDiego in #13399
- [#13426] - Fixed maxlength on inputNumber component by @SoyDiego in #13442
- [#13433] - Fixed double tap to open submenu in tieredmenu component by @SoyDiego in #13443
- fixed test failure "Expected '133px' to be greater than '37px'" by @nhnb in #13428
- Revert "[#13433] - Fixed double tap to open submenu in tieredmenu component" by @cetincakiroglu in #13450
- Fix Button Component: Loading and iconPosition by @SoyDiego in #13363
- Fixed #13455 - TieredMenu does not show sub menus when mouse is hovered over the parent menu item by @Maran23 in #13457
- Bugfix #13401 fix panelmenu style, styleClass, tooltip and tooltipOptions propagation by @GiacomoDM in #13452
- Bugfix #13431 Fix accordion accessibility by @GiacomoDM in #13432
- [#13384] multiselect-made overlay visible on unCheckAll toggle by @mohanreddyarolla in #13385
- Bugfix/#13421 tabview accessibility fixes by @GiacomoDM in #13423
- Bugfix #13435 Fix PanelMenu tab navigation by @GiacomoDM in #13436
- FileUpload: Added 1024 base unit conversion by @SoyDiego in #13473
- Accessibility by @cetincakiroglu in #13477
- Fix #13482 - Tooltip | Auto Hide Not Working by @gucal in #13483
New Contributors
- @Maran23 made their first contribution in #13457
- @GiacomoDM made their first contribution in #13452
- @mohanreddyarolla made their first contribution in #13385
Full Changelog: 16.1.0...16.2.0
What's Changed
- [#13271] - Added fit-content to autocomplete component by @SoyDiego in #13272
- [#13238] Fixed tooltip position and updated documentation by @SoyDiego in #13285
- [#13286] Fixed carousel docs examples adding changeDetectorRef by @SoyDiego in #13287
- Fix inplace close icon by @SoyDiego in #13291
- P-Table - Column resize not working as expected by @biswasSaumyadip in #12982
- [#13292] - added import AvatarGroupModule to docs by @SoyDiego in #13296
- [#13305] - Fixed ESC button close preview on image Component by @SoyDiego in #13309
- fix(primeng/p-slidemenu): use proper class name by @bayont in #13280
- #13273 ensure the right side of overlay does not exceed the right side of viewport by @AntonKorn in #13274
- Fix in treetable paginator icons not visible issue by @indulakshmikr in #13259
- Fixed OrderList examples and added description on API docs by @SoyDiego in #13337
- Button Docs Update: examples should use onClick instead of click by @SoyDiego in #13355
- fix(multiselect): typo in the templating demo by @dalenguyen in #13357
- Fix in Tree: Partially selected checkbox rendering by @indulakshmikr in #13261
- FIX: typo on primeng-table Warning by @RobertoVallado in #13244
- Accessibility by @cetincakiroglu in #13372
- [13322] - Fixed OrderList component (multiple selection and metakey) by @SoyDiego in #13341
New Contributors
- @SoyDiego made their first contribution in #13272
- @biswasSaumyadip made their first contribution in #12982
- @bayont made their first contribution in #13280
- @AntonKorn made their first contribution in #13274
- @dalenguyen made their first contribution in #13357
- @RobertoVallado made their first contribution in #13244
Full Changelog: 16.0.2...16.1.0
What's Changed
- π chore(menu.ts): export SafeHtmlPipe class to be able to use it by @jhcpeixoto in #13219
- fix in table- filter row clear icon not visible issue by @indulakshmikr in #13223
- π fix(table.ts): fix import path for FilterSlashIcon by @jhcpeixoto in #13225
- Fix: Default tooltip zIndex by @higorcavalcanti in #13221
- resolves #12637 -- uses proper group children property in dropdown autoselect by @contra1337 in #12638
- fixes 13119, by tweaking the documentation of paginator examples for programmatic usage by @koesper in #13120
New Contributors
- @jhcpeixoto made their first contribution in #13219
- @higorcavalcanti made their first contribution in #13221
- @contra1337 made their first contribution in #12638
- @koesper made their first contribution in #13120
Full Changelog: 16.0.1...16.0.2
What's Changed
- fix(primeng/documentation): change flow for sidebar for first child by @volvachev in #13189
- fix(primeng/p-pickList): documentation not render data by @volvachev in #13188
- fix(primeng/p-menu): render html via
by @volvachev in #13210 - fix(primeng/p-button): not working
property, update loadingdoc example by @volvachev in #13209 - fix: update angular version restriction by @steve3d in #13203
- fix(primeng/p-confirmDialog): not updated style in runtime by @volvachev in #13175
- Fix #13129 - FileUpload | File limit does not fire error by @gucal in #13137
- fix(primeng/p-button): spinner style not working propely by @volvachev in #13173
- Fix #13201 - OverlayPanel: Incorrect position when inside of dialog i⦠by @gucal in #13215
- fix in accordion tab icon Position by @indulakshmikr in #13055
- Fixed #13116 Autocomplete dead animations code by @czogran in #13117
- Add optional chaining operator by @ruskovweb in #13095
- fix(primeng/p-selectButton): with empty template not render default template by @volvachev in #13174
- Update dynamicdialog-config.ts by @tomerof in #13019
- Take into account that options can be grouped when validating input. by @erikhorlings in #12628
- fix #13124 by @barais in #13206
- fix(primeng/p-dynamicDialog): add resize handler in case when
changed in runtime by @volvachev in #13198 - Types demos by @gucal in #13136
New Contributors
- @indulakshmikr made their first contribution in #13055
- @czogran made their first contribution in #13117
- @ruskovweb made their first contribution in #13095
- @tomerof made their first contribution in #13019
- @erikhorlings made their first contribution in #12628
- @barais made their first contribution in #13206
Full Changelog: 16.0.0...16.0.1
What's Changed
- Fix: #12906 - MultiSelect - maxSelectionLimit not refreshed after cle⦠by @gucal in #12930
- Fixed #12915 - p-inputNumber | ngModelOptions is not taken into account by @cetincakiroglu in #12917
- Closes #12936: Wrong Documentation for Defer by @Anupam96786 in #12938
- Update inputnumber.ts by @Pierre-The-Rock-Bernier in #12779
- fix(primeng/pFrozenColumn): update condition for a dynamic row by @volvachev in #12752
- Fixed #12744 - Adding change detection in TabMenu by @NickTsitlakidis in #12745
- Add removeChip event for custom selectedItems template by @gitsbwebdeveloper in #12699
- Fix: 12932 - MultiSelect | Alignment is broken if showClear is enabled by @gucal in #12940
- Fix Issue 12493: Last slot of reorderable table breaks when page is scrolled by @hugoaboud in #12853
- fix(primeng/p-inputNumber): reactive form updateOn
by @volvachev in #12681 - Fix clear function not resetting all filters by @Kisters-BS in #12904
- fix: focus does not work on nested dialog by @mselerin in #12039
- Autocomplete: Issue with Virtual Scroll #12568 by @hamzajazyri in #12619
- Update by @gucal in #12953
- Add Changelog Archive by @gucal in #12966
- Types misc by @cetincakiroglu in #12984
- Issue 12990 by @cetincakiroglu in #12991
- Issue 12990 by @cetincakiroglu in #12994
- fix(autocomplete): #13026 clear working properly in single mode by @denny99 in #13028
- Type improvements by @cetincakiroglu in #13069
- Update changelog & set new version by @cetincakiroglu in #13070
- Fixed #13013 - ContextMenu | Multiple contextmenu components showing β¦ by @cetincakiroglu in #13075
- disabled pointer events for disabled button by @shreyashrajiokalaskar in #13047
- Update slider eventsdoc for onSlideEnd event.values by @yannickberk in #13059
- docs:fix typo by @213edu in #13036
- fix(primeng/p-table): the scroller is on initial load undefined when filters are set by @alexandergu in #13014
- Fix #13079 - Wrong type definition of ToastCloseEvent by @Menecats in #13080
- Apidoc by @cetincakiroglu in #13172
- Fix 13159 - PrimeNG Website - Documentation for Toast missing positio⦠by @gucal in #13179
- fix type by @VCourdy in #13153
- Fix #13088 - Broken Stackblitz demos by @gucal in #13102
- Fixed #13083 - FileUpload checkFileLimit() empties messages by @hohmanng in #13084
- Fix #13122 - Imported PlusIcon module to Tree component by @kkovac1 in #13127
- fix(primeng/p-tabview): typo in p-tabview template by @vishal-s-patel in #13107
- Fix #13177 - Icons: clipPath improvements by @gucal in #13178
- Fix for confirmPopup setTimeout issues by @jacks-bush in #13035
New Contributors
- @Pierre-The-Rock-Bernier made their first contribution in #12779
- @NickTsitlakidis made their first contribution in #12745
- @gitsbwebdeveloper made their first contribution in #12699
- @hugoaboud made their first contribution in #12853
- @hamzajazyri made their first contribution in #12619
- @denny99 made their first contribution in #13028
- @shreyashrajiokalaskar made their first contribution in #13047
- @yannickberk made their first contribution in #13059
- @213edu made their first contribution in #13036
- @alexandergu made their first contribution in #13014
- @VCourdy made their first contribution in #13153
- @hohmanng made their first contribution in #13084
- @kkovac1 made their first contribution in #13127
- @vishal-s-patel made their first contribution in #13107
- @jacks-bush made their first contribution in #13035
Full Changelog: 15.4.1...16.0.0
What's Changed
- Types misc by @cetincakiroglu in #12984
- fix(autocomplete): #13026 clear working properly in single mode by @denny99 in #13028
- Type improvements by @cetincakiroglu in #13069
- Update changelog & set new version by @cetincakiroglu in #13070
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 16.0.0-rc.1...16.0.0-rc.2
What's Changed
- Fix: #12906 - MultiSelect - maxSelectionLimit not refreshed after cle⦠by @gucal in #12930
- Fixed #12915 - p-inputNumber | ngModelOptions is not taken into account by @cetincakiroglu in #12917
- Closes #12936: Wrong Documentation for Defer by @Anupam96786 in #12938
- Update inputnumber.ts by @Pierre-The-Rock-Bernier in #12779
- fix(primeng/pFrozenColumn): update condition for a dynamic row by @volvachev in #12752
- Fixed #12744 - Adding change detection in TabMenu by @NickTsitlakidis in #12745
- Add removeChip event for custom selectedItems template by @gitsbwebdeveloper in #12699
- Fix: 12932 - MultiSelect | Alignment is broken if showClear is enabled by @gucal in #12940
- Fix Issue 12493: Last slot of reorderable table breaks when page is scrolled by @hugoaboud in #12853
- fix(primeng/p-inputNumber): reactive form updateOn
by @volvachev in #12681 - Fix clear function not resetting all filters by @Kisters-BS in #12904
- fix: focus does not work on nested dialog by @mselerin in #12039
- Autocomplete: Issue with Virtual Scroll #12568 by @hamzajazyri in #12619
- Update by @gucal in #12953
- Add Changelog Archive by @gucal in #12966
- Issue 12990 by @cetincakiroglu in #12991
- Issue 12990 by @cetincakiroglu in #12994
New Contributors
- @Pierre-The-Rock-Bernier made their first contribution in #12779
- @NickTsitlakidis made their first contribution in #12745
- @gitsbwebdeveloper made their first contribution in #12699
- @hugoaboud made their first contribution in #12853
- @hamzajazyri made their first contribution in #12619
Full Changelog: 15.4.1...16.0.0-rc.1
update changelog
What's Changed
- fix(primeng/p-table):
event data by @volvachev in #12824 - Fix: #12842 MultiSelect | Add gap and text ellipsis to multiselect-chip by @gucal in #12843
- CMD key triggering re-highlight by @kyjus25 in #12850
- fix(primeng/p-tabmenu): not visible menu item, update style for .p-hidden by @volvachev in #12828
- fix(primeng/p-inputNumber): spinner button
click indefinitely recalculate by @volvachev in #12817 - Closes #12847: Wrong Documentation for Carousel by @Anupam96786 in #12848
- Fixed #12792: Z-index of code blocks over MegaMenu by @kyjus25 in #12794
- fix(primeng/p-megaMenu):
not working in submenu items by @volvachev in #12791 - Fixed #12795: p-fileUpload missing HttpClientModule import by @kyjus25 in #12796
- Icons by @cetincakiroglu in #12908
- docs(components): fix typo by @alessio-libardi-zupit in #12900
- chore(zonejs): allow zonejs 0.13.0 by @jase88 in #12852
- fix(primeng/p-overlay): not correctly condition for resize overlay container by @volvachev in #12799
- Fixed #12785: Icon constants code block not accurate on new docs by @kyjus25 in #12786
- fix(primeng/p-dialog): add
attribute in documentation for maximizabledoc by @NrujalSharma in #12895 - fix issue 12883: autocomplete not scrolling on arrow down by @Marcio-H in #12885
- fix(primeng/p-tabview): show the
button when necessary by @volvachev in #11719
New Contributors
- @Anupam96786 made their first contribution in #12848
- @alessio-libardi-zupit made their first contribution in #12900
- @jase88 made their first contribution in #12852
- @NrujalSharma made their first contribution in #12895
- @Marcio-H made their first contribution in #12885
Full Changelog: 15.3.0...15.4.0