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A library to build bridges to GraphQL services.


Bridges to Graphql services are defined by useing the BridgeEx.Graphql macro as follows:

defmodule MyApp.SomeServiceBridge do
  use BridgeEx.Graphql, endpoint: "", decode_keys: :strings

  def my_query(%{} = variables) do
    call("a graphql query or mutation", variables, retry_policy: [max_retries: 1])

Besides endpoint and decode_keys, the following parameters can be optionally set when useing BridgeEx.Graphql:

  • auth0
  • encode_variables
  • format_response
  • format_variables
  • http_headers
  • http_options
  • log_options
  • max_attempts ⚠ Deprecated in favour of retry_options in call method

The option decode_keys determines how JSON keys in GraphQL responses are decoded. If you don't provide it, it is set by default to :atoms, which is highly discouraged since it may raise security concerns (see "Decoding keys to atoms" in Jason documentation for more information). Other decoding modes are :strings and :existing_atoms which are safer. In a future version, this option will be set by default to :strings.

Refer to the documentation for more details.

If you need more control on your requests you can use directly.

The library supports preloading queries from external files via the BridgeEx.Extensions.ExternalResources optional macro:

defmodule MyApp.SomeServiceBridge do
  use BridgeEx.Graphql, endpoint: "", decode_keys: :strings
  use BridgeEx.Extensions.ExternalResources, resources: [my_query: "my_query.graphql"]

  def my_query(%{} = variables), do: call(my_query(), variables)

Runtime options

The options passed to the BridgeEx.Graphql macro are evaluated at compile time. If you need the value of one or more options to be evaluated at runtime (e.g. because they depend on environment variables), you can configure those options for a specific bridge in the application environment.

Each bridge will first try to get its options from the ones passed to use. If those are not defined, it will try to get them from the :bridge_ex, __MODULE__ key in the application environment. If the latter are not present either, it will resort to the default values.

Here's an example:

# config.exs
config :bridge_ex, SomeBridge, endpoint: "http://some-service/graphql"

# some_bridge.ex
defmodule SomeBridge do
  use BridgeEx.Graphql

  def my_query(%{} = variables) do
    # this will call http://some-service/graphql
    call("a graphql query or mutation", variables)

NOTE: If you pass the same option both in the application configuration and via use, the one passed via use (evaluated at compile time) will have the precedence.

Call options

When calling you can provide the following options, some of which override the ones provided at the bridge level:

  • headers (overrides http_headers bridge option)
  • options (overrides http_options bridge option)
  • retry_options

Return values

call can return one of the following values:

  • {:ok, graphql_response} on success
  • {:error, graphql_error} on graphql error (i.e. 200 status code but errors array is not nil)
  • {:error, {:bad_response, status_code}} on non 200 status code
  • {:error, {:http_error, reason}} on http error e.g. :econnrefused

Customizing the retry options

By default if max_attempts is greater than 1, the bridge retries every error regardless of its value (⚠ This way is deprecated). This behaviour can be customized by providing the retry_options to a call. retry_options: override configuration regarding retries, namely

  • delay: meaning depends on timing
  • :constant: retry ever delay ms
  • :exponential: start retrying with delay ms
  • max_retries. Defaults to 0
  • policy: a function that takes an error as input and returns true/false to indicate whether to retry the error or not. Defaults to "always retry" (fn _ -> true end).
  • timing: either :exponentialor:constant, indicates how frequently retries are made (e.g. every 1s, in an exponential manner and so on). Defaults to :exponential

A policy example:

retry_policy = fn errors ->
  case errors do
    {:bad_response, 400} -> true
    {:http_error, _reason} -> true
    [%{message: "some_error", extensions: %{code: "SOME_CODE"}}] -> true
    _ -> false

defmodule BridgeWithCustomRetry do
  use BridgeEx.Graphql,
    endpoint: "", decode_keys: :strings
end"myquery", %{}, retry_options: [policy: retry_policy, max_retries: 2])

(Deprecated) Global configuration

The following configuration parameters can be set globally for all bridges in the app, by setting them inside your config.exs:

  • config :bridge_ex, log_options: [log_query_on_error: true, log_response_on_error: false] to customize logging in your bridges

Please note that this config has been deprecated since it's a footgun for umbrella apps and bad library design in general.

Authenticating calls via Auth0

bridge_ex supports authentication of machine-to-machine calls via Auth0, through the prima_auth0_ex library.

To use this feature do the following:

  • update your config.exs with the necessary config to create API consumers with prima_auth0_ex, see the documentation
  • add :prima_auth0_ex as a dependency in your mix project

Then configure your bridge with the audience of the target service:

use BridgeEx.Graphql,
  endpoint: "...",
  decode_keys: :strings,
  auth0: [
    enabled: true,
    audience: "target_audience",
    # You can optionally specify a client (in case you defined multiple ones)
    # Otherwise, the :default_client will be used instead
    # client: :target_client

Note that Auth0 integration must be explicitly enabled for each bridge where you want it by setting auth0: [enable: true], as per the example above.

Testing your bridge

As a good practice, if you want to mock your bridge for testing, you should define a behaviour:

defmodule MyApp.SomeService do
  @callback my_cool_query(any()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

Then implement it for your bridge:

defmodule MyApp.SomeServiceBridge do
  @behaviour MyApp.SomeService

  use BridgeEx.Graphql, endpoint: "..."

And finally implement it again for the mock:

defmodule MyApp.SomeServiceBridgeMock do
  @behaviour MyApp.SomeService

  alias BridgeEx.Graphql.Utils

  def my_cool_query(%{} = variables) do!("some_mock_file.json")
    |> Json.decode!(keys: :atoms)
    # required to parse data
    |> Utils.parse_response()
    # optional, if you want to format the response
    # |> BridgeEx.Graphql.Formatter.SnakeCase.format()

You can now set the right module in your config/* directory:

config :my_app, :some_service_bridge, MyApp.SomeServiceBridge

# or

config :my_app, :some_service_bridge, MyApp.SomeServiceBridgeMock

And use it in your app from configuration:

@some_service Application.compile_env!(:my_app, :some_service_bridge)

# ...

@some_service.my_cool_query(%{var: 2})

See example directory for an implementation, it also works in dev and test environments.


mix deps.get && mix test


The package can be installed by adding bridge_ex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:bridge_ex, "~> 2.0.0"}
    # only if you want auth0 too
    # {:prima_auth0_ex, "~> 0.3.0"}

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2020

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. See the file for more details.