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Spaghetti Gradle Plugin

For an example on how to use the plugin, see the Spaghetti Gradle example here. If you want to work with one of the supported languages, it's better to use the Spaghetti plugin through its language-specific descendants:

Gradle 2.0 or newer is required to use the plugins.

Basic usage

buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {
        classpath "com.prezi.spaghetti:gradle-spaghetti-plugin:<version>"

apply plugin: "spaghetti"

For available version numbers, please check the list of Spaghetti releases.

When applied to a project, the plugin configures a number of things:

  • Creates the modules configuration -- the main configuration to publish module bundles to
  • Creates the modulesObf configuration to publish obfuscated module bundles to
  • Adds the spaghetti extension to the build
  • Adds a GenerateHeaders task (see below) that looks for definitions in src/main/spaghetti

When using either the Spaghetti Haxe plugin or the Spaghetti TypeScript plugin, generated code will automatically be included in the compilation of your code, and a BundleModule and an ObfuscateModule task is automatically created. The bundled and obfuscated ZIPs are automatically added to the artifacts of the modules and modulesObf configurations, respectively.


spaghetti {
    // Pre-configure all Spaghetti tasks to use this language
    language <language>

    // Use this configuration to look for dependent modules and to publish bundles
    configuration <configuration>

    // Use this configuration to publish obfuscated bundles
    obfuscatedConfiguration <configuration>


Generating Headers

task generateHeaders(type: com.prezi.spaghetti.gradle.GenerateHeaders) {
    // The Spaghetti definition file
    definition <file>

    // The language to generate headers in
    language <language>

    // Dependent module bundles
    // Accepts all parameters as project.files()
    dependentModules <files...>

    // The location to generate headers into
    outputDirectory <directory>

Generating Stubs

Bundling the Module

task bundleModule(type: com.prezi.spaghetti.gradle.BundleModule) {
    // The Spaghetti definition file
    definition <file>

    // The language of the module's implementation
    language <language>
    // The compiled JavaScript code of the module
    inputFile <file>

    // Dependent module bundles
    // Accepts all parameters as project.files()
    dependentModules <files...>

    // The location to create the bundle in
    outputDirectory <directory>


The ObfuscateModule task takes the same properties as BundleModule, and adds some more:

task obfuscateModule(type: com.prezi.spaghetti.gradle.ObfuscateModule) {
    // Extern definition files for Closure (see below)
    closureExterns <files>
    // Additional symbols to protect during Closure compilation
    additionalSymbols <symbols>
    // Working directory for Closure compiler
    workDir <directory>

Read more here about why and how externs can be useful.

Packaging applications

task packageApplication(type: com.prezi.spaghetti.gradle.PackageApplication) {
    // Dependent module bundles
    // Accepts all parameters as project.files()
    dependentModules <files...>

    // Name of the main module of the application
    mainModule <name>
    // Whether or not to actually call mainModule.main()
    execute <true|false>
    // The name of the application (executable name is applicationName + '.js')
    applicationName <name>
    // The type of the packaging (see below)
    type <packaging>

    // The location to create the bundle in
    outputDirectory <directory>

Available packaging types are (case-insensitive):

  • node or commonjs for CommonJS/NodeJS compatible executable
  • amd or requirejs for AMD/RequireJS compatible executable