The purpose of the cache reducer to fix a fundamental flaw in Redux. The defacto async processes in Redux is Thunks and Sagas. Both have the issue of doing async before updating the reducer. The Cache Reducer (along with the mutate
function) does it's work 100% synchonously then queues up the database changes to be eventually consistent. The result is that the UI immediatly reflects changes and eventually the data will process and update Redux.
Cache Reducer Structure
store: {
firestore: {
cache: {
database: {
[collection_path]: {
[docId1]: { id:docId1, path:collection_path, ...doc1 },
databaseOverrides: {
// overrides mirrors database but is deleted as soon
// as Firestore resolves a write request
[storeAs]: {
ordered: [
[collection_path, docId1],
[collection_path, docId2],],
docs: [{ ...doc1 }, { ...doc2 },],
via: 'memory' | 'cache' | 'server',