- Added i18n support for date picker placeholder text via the
- Added ability to hoist timezone dropdown
- added the ability for the picker to go into full screen mode through
- added
, andcollapsed
- added a
- Broke components up so iron-dropdown content is in a separate component, px-datetime-picker-content
- Added px-overlay-content to hoist px-datetime-picker-content up the dom
- Added hoist option, defaulted to false
- Added containerType option to specify which container it should hoist to
- fixing demo pages for IE11
- Updated to newest px-datetime-common behavior versions
- added
to travis file
- fix links in docs
- Add editor for momentObj to demo
- Polymer 1.X/2.Xhybrid support
property no longer exists. Please use onlymomentObj
instead (which is a moment object.)- Ability to have
null so that the datepicker can be empty
- added properties fullContainer and fitIntoElement
- fixed/refactored tests
- fixed typo that caused button to always apply the change
- add device flags
- migrate to iron-dropdown
- updated css variables documentation
- add min and max date support
- Fix comment for analyzer
- runtime theming for demo
- component redesign
- combined -predix and -sketch sass files
- update dependencies for design refresh
- part of the timezone time issue fix. px-rangepicker issue #39
- update readme and remove old component image
- add resolution for webcomponentsjs
- added localization through resources, language, formats and Px.moment.changeLocale()
- converted time zone property to typeahead
- fixed border color and exposed css variable
- add Event Fired information
- merged PR fixing attached typo
- add link to Moment documentation
- added styling section to API documentation
- fixed timing bug that prevented the dateTime property from getting applied
- Moved theming style includes and updated ghp.sh
- updated api for new colors
- fix component link in demo
- Update to px-demo
- removed demosass
- Updated to cool grays
- Update colors design to pick up new colors
- changing ghp.sh to account for Alpha releases
- fixed demo (#9)
- Update missed design dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- changing browser in wct testing from safari 8 to safari 10 on elcapitan
- updating slider dependency
- changing all devDeps to ^
- Update dependencies
- Update px-theme to 2.0.1 and update test fixtures
- fixed the bug that prevented the up and down arrows from going to a past or future date if blocked
- update dependencies for dropdown
- removing px-theme style call
- changing Gruntfile.js to gulpfile.js
- added style variables for theming
- bower updating px-demo-snippet
- bumped calendar picker to fix icons not showing up
- Fixed codepen
- Update dependencies
- Latest gulpfile update to latest demo snippet component
- Fixing up dependency versions
- Grunt to gulp migration & style modules
- Fixed demo event counter
- added overflow to demoContainer and removed flex__wrap from mega-demo
- updated mega demo styles and bower px-demo-snippet to ^
- added image to readme, removed watch, added view on github
- Added vulcanize
- Updated wording in demo
- Added blockPastDates and blockFutureDates to px-datetime-field
- Added new demos
- Added blockPastDates
- Use local copy of moment.js
- upgrade bower dependencies
- Initial release