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Carousel for Android

A carousel for Android applications with built-in page indicators.

Implemented as a custom view that renders a carousel leveraging ViewPager2, with an extensible Adapter system that allows you to build the carousel you want.

The example application has two bare-bones adapter implementations that can function as a quick-start, both of which are marked as open:

  • CarouselViewsAdapter for a simple, generic View adapter.
  • CarouselImagesAdapter as an example of a slightly more involved adapter that delegates binding behaviour to the custom object type CarouselImage that was created for handling loading of either a resource or a Uri image via Coil.

Built with versatility in mind. All the Carousel needs is some implementation of a CarouselAdapter. Simply instantiate the Carousel in your activity or fragment, create the adapter, and attach it. Everything else is handled for you.

Implementations of CarouselAdapter have a default / standard ViewHolder baked in for use if desired - called DefaultCarouselViewHolder. It has a simple indeterminate loading circle . You can get an instance of this ViewHolder by calling CarouselAdapter.getDefaultCarouselViewHolder(parentView)

If you are not interested in this pre-packaged ViewHolder, onCreateViewHolder and onBindViewHolder should return and work with your own implementation of a CarouselAdapter.CarouselViewHolder.

Currently active item indicators are also automatically created and kept in sync with the carousel's ViewPager.

Carousel example

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Carousel has a co-dependency on AndroidX's RecyclerView, as adapters inherit from RecyclerView.Adapter. You can fulfill this dependency either through the AndroidX RecyclerView package or the ViewPager2 package.

=> See RecyclerView Releases for the latest RecyclerView version(s)

=> See ViewPager2 Releases for the latest ViewPager2 version(s)

implementation 'com.meetarp:carousel:$carouselVersion'

// and one of...
implementation 'androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2:$viewPager2_version'
implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:$recyclerview_version'


Has multiple defined attributes that you can specify in your XML layout or manipulate programmatically:

XML Attribute Description Default
app:carousel_backgroundColor @ColorInt The color that will be applied to the background of the carousel, if visible. android.R.color.transparent
app:carousel_showIndicators Boolean Determines whether or not to show the indicators at all. true
app:carousel_indicatorPosition Enum Position of indicators relative to the carousel content(s). One of "top", "bottom", "start" or "end". bottom
app:carousel_insetIndicators Boolean Determines whether or not to inset the carousel item indicators. true
app:carousel_indicatorColor @ColorInt Color to tint all carousel item indicators. android.R.color.white
app:carousel_indicatorOffset @Dimension Dimension (pixels) representing the distance between the bottom of the viewpager and the closest edge of the indicator container (bottom edge if indicators are inset, top edge if outset) 16dp
app:carousel_indicatorSize @Dimension Dimension (pixels) for the base size of all carousel item indicators. 5dp
app:carousel_indicatorSpacing @Dimension Dimension (pixels) for the total space in between carousel item indicators. 10dp
app:carousel_indicatorActiveScaleFactor Float Scale factor for the selected state of a carousel item indicator. 1.8


**NOTE: app:carousel_indicatorPosition will affect the scrolling behaviour of the ViewPager! Start and end positions will cause vertical scrolling while top and bottom positions cause horizontal scrolling.

Note: It is highly recommended that you constrain the height of the Carousel so that the viewpager does not resize itself when loading items of drastically different sizes. What that means for the sizing controls of the views you pass in is up to you; it is recommended that they be of similar (if not identical) heights.

In Layout XML

<!-- Shown with all of the default values as described in the table above -->
        app:carousel_indicatorActiveScaleFactor="1.8" />

In Activity/Fragment

// Capture the reference to the carousel
val carousel: Carousel<CarouselImage> = findViewById(

// Populate the image list with drawables
val images = mutableListOf<CarouselImage>()

// Create the adapter and set the items
val imagesAdapter = CarouselImagesAdapter()

// Attach a click listener, if you want.
// This is a slightly improved View.OnClickListener that includes
// carousel item position
imagesAdapter.itemClickListener = object : Carousel.ItemClickListener {
    override fun onItemClicked(view: View, position: Int) {
        // ... do something

// Give the carousel the adapter
carousel.adapter = imagesAdapter

// Listen for paging events if you're interested in that information
carousel.pageChangeListener = object : ViewPager2.OnPageChangeCallback {
    override fun onPageSelected(position: Int) {
        // ... do something

// All of the xml attributes can also be set through code using identically named accessors
carousel.carouselBackgroundColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.grey)
carousel.showIndicators = true
carousel.indicatorPosition = Carousel.IndicatorPosition.START
carousel.insetIndicators = false
carousel.indicatorOffset = dpAsPx(20f)
carousel.indicatorColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.royal_blue)
carousel.indicatorSize = dpAsPx(8f)
carousel.indicatorSpacing = dpAsPx(12f)
carousel.indicatorActiveScaleFactor = 1.5f

The Adapter

CarouselAdapter is an adapter with a slight implementation on top of RecyclerView.Adapter. You can retrieve an item passed to the adapter from setItems(...) by accessing the carouselItems protected member:

override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: CarouselViewHolder, position: Int) {
    val item = carouselItems[position]
    // ... do something with the item

Working with changing data

If you find that you need to update your carousel items after its initial population, you will have to call adapter.setItems(newList) with the new data.

The default handling of this data swap is a call to notifyDataSetChanged().

However, there is an opportunity to handle the data change event in a way of your own choosing (as an example: using DiffUtils) if the adapter has provided an override for handleDataChange(oldData, newData) and returns true.

The default return value for handleDataChange(oldData, newData) is false.

Please see CarouselAdapter.setItems() if this is unclear.


CarouselAdapter.getDefaultCarouselViewHolder(parentView) provides an instance of DefaultCarouselViewHolder with publicly exposed members:

  • container (ViewGroup - RelativeLayout)
  • progressBar (ProgressBar)

An example of working with these members and the default ViewHolder can be seen in CarouselImagesAdapter in the example application.