writeConcern is also an option! jut like Ordered in an option in the insterMany() function!
writeCOncern works both in insertOne() and insertMany()
syntax of it is: {w: , j:, wtimeout: }
products> db.books.insertOne({name: "A", price:1}) products> db.books.insertOne({name: "B", price:2}, {writeConcern: {w:0}})
w:0 garda acknowledge: false auxa, not acknowledge: true and acknowledge faluse auda hamro operation fast chalxa than true auda..
by dejault j:faluse hunxa. but when j = true then operation feri slow chalxa, j=journal, suppose kaam garirako bichama mongoDB server crash/restart bhayo rey, then journal true xah bhaney herxa ki last mah k gardai thiye server crash hunu agadi, soo teii bata agadi badxa, but journal false gareko xah bhaney first bata feri sabai operations restart hunxa!
products> db.books.insertOne({name: "B", price:2}, {writeConcern: {w:0, j:true}})
db.books.insertOne( {name: "B", price: 2}, { writeConcern: { w: 0, // Number of replica set members to acknowledge the write j: true // Journal acknowledgment }, wtimeout: 5000 // Wait for acknowledgment for 5 seconds (in milliseconds) } );
In this example, the insertOne
operation inserts a document into the "books" collection. The writeConcern
specifies that MongoDB should wait for acknowledgment from 0 replica set members and enable journal acknowledgment (j: true). Additionally, wtimeout
is set to 5000 milliseconds, meaning MongoDB will wait up to 5 seconds for acknowledgment before aborting the operation.