- Updated to Mesos dependency to 1.8.1.
- Pants version bumped up to 1.23.0.
- Minimum Vagrant version bumped up to 2.2.9.
- Updated to Mesos 1.7.2.
- Updated node dependencies including eslint to 7.5.0.
- Bumped up Node version to 12.18.3
- com.github.node-gradle.node plugin bumped up to 2.2.4
- Added UNSAFE prefixes to the required functions in react code.
- Updated Quartz Scheduler to 2.3.1
- Updated Gradle to version 5.6.4
- Updated Guava to 29.0-jre
- Updated SpotBugs to 4.2.0
- Updated Commons to 3.10
- Updated Guice to 4.2.3
- Improved the way Updates handle paused/resumed updates where instance updates previously failed. Previously, upon resuming a paused update, previously failed updates would be retried. This would make updates take longer than expected, specifically when using the auto-pause mechanism.
- Modified auto-pause mechanism to address a corner case where the status of an instance in a batch would not enter a terminal state before the batch was paused. This resulted in undesired behavior when the updated was resumed if that instance update had failed.
- Auto-pause update mechanism now makes sure all instances have entered a terminal state [SUCCEDED, FAILED] before pausing the update. With this change, the final pause to acknowledge an update had sucessfully completed has also been dropped.
- Support has been added to use a resource with the key ips from Mesos.
- Please see the last Apache Aurora release notes