Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/pradeepb6/tk_praktikum.git
Install NodeJS, mongodb, grunt (globally) and bower (globally)
Installs the required npm packages
npm install
Installs the required bower components
bower install
Configuration file:
mv config_template.js config.js
To create roles and dummy user please do the following steps: comment the createDummyUsers(); and uncomment createRoles();
nodejs initdb.js
Now comment the line createRoles(); and uncomment createDummyUsers(); and run
nodejs initdb.js
Rename config_template.js to config.js and add the required information in the config file.
Start Node server:
npm start
Goto to your browser and access the app using localhost:3000
You should be able to see 'Conference Management Systems' on your browser. -
Credentials for 'chair' are
username: [email protected] password: 12345
Credentials for 'author' are
username: [email protected] to [email protected] password: 12345
Credentials for 'chair' are
username: [email protected] to [email protected] password: 12345