Execute the following command to build the application locally:
cd portato
npm install
npm start
Start by adding the API key to your environment f ile. To do so, create a ´.env.local´ in the portato directory if you don't already have it.
Add the following to your environment file:
Then go to the firebase project settings and copy the API key to your environment file including the quotation marks.
Then to deploy run the following commands within the portato directory:
npm install
npm run build
firebase login
firebase deploy
In case ´firebase login´ command returns ´firesbase: command not found´; execute the following command:
sudo npm install -g firebase-tools
Before you can run hooks, you need to have the pre-commit package manager installed.
Using pip:
pip install pre-commit
Install the git hook scripts by running:
pre-commit install
now pre-commit will run automatically on git commit!