This project aims to provide finer control over Terraria's PvP for a server running TSAPI and TShock.
The state of this repo is built for Terraria v1.3.5.3. As the interest in this plugin by 3rd parties remains low and it isn't written in a way that makes it easy for other servers to use, Dark Gaming has decided to continue future development in a private repo so we can focus on the features and setup that works best for us. This repo with code is left up for other developers who want a reference point for certain features or any developers who want to alter it for their own use.
- Damage modifications for weapons
- Projectile velocity modifications for weapons
- Server-sided health
- Teleportation disability
- Spectator mode
- Prefix trimming on armor
- Armor/Accessory banning
- Server-sided damage (Damage is calculated by the server)
- Trimming of duplicate accessories (works to provide the above point with correct damage)
- Potion heal control amount and cooldown (Does not currently alter debuff time)
- This plugin does not provide any commands for altering settings outside of the Config. No repo currently exists for the Web Controller, which provides a web interface for modifying weapons.
- The damage controller (which facilitates modified weapon damage) is not included
- This plugin by default uses MongoDB and has no option for SQLite/MySQL
You will need to build/grab a release for []. You can use NuGet to get the mongodb dependencies.