Dynamic event system with multiple instances support.
- Create multiple EventSystems.
- Control listeners in EventContainer.
- Call millions of listeners per second.
- Create self-destroying tasks.
- Create listeners in multiple ways.
class MyEvent(val hello: String) : Event()
class SomeCancellableEvent : Cancellable()
val eventSystem = EventSystem {}
// Events registered automatically on the first call
val event = SomeCancellableEvent()
if (event.cancelled) {
// ...
val container = EventContainer("MyContainer", eventSystem)
container.attach(Listener(MyEvent::class) { event -> println("MyEvent called with ${event.hello}.") })
class MyClassWithEvent {
fun printHello(event: MyEvent) {
println("MyEvent called with ${event.hello}.")
class Main {
fun main() {
container.attachAll(getEventListeners(MyClassWithEvent::class), MyClassWithEvent())
class SomeClassWithEvent {
fun printHello(event: MyEvent, self: EventExecutor<MyEvent>) {
println("MyEvent called with ${event.hello}.")
if (/* condition */) {
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
eventSystemCreateBenchmark thrpt 5 33749765.427 ± 113034.559 ops/s
eventSystemFirstCallBenchmark thrpt 5 10583192.825 ± 41961.393 ops/s
eventSystemThatAlreadyContains5ListenersRegisterListenerBenchmark thrpt 5 20201957.656 ± 229894.558 ops/s
eventSystemWith30EventsAnd3or4ListenersForEachEventCallBenchmark thrpt 5 9992935.003 ± 146237.852 ops/s
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.InfazeMC:EventSystem:2.0.0'