The Movie Quiz is an app which generates randomized movie trivia quizes using data from a movie database API.
This project was completed in a group with Alina Kovaleva, Tom Collins, and Vasileios Bomponis.
This is an App made as part of my final Group Project as a Student in Coddaiseur Coding BootCamp. This project made in 4 days from scratch using no templates or previous code.
This is a full stack app which includes a back-end, however it is very basic consisting only of routes to view the scoreboard and post high scores.
I know that from experience and since now i have the tools i took the liberty to start a small revolution by making a new easy to use, friendly and FREE App for anyone who want to have some fun.
Languages and Tools:
👇 Click links to see code samples in this project 👇
- React ⭐
- Redux for state management ⭐
- Express as web app framework
- Sequelize as ORM
- Many-to-many models ⭐
⭐ New technology learned during this project
- A quiz consists of 3 rounds of 4 questions.
- The question category out of the 4 possible categories is chosen by spinning a wheel at the start of each round.
- The player has 10 seconds to answer the question.
- Once the player has either answered a question or run out of time the corrent and incorrect answers are shown by an animatiion.
- At the end of the game, the player can post their score and view it on the scoreboard.