update python logger plugin to client version 0.1.2
update python logger plugin to client version 0.1.2
chore: update js impl version
chore: update js impl version
chore(swift): add ci
chore(swift): add ci
chore: podspec points to main
chore: podspec points to main
chore: test asserted
chore: test asserted
chore: log level enum represent int
chore: log level enum represent int
chore: remove rust ci
chore: remove rust ci
chore(rs): point rust impl to rust workspace
chore(rs): point rust impl to rust workspace
chore: make class, variables and plugin getter public
chore: make class, variables and plugin getter public
Force push
chore: make class, variables and plugin getter public
chore: make class, variables and plugin getter public
Force push
chore: make class and get method public
chore: make class and get method public
chore(swift): plugin done
chore(swift): plugin done
renamed kotlin plugin root project
renamed kotlin plugin root project