This document describes Pollfish Dashboard API that allows to easily create, update, delete or retrieve stats of Pollfish apps.
Base URL |
---| |
# | URL | Description |
1 | GET /api/public/v2/apps/:api_key | returns an app object |
2 | POST /api/public/v2/apps | creates a new app |
3 | PUT /api/public/v2/apps/:api_key | updates info of an existing app |
4 | DELETE /api/public/v2/apps/:api_key | deletes an app |
5 | GET /api/public/v2/apps | returns an array of apps of a user |
6 | GET /api/public/v3/apps/performance | returns the performance metrics for all the apps of the developer |
7 | GET /api/public/v3/apps/:api_key/performance | returns the performance metrics of the specified app of the developer |
8 | GET /api/public/v3/apps/revenue | returns the revenue per provider for all the apps of the developer |
9 | GET /api/public/v3/apps/:api_key/revenue | returns the revenue per provider of the specified app of the developer |
10 | GET /api/public/v3/apps/demographics | returns the demographic data for a particular user |
11 | GET /api/public/v3/apps/:api_key/users_log | returns the user logs for a given device_id or request_uuid |
12 | GET /api/public/v3/apps/revenuePerCountry | returns the revenue per country for all the apps of the developer |
13 | GET /api/public/v3/apps/:api_key/revenuePerCountry | returns the revenue per country of the specified app of the developer |
14 | GET /api/public/v3/apps/:api_key/performanceByCountry | returns the performance metrics of the specified app of the developer grouped by country |
# | URL | Description |
1 | GET /api/public/v2/apps/:api_key/stats | use the newer /v3/apps/:api_key/performance |
2 | GET /api/public/v2/apps/revenue | use the newer v3/apps/revenue |
3 | GET /api/public/v2/apps/:api_key/revenue | use the newer v3/apps/:api_key/revenue |
Register at
Log in as a Publisher with Pollfish email. On the side menu click Account Information and copy your Account Secret Key
Use Basic Authentication over HTTPS
Username: Pollfish email (step 1)
Password: Account Secret Key (step 2)
Returns an app object
Code | Description | |
1 | 200 | Successful response |
2 | 403 | If an app with the specified api_key does not exist or you don't have the permissions to access the app |
"api_key": "b77bb0f8-5962-4882-a23c-2e6c9e99a84a",
"behavior": 1,
"category": "IAB3",
"subcategory": "IAB3-2",
"id": 16659,
"image": "",
"incentive": true,
"name": "TestApp",
"platform": "Android",
"revenue": 0.0,
"short_surveys_enabled": true,
"third_party_surveys_enabled": true,
"data_collection_surveys_enabled": true,
"url": "",
"rewarded_survey": {
"currency_name": "Diamonds",
"variable_amount": 300,
"fixed_amount": true
"offerwall": {
"currency_name": "Points",
"variable_amount": 100
Creates a new app
The body of the request must contain a JSON document with following information
Name | JSON Type | Description | Required | |
1 | name | string | Name of the app | Yes |
2 | category | string | Category of the app * | Yes |
3 | subcategory | string | Subcategory of the app * | Yes |
4 | url | string | Public url of the app | Yes |
5 | platform | number | Platform of the app. (0 for android,1 for ios, 2 for windows phone, 3 for web) | Yes |
6 | callback_url | string | The URL for server-to-server callbacks | No |
7 | behavior | number | Just indicators: 0, Dynamic (Recommended): 1, Force slide regularly: 2, Force all the time: 3 | No |
8 | data_collection_surveys_enabled | boolean | Whether the apps should receive data collection surveys | No |
9 | third_party_surveys_enabled | boolean | Whether the app should receive third party surveys | No |
10 | rewarded_survey | object | Reward information in case of single survey | No |
11 | offerwall | object | Reward information in case of offerwall | No |
Name | JSON Type | Description | |
1 | currency_name | string | Name of the reward |
2 | variable_amount | float | Value of reward per survey |
3 | fixed_amount | boolean | Whether the app uses a fixed amount per survey |
Name | JSON Type | Description | |
1 | currency_name | string | Name of the reward |
2 | variable_amount | float | Value of reward per survey |
Code | Description | |
1 | 200 | Successful response |
2 | 400 | Missing or invalid paramters |
*You can find an extensive list of categories and subcategories codes in the relevant document
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53 --json POST name=MyNewApp category=IAB22 subcategory=IAB22-2 url='\' platform:=0
"api_key": "b77bb0f8-5962-4882-a23c-2e6c9e99a84a",
"behavior": 1,
"category": "IAB22",
"subcategory": "IAB22-2",
"id": 16659,
"image": "",
"incentive": true,
"name": "MyNewApp",
"platform": "Android",
"revenue": 0.0,
"short_surveys_enabled": true,
"third_party_surveys_enabled": true,
"data_collection_surveys_enabled": true,
"url": "",
"rewarded_survey": {
"currency_name": "Diamonds",
"variable_amount": 300,
"fixed_amount": true
"offerwall": {
"currency_name": "Points",
"variable_amount": 100
Updates info of an existing app
The body of the request must contain a JSON document with the app properties that you want to update.
Name | JSON Type | Description | Required | |
1 | name | string | Name of the app | No |
2 | category | string | Category of the app * | No |
3 | subcategory | string | Subcategory of the app * | No |
4 | url | string | Public url of the app | No |
5 | callback_url | string | The URL for server-to-server callbacks | No |
6 | behavior | number | Just indicators: 0, Dynamic (Recommended): 1, Force slide regularly: 2, Force all the time: 3 | No |
7 | data_collection_surveys_enabled | boolean | Whether the apps should receive data collection surveys | No |
8 | third_party_surveys_enabled | boolean | Whether the app should receive third party surveys | No No |
9 | rewarded_survey | object | Reward information in case of single survey | No |
10 | offerwall | object | Reward information in case of offerwall | No |
Code | Description | |
1 | 200 | Successful response |
2 | 400 | Missing or invalid paramters |
3 | 403 | If an app with the specified api_key does not exist or you don't have the permissions to access the app |
*You can find an extensive list of categories and subcategories codes in the relevant document
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53 PUT name=MyNewApp2 third_party_surveys_enabled:=false
"api_key": "b77bb0f8-5962-4882-a23c-2e6c9e99a84a",
"behavior": 1,
"category": "IAB22",
"subcategory": "IAB22-2",
"id": 16659,
"image": "",
"incentive": true,
"name": "MyNewApp2",
"platform": "Android",
"revenue": 0.0,
"short_surveys_enabled": true,
"third_party_surveys_enabled": false,
"data_collection_surveys_enabled": true,
"url": "",
"rewarded_survey": {
"currency_name": "Diamonds",
"variable_amount": 300,
"fixed_amount": true
"offerwall": {
"currency_name": "Points",
"variable_amount": 100
Deletes an app
Code | Description | |
1 | 204 | Successfully deleted the app |
2 | 403 | If an app with the specified api_key does not exist or you don't have the permissions to access the app |
Returns an array of apps of the user
Code | Description | |
1 | 200 | Successful response |
"api_key": "b77bb0f8-5962-4882-a23c-2e6c9e99a84a",
"behavior": 1,
"category": "IAB3",
"subcategory": "IAB3-2",
"id": 16659,
"image": "",
"incentive": true,
"name": "TestApp",
"platform": "Android",
"revenue": 0.0,
"short_surveys_enabled": true,
"third_party_surveys_enabled": true,
"data_collection_surveys_enabled": true,
"url": "",
"rewarded_survey": {
"currency_name": "Diamonds",
"variable_amount": 300,
"fixed_amount": true
"offerwall": {
"currency_name": "Points",
"variable_amount": 100
returns the performance metrics for all the apps of the developer for a designated time period
The url can contain the following query parameters
Name | JSON Type | Description | Required | |
1 | from | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the beginning of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is one month before parameter to. |
No |
2 | to | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the end of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is the current date. |
No |
Note: Please keep in mind that the timeframe between 'from' and 'to' parameters should not exceed 31 days.
Code | Description | |
1 | 200 | Successful response |
2 | 400 | Missing or invalid parameters - from not is ISO 8601 format - to not in ISO 8601 format |
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
"data": [
"accepted": 43,
"completed": 32,
"date": "2018-07-10",
"seen": 89,
"served": 127
"accepted": 43,
"completed": 32,
"date": "2018-07-11",
"seen": 89,
"served": 127
"name": "Pollfish"
"data": [
"accepted": 12,
"completed": 29,
"date": "2018-07-10",
"seen": 60,
"served": 100
"accepted": 12,
"completed": 29,
"date": "2018-07-11",
"seen": 60,
"served": 100
"name": "Cint"
returns the performance metrics of the specified app for a designated time period
The url can contain the following query parameters
Name | JSON Type | Description | Required | |
1 | from | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the beginning of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is one month before parameter to. |
No |
2 | to | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the end of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is the current date. |
No |
Note: Please keep in mind that the timeframe between 'from' and 'to' parameters should not exceed 31 days.
Code | Description | |
1 | 200 | Successful response |
2 | 400 | Missing or invalid parameters - from not is ISO 8601 format - to not in ISO 8601 format - The api_key is invalid or does not belong to the user |
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
Same as above but include the performance metrics only for the specified app.
returns the total revenue per provider for all the apps of the developer for a designated time period and for selected countries
The url can contain the following query parameters
Name | JSON Type | Description | Required | |
1 | from | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the beginning of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is one month before parameter to. |
No |
2 | to | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the end of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is the current date. |
No |
3 | countries | string | A comma separated list of ISO Alpha-2 country codes for which the cummulative revenue is computed. If omitted, all countries are assumed. |
No |
Note: Please keep in mind that the timeframe between 'from' and 'to' parameters should not exceed 31 days.
Code | Description | |
1 | 200 | Successful response |
2 | 400 | Missing or invalid parameters - from not is ISO 8601 format - to not in ISO 8601 format - The api_key is invalid or does not belong to the user |
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53,FR
"data": [
"amount": 20.0,
"date": "2018-07-10"
"amount": 20.0,
"date": "2018-07-11"
"name": "Pollfish",
"total": 40.0
"data": [
"amount": 15.0,
"date": "2018-07-10"
"amount": 15.0,
"date": "2018-07-11"
"name": "Pollfish-Playful",
"total": 30.0
"data": [
"amount": 5.0,
"date": "2018-07-10"
"amount": 5.0,
"date": "2018-07-11"
"name": "Pollfish-Basic",
"total": 10.0
"data": [
"amount": 5.0,
"date": "2018-07-10"
"amount": 1.0,
"date": "2018-07-11"
"name": "Toluna",
"total": 6.0
"data": [
"amount": 2.0,
"date": "2018-07-10"
"amount": 1.0,
"date": "2018-07-11"
"name": "Cint",
"total": 3.0
"data": [
"amount": 7.0,
"date": "2018-07-10"
"amount": 3.0,
"date": "2018-07-11"
"name": "Lucid",
"total": 10.0
returns the total revenue per provider of the specified app for a designated time period
The url can contain the following query parameters
Name | JSON Type | Description | Required | |
1 | from | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the beginning of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is one month before parameter to. |
No |
2 | to | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the end of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is the current date. |
No |
3 | countries | string | A comma separated list of ISO Alpha-2 country codes for which the cummulative revenue is computed. If omitted, all countries are assumed. |
No |
Note: Please keep in mind that the timeframe between 'from' and 'to' parameters should not exceed 31 days.
Code | Description | |
1 | 200 | Successful response |
2 | 400 | Missing or invalid parameters - from not is ISO 8601 format - to not in ISO 8601 format - The api_key is invalid or does not belong to the user |
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
Same as above but include the revenue only for the specified app.
returns the demographic data for a particular user
The url can contain the following query parameters
Name | JSON Type | Description | Required | |
1 | user | string | The device id to fetch demographics for | Yes |
Code | Description | |
1 | 200 | Successful response |
2 | 400 | Missing or invalid parameters |
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
The codes are documented at
"career": 1,
"device_id": "7ed91b48-b286-4d33-be87-f9f176fcc59e",
"education": 2,
"employment": 2,
"gender": 1,
"income": 1,
"marital_status": 3,
"parental": 2,
"race": 2,
"year_of_birth": 1985
returns the user logs for a given device_id or request_uuid
The url can contain the following query parameters
Name | JSON Type | Description | Required | |
1 | key | string | The search term (device_id or request_uuid) | Yes |
2 | page | Int | The Page number if results are paginated | No |
3 | rows | Int | The number of rows returned | No |
Code | Description | |
1 | 200 | Successful response |
2 | 400 | Missing or invalid parameters |
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
"disqualified_reason":"Survey Closed"
"disqualified_reason": null
"disqualified_reason": "Quota Full"
Disqualification Reason | Description | |
1 | Quota Full | The respondent selected a targeting question that had fulfilled its Quota. |
2 | Survey Closed | The respondent successfully answered a survey which was completed/closed while answering. |
3 | Profiling | The respondent was disqualified based on the targeting of the survey received. |
4 | Screenout | The respondent was screened out of the survey. |
5 | Duplicate | When a respondent has been received as a duplicate participation (ex: having the same id, found to be resetting their device_id to get the same survey twice etc...). |
6 | Security | When we decide that there is a security reason to reject a respondent (ex: the respondent is banned from answering). |
7 | VPN | The respondent is using a VPN. |
8 | GeoMissmatch | The respondent received a survey targeted for a different country than the one they are in. |
9 | Quality | The respondent answered incorrectly in our Quality checks |
10 | Hasty Answers | The respondent answered consistently way faster than expected for the given questions. |
11 | Gibberish | The repondents answers contained gibberish in open-ended questions |
12 | Captcha | A captcha check failed for the respondent. |
13 | Third Party Termination | A respondent was disqualified by a mediation partner. |
14 | Banned Phrases | The respondent answered in opened questions with phrases that are banned |
15 | Disqualification Rules | The respondent was disqualified since the responses between different similar questions were not consistent |
Note: We are working on making Third Party Termination reasons more verbose
returns the total revenue per country for all the apps of the developer for a designated time period and for selected countries
The url can contain the following query parameters
Name | JSON Type | Description | Required | |
1 | from | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the beginning of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is one month before parameter to. |
No |
2 | to | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the end of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is the current date. |
No |
3 | countries | string | A comma separated list of ISO Alpha-2 country codes for which the cummulative revenue is computed. If omitted, all countries are assumed. |
No |
Note: Please keep in mind that the timeframe between 'from' and 'to' parameters should not exceed 31 days.
Code | Description | |
1 | 200 | Successful response |
2 | 400 | Missing or invalid parameters - from not is ISO 8601 format - to not in ISO 8601 format - The api_key is invalid or does not belong to the user |
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53,FR
"date": "2019-01-01",
"total": 38.17,
"countries": [
"iso_code": "us",
"amount": 0.77
"iso_code": "gb",
"amount": 17.00
"date": "2019-01-02",
"total": 35.8,
"countries": [
"iso_code": "us",
"amount": 0.95
"iso_code": "gb",
"amount": 0.6
returns the total revenue per country of the specified app for a designated time period
Name | JSON Type | Description | Required | |
1 | from | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the beginning of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is one month before parameter to. |
No |
2 | to | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the end of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is the current date. |
No |
3 | countries | string | A comma separated list of ISO Alpha-2 country codes for which the cummulative revenue is computed. If omitted, all countries are assumed. |
No |
Note: Please keep in mind that the timeframe between 'from' and 'to' parameters should not exceed 31 days.
Code | Description | |
1 | 200 | Successful response |
2 | 400 | Missing or invalid parameters - from not is ISO 8601 format - to not in ISO 8601 format - The api_key is invalid or does not belong to the user |
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
Same as above (section 4.12) but include the revenue only for the specified app.
returns the performance metrics of the specified app for a designated time period grouped by country
The url can contain the following query parameters
Name | JSON Type | Description | Required | |
1 | from | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the beginning of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is one month before parameter to. |
No |
2 | to | string | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd) . The timezone is UTC. This is the end of the time period for the query. If omitted, the default is the current date. |
No |
Note: Please keep in mind that the timeframe between 'from' and 'to' parameters should not exceed 31 days.
Code | Description | |
1 | 200 | Successful response |
2 | 400 | Missing or invalid parameters - from not is ISO 8601 format - to not in ISO 8601 format - The api_key is invalid or does not belong to the user |
http -a [email protected]:e1ecf034-ee26-4945-8db9-e5e8e0d22e53
"countryISO" : "US",
"data" : [
"network" : "Pollfish",
"data" : [
"accepted" : 0,
"date" : "2020-07-10",
"seen" : 0,
"served" : 0,
"completed" : 0
"completed" : 0,
"served" : 0,
"date" : "2020-07-11",
"seen" : 0,
"accepted" : 0
"network" : "Cint",
"data" : [
"accepted" : 0,
"seen" : 0,
"date" : "2020-07-10",
"served" : 0,
"completed" : 0
"seen" : 0,
"date" : "2020-07-11",
"accepted" : 0,
"served" : 0,
"completed" : 0