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1560 lines (1036 loc) · 53 KB

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1560 lines (1036 loc) · 53 KB
  • Fixing internal issues causing occasional crashes


  • Fixing internal issues causing ANRs


  • Fixing issue with blank end card after app returning to foreground


  • Internal fixes


  • Fixing issues with Adnroid 8


  • Fixing internal issues


  • new SDK with support for placements and rewarded ads


Quick Guide

  1. Obtain a Publisher Account
  2. Create a new App and copy the given API key
  3. Create a new placement and copy the given placement id
  4. Add Prodege SDK in your project
  5. Initialize Prodge SDK
  6. Load a Placement
  7. Show the placement
  8. Update you privacy policy and publish your app
  9. Request your account to get verified

Note: Apps designed for Children and Families program should not be using Prodege SDK, since Prodege does not collect responses from users less than 16 years old.

Note: Prodege SDK requires minSdk 21. If your app supports a lower minSdk you can still build your app please refer to section 7.

Analytical steps

1. Obtain a Publisher Account

Register as a Publisher at

2. Create a new App and copy the given API key

Login at and click "Add a new app" on the Publisher Dashboard. Copy then the given API key for this app in order to use later on, when initializing Prodege SDK within your code.

3. Create a new placement and copy the given placement id

Navigate in your Publisher Dashboard under App Settings - Placements and choose "Create a Placement". You can select a Rewarded Ad or an Offerwall approach based on your placement needs with any of the available Ad Formats(it can change later through placement settings). Hit "Create Placement" and copy the generated Placement id in order to use later on.

4. Add Prodege SDK in your project

4.1. Retrieve Prodege Android SDK through maven

Retrieve Prodege SDK through maven() with gradle by adding the following line in your app's module build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.prodege:prodege:7.0.0-beta07'

4.2. Manual installation

Note: If you are using Android Studio, right click on your project and select New Module. Then select Import .JAR or .aar Package option and from the file browser locate the .aar file. Right click again on your project and in the Module Dependencies tab choose to add the module that you recently added, as a dependency.

4.2.1 Download Prodege Android SDK .aar file and import it into your project's libraries

Click here to download the latest version of Prodege SDK.

For Java based projects you will have to include the Kotlin runtime library in your module dependencies and set the java to version 1.8.

android {
    // ...
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

dependencies {
    // ...
    implemetation 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.9.0'

Note: Skipping this step will result to runtime exception during the SDK initialization.

4.2.2 Add Google Play Advertising Identifier library to your project (Optional)

Applications that integrate Prodege SDK may use Google Play Services library in order to give access to the Advertising ID of a device to the SDK. Further details regarding integration with the Google Play services library can be found here. By skipping this step you have to provide a userId during initialization. Refer to section 6 for more details.

dependencies {
    implementation ''

4.3. Add Advertising Id permission for Android 12+ (Optional if manual installation without Google Play Advertising Identifier library integration)

Apps updating their target API level to 31 (Android 12) or higher will need to declare a Google Play services normal permission in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

<uses-permission android:name="" />

You can read more about Google Advertising ID changes here.

4.4. Add support for cleartext http traffic (Optional)

If you are looking to use Prodege Mediation surveys from all the providers, in order to avoid any faulty behaviour on new Android devices we would advice that you allow cleartext http traffic for the following domains. To achieve that you need to:

  1. Donwload this file and place it under res/xml directory.

  2. In your AndroidManifest.xml file add android:networkSecurityConfig tag as below:


5. Initialize Prodege SDK

In order to initialize Prodege SDK, you will need a Context and the api key as provided by the Publisher Dashboard in step 2. We advise to call Prodge.initialize as soon as possible within your application's lifecycle, for example in the onCreate() mehod of your Application or Activity class. This will initialize Prodege SDK with default configuration. Read further for additional configuration options and notfications on the initialization result.


Prodege.initialize(context, "API_KEY")


Prodege.initialize(context, "API_KEY", null, null);

5.1. Configure Prodege SDK initialization (Optional)

You can use any of the additional configuration options to control the behaviour of the Prodege SDK by creating an InitOptions.Builder instance and build upon it.


import com.prodege.builder.InitOptions

val optionsBuilder = InitOptions.Builder()


import com.prodege.builder.InitOptions;

InitOptions.Builder optionsBuilder = new InitOptions.Builder();

Below you can see all the available options.

No Option
5.1.1 .userId(String)
A unique identifier used to identify a user.
5.1.2 .testMode(Boolean)
Toggle Prodege SDK test mode.
5.1.3 .userProperties(UserProperties)
Provides user attributes upfront during initialization (only relevant with surveys).
5.1.4 .advertisingOptOut(Boolean)
Opts out from the use of the device's advertising identifier.

5.1.1. .userId(String)

A unique identifier used to identify a user.

Setting the userId will override the default behaviour and use that instead of the Advertising Id in order to identify a user.

Note: You can pass the id of a user as identified on your system. Prodege will use this id to identify the user across sessions instead of an ad id/idfa as advised by the stores. You are solely responsible for aligning with store regulations by providing this id and getting relevant consent by the user when necessary. Prodege takes no responsibility for the usage of this id. In any request from your users on resetting/deleting this id and/or profile created, you should be solely liable for those requests.





Note: Failing to provide a user identifier and missing Google Play Advertising Identifier library will result to a failed initialization, unless you explicitly request for advertising opt out (section 5.1.4).

5.1.2. .testMode(Boolean)

Toggles the Prodege SDK Test mode.

  • true is used to show to the developer how Prodege ads will be shown through an app (useful during development and testing).
  • false is the mode to be used for a released app in any app store (start receiving paid surveys).

Note: You should not be testing in live mode since your account can get banned automatically from the system.

Prodege SDK runs by default in live mode. If you would like to test with test ads:





5.1.3. .userProperties(UserProperties) (only relevant with surveys)

Provides user attributes upfront during initialization in order to skip or shorten Demographic surveys.

If you know upfront some user attributes like gender, age, education and others you can pass them during initialization in order to shorten or skip entirely Pollfish Demographic surveys and archieve better fill rate and higher priced surveys.

Note: You need to contact live support on our website to request your account to be eligible for submitting demographic info through your app, otherwise values submitted will be ignored by default.

Note: You can read more on demographic surveys along with a list with all the available options here.

An example of how you can create and pass a UserProperties object during initialization can be seen below:


import com.prodege.builder.UserProperties

val userProperties = UserProperties.Builder()
    .customAttribute("key", "value")



import com.prodege.builder.UserProperties;

UserProperties userProperties = new UserProperties.Builder()
    .customAttribute("key", "value")


5.1.4 .advertisingOptOut(Boolean)

Opts out from the use of the device's advertising identifier.

You can explicitly request to opt out from the use of the device's advertising Id. This will configure Prodege SDK to use a unique session identifier for each session. In case you skipped the Google Play Advertising Identifier installation, you should set this option to true to avoid initialization failure.

Providing a user identifier (section 5.1.1) will ignore the dependency on the device advertising identifier and use that instead of a session identifier.

Prodege SDK runs by default in opt-in mode. If you would like to opt out:





After configuring the InitOptions.Builder instance you can proceed with the build of the InitOptions object and Prodege SDK initialization.


import com.prodege.Prodege

val initOptions =

Prodege.initialize(context, "API_KEY", listener, initOptions)


import com.prodege.Prodege;

InitOptions initOptions =;

Prodege.initialize(context, "API_KEY", listener, initOptions);

5.2. Listen for Prodege SDK initialization result (Optional)

In order to get notified for the Prodege SDK initialization result you will have to pass a ProdegeInitListener interface implementation:


import com.prodege.Prodege
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeException
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeInitListener

class YourClass : ProdegeInitListener {
    // ...

    private fun initalizeProdegeSdk() {
        // ...
        Prodege.initialize(context, "API_KEY", this, initOptions)

    override fun onSuccess() {
        // Initialization succeeded

    override fun onError(exception: ProdegeException) {
        // Initialization failed
        Log.e(TAG, exception.message)


import com.prodege.Prodege;
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeException;
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeInitListener;

class YourClass implements ProdegeInitListener {
    // ...
    private void initializeProdegeSdk() {
        // ...

        Prodege.initialize(context, "API_KEY", this, initOptions);

    public void onSuccess() {
        // Initialization success

    public void onError(ProdegeException exception) {
        // Initialization failed

6. Load a placement

In order to load a Prodege Ad Unit placement, you will just need the placement id as provided by the Publisher Dashboard in step 3. This will load a placement with default configuration. Read further for additional configuration options and notfications on the loading result.

Depending on the AdUnit type you should use the corresponding method to load your placement.

6.1. Load a Rewarded Ad Unit placement




Prodege.loadRewardedAd("PLACEMENT_ID", null, null);

6.1.1. Listen for the placement loading result (Optional)

In order to get notified for the placement loading result you will have to pass a ProdegeRewardedLoadListener interface implementation:


import com.prodege.Prodege
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeRewardedInfo
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeRewardedLoadListener
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeException

class YourClass : ProdegeRewardedLoadListener {
    // ...

    private fun loadRewardedAd() {
        Prodege.loadRewardedAd("PLACEMENT_ID", this)

    override fun onRewardedLoaded(placementId: String, info: ProdegeRewardedInfo) {
        // Rewarded Ad loaded

    override fun onRewardedLoadFailed(placementId: String, exception: ProdegeException) {
        // Rewarded Ad failed to load


import com.prodege.Prodege;
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeRewardedInfo;
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeRewardedLoadListener;
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeException;

class YourClass implements ProdegeRewardedLoadListener {
    // ...
    private void loadRewardedAd() {
        Prodege.loadRewardedAd("PLACEMENT_ID", this, null);

    public void onRewardedLoaded(@NonNull String placementId, @NonNull ProdegeRewardedInfo prodegeRewardedInfo) {
        // Rewarded Ad loaded

    public void onRewardedLoadFailed(@NonNull String placementId, @NonNull ProdegeException e) {
        // Rewarded Ad failed to load


This object contains information about the received Rewarded Ad.

The ProdegeRewardedInfo interface has two implementation depending on the received Ad format, containing additional information on each sub-type.

interface ProdegeRewardedInfo {
    val points: Int
    val currency: String
    val placement: String
Field Description
points The virtual reward value as calculated via a given exchange rate on the Publisher Dashboard.
currency The virtual reward name as specified on Publisher Dashboard.
placement The placement id of the received ad.


data class ProdegeRewardedAdInfo(
    override val points: Int,
    override val currency: String,
    override val placement: String,
    val type: ProdegeRewardedAdType,
    val skippable: Boolean
) : ProdegeRewardedInfo

Field Description
type The type of the received ad. Can be ProdegeRewardedAdType.SURVEY or ProdegeRewardedAdType.VIDEO
skippable Flag indicating whether the ad is sippable or not.


data class ProdegeRewardedSurveyInfo(
    override val points: Int,
    override val currency: String,
    override val cpa: Int,
    override val placement: String,
    override val surveyClass: String?,
    override val remainingCompletes: Int?,
    override val incidenceRate: Int?,
    override val lengthOfInterview: Int?
) : ProdegeRewardedInfo, SurveyStats

Field Description
cpa Money to be earned from the survey received in US dollar cents (estimated based on daily exchange currency).
surveyClass Information about the survey network and type.
remainingCompletes The number of remaining completes for the survey.
incidenceRate The current estimation for the survey incidence rate as an integer number in the range 0-100. This param is optional and will have as default the value -1 if it was not set and the IR was not computed reliably.
lengthOfInterview The expected time in minutes that it takes to complete the survey. This param is optional and will have as default the value -1 if it was not set and the LOI was not computed reliably.

The syntax for survey_class values is:

survey_class: provider["/"type]
provider: "Pollfish" | "Toluna" | "Cint" | "InnovateMR" | "SaySo" | "Dynata" | "Yuno" | "PureSpectrum" | "Opinionetwork" | "SchlesingerGroup" | "YunoRouter" | "IpsosMediation" | "ProdegeMR" | "MR" | "Samplicious" | "IRB" | "PollfishSwarm"
type: "Basic" | "Playful" | "ThirdParty" | "Demographics" | "Internal"

which is the network name followed by an optional slash and survey type.

The provider is the network that provides the survey. The syntax rule has all the networks currently supported by Prodege.

The type is that of the survey as described in the network's documentation. The exception is the type "Demographics" which is always used to identify surveys whose purpose is to collect demographic data for the users.

The whole set of values currently supported are:

Value Description
Pollfish Pollfish Basic survey
Pollfish/Basic Pollfish Basic survey (another name)
Pollfish/Playful Pollfish Playful survey
Pollfish/ThirdParty Pollfish 3rd party survey
Pollfish/Demographics Pollfish Demographic survey
Pollfish/Internal Pollfish internal survey created by the publisher
Toluna Toluna survey
Cint Cint survey
InnovateMR InnovateMR survey
SaySo SaySo survey
Dynata Dynata survey
Yuno Yuno survey
PureSpectrum PureSpectrum survey
Opinionetwork Opinionetwork survey
SchlesingerGroup SchlesingerGroup survey
YunoRouter YunoRouter survey
IpsosMediation IpsosMediation survey
ProdegeMR ProdegeMR survey
MR MR survey
Samplicious Samplicious survey
IRB IRB survey
PollfishSwarm PollfishSwarm survey

Note: When a new mediation network enters the Prodege network the appropriate values will be added.

6.2. Load an Offerwall Ad Unit placement




Prodege.loadOfferwall("PLACEMENT_ID", null, null)

6.2.1. Listen for the offerwall loading result (Optional)

In order to get notified for the placement loading result you will have to pass a ProdegeOfferwallLoadListener interface implementation:


import com.prodege.Prodege
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeOfferwallLoadListener
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeException

class YourClass : ProdegeOfferwallLoadListener {
    // ...

    private fun loadOfferwall() {
        Prodege.loadOfferwall("PLACEMENT_ID", this)

    override fun onOfferwallLoaded(placementId: String) {
        // Offerwall loaded

    override fun onRewardedLoadFailed(placementId: String, exception: ProdegeException) {
        // Offerwall failed to load


import com.prodege.Prodege;
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeOfferwallLoadListener;
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeException;

class YourClass implements ProdegeOfferwallLoadListener {
    // ...
    private void loadOfferwall() {
        Prodege.loadOfferwall("PLACEMENT_ID", this, null);

    public void onOfferwallLoaded(@NonNull String placementId) {
        // Offerwall loaded

    public void onRewardedLoadFailed(@NonNull String placementId, @NonNull ProdegeException e) {
        // Offerwall failed to load

6.3. Configure your Placement Ad request (Optional)

You can use any of the additional configuration options to configure your placement load request by creating an AdRequest.Builder instance and build upon it.


import com.prodege.builder.AdRequest

val adRequestBuilder = AdRequest.Builder()


import com.prodege.builder.AdRequest;

AdRequest.Builder adRequestBuilder = new AdRequest.Builder();

Below you can see all the available options.

No Option
6.3.1 .clickId(String)
A pass through param that will be passed back through server-to-server callback.
6.3.2 .requestUuid(Boolean)
Sets a pass-through param to be receive via the server-to-server callbacks.
6.3.3 .rewardInfo(RewardInfo)
An object holding information regarding the survey completion reward.

6.3.1. .clickId(String)

A pass through parameter that will be returned back to the publisher through server-to-server callbacks as specified here.





6.3.2. .requestUuid(String)

A pass-through parameter that will be returned back to the publisher through server-to-server callbacks as specified here.

Below you can see an example on how you can pass a requestUUID during initialization:





6.3.3. .rewardInfo(RewardInfo)

An object passing information regarding the reward settings, overriding the values as speciefied on the Publisher Dashboard.

We strogly advise that you should use the Publisher Dashboard to provide Reward Info if your use case does not require a dynamic value.

data class RewardInfo(
    val points: String,
    val conversionRate: Double,
    val signature: String

Field Description
rewardName Overrides the reward name as specified in the Publisher Dashboard.
rewardConversion Overrides the reward conversion as specified on the Publisher Dashboard. Conversion is expecting a number matching this function (1 USD = X Points) where X is a Double number.
signature A parameter used to secure the rewardName and rewardConversion.

signature parameter is used to prevent tampering around reward conversion. The platform supports url validation by requiring a hash of the rewardConversion, rewardName, and clickId. Failure to pass validation will result in no ads.

In order to generate the signature field you should sign the combination of ${rewardConversion}${rewardName}${clickId} parameters using the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm and your account's secret_key that can be retrieved from the Account Information section on your Publisher Dashboard.

Note: Although rewardConversion and rewardName are mandatory for the hashing to work, clickId parameter is optional and you should add them for extra security.

Note: Please keep in mind if your rewardConversion is a whole number, you have to calculate the signature useing the floating point value with 1 decimal point.

Sample code to generate valid signatures


import java.util.*
import javax.crypto.Mac
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec

val rewardConversion = 2.0
val rewardName = "Dollars"
val clickId = "CLICK_ID"
val secretKey = "ACCOUNT_SECRET_KEY"

val valueToSign = "$rewardConversion$rewardName$clickId"

val signingKey = SecretKeySpec(secretKey.toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8), "HmacSHA1")
val mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1")

val signature = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(mac.doFinal(valueToSign.toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8)))


import java.util.*;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;

double rewardConversion = 2.0;
String rewardName = "Dollars";
String clickId = "CLICK_ID";
String secretKey = "ACCOUNT_SECRET_KEY";

String valueToSign = "" + rewardConversion + rewardName + clickId;

SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), "HmacSHA1");
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");

String signature = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(mac.doFinal(valueToSign.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));


import com.prodege.builder.RewardInfo

val rewardInfo = RewardInfo("Diamonds", 1.1, "SIGNATURE")



import com.prodege.builder.RewardInfo;

val rewardInfo = new RewardInfo("Diamonds", 1.1, "SIGNATURE");


After configuring the AdRequest.Builder instance you can proceed with the build of the AdRequest object and Placement loading.


import com.prodege.Prodege

val adRequest =

Prodege.loadRewardedAd("PLACEMENT_ID", listener, adRequest)
// OR
Prodege.loadOfferwall("PLACEMENT_ID", listener, adRequest)


import com.prodege.Prodege;

AdRequest adRequest =;

Prodege.loadRewardedAd("PLACEMENT_ID", listener, adRequest);
// OR
Prodege.loadOfferwall("PLACEMENT_ID", listener, adRequest);

7. Show the placement

After the successful load of a placement you can call Prodege.showPlacement to show a placement.




Prodege.showPlacement("PLACEMENT_ID", null, null);

7.1. Listen for ad visibility updates (Optional)

You can get notified when an ad has opened, closed or failed to present. Publishers usually use this notification to pause a game until the ad is closed again.


import com.pordege.Prodege
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeShowListener
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeException

class YourClass : ProdegeShowListener {
    // ...

    private fun showPlacement() {
        Prodege.showPlacement("PLACEMENT_ID", this)

    override fun onClosed(placement: String) {
        // Placement closed

    override fun onOpened(placement: String) {
        // Placement opened
    override fun onShowFailed(placement: String, exception: ProdegeException) {
        // Placement failed to show


import com.pordege.Prodege;
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeShowListener;
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeException;

public class YourClass implements ProdegeShowListener {
    // ...

    private void showPlacement() {
        Prodege.showPlacement("PLACEMENT_ID", this, null);

    public void onClosed(@NonNull String placementId) {
        // Placement closed

    public void onOpened(@NonNull String placementId) {
        // Placement opened

    public void onShowFailed(@NonNull String placementId, @NonNull ProdegeException e) {
         // Placement failed to show


7.2. Configure the placement presentation

You can use any of the additional configuration options to configure your placement's presentation by creating an AdOptions.Builder instance and build upon it.


import com.prodege.builder.AdOptions

val adOptionsBuilder = AdOptions.Builder()


import com.prodege.builder.AdOptions;

AdOptions.Builder adOptionsBuilder = new AdOptions.Builder();

Below you can see all the available options.

No Option
7.2.1 .muted(Boolean)
Sets Prodege video ads mute state.

7.2.1. .muted(Boolean)

Sets Prodege video ads mute state.





After configuring the AdRequest.Builder instance you can proceed with the build of the AdRequest object and Placement loading.


import com.prodege.Prodege

val adOptions =

Prodege.showPlacement("PLACEMENT_ID", listener, adOptions)
// OR
Prodege.showPlacement("PLACEMENT_ID", listener, adOptions)


import com.prodege.Prodege;

AdOptions adOptions =;

Prodege.showPlacement("PLACEMENT_ID", listener, adOptions);
// OR
Prodege.showPlacement("PLACEMENT_ID", listener, adOptions);

8. Update your privacy policy and publish your app

Add the following paragraph to your app's privacy policy:

Offer Serving Technology

This app uses Prodege SDK. Prodege is an on-line offer platform, through which, app users are exposed to market research surveys and/or third-party ads (“Offers”). Prodege collaborates with publishers of applications for smartphones in order to have access to users of such applications and address Offers to them. When a user connects to this app, a specific set of user's device data (including Advertising ID, Device ID, if and where the app-user has enabled access to his/her Advertising and/or Device ID, either through his system's settings or via a consent-prompt shown to him) and further response meta-data is automatically sent, via our app, to Prodege servers in order for Prodege to be able to serve Offers through our app. Prodege collects and processes your data in accordance with all applicable law requirements. For a full list of data received by Prodege through this app, and for further information on how Prodege processes such data please read carefully Prodege Privacy Policy for Users of Apps collaborating with Prodege available at Your data may be transferred by Prodege to non-EEA countries in accordance with all applicable law requirements, including use of EU Commission Standard Contractual Clauses. Prodege may share such data with third parties, clients and business partners, for commercial purposes. By downloading the application, you accept this privacy policy document and you hereby give your consent for the processing by Prodege of the aforementioned data. Furthermore, you are informed that you may disable Prodege operation at any time by visiting the following link We once more invite you to check the Prodege Privacy Policy, if you wish to have more detailed view of the way Prodege works and with whom Prodege may further share your data.

Note: It's important that you include this disclosure both in the privacy policy posted on Google Play but also in the privacy policy included in your app, as described in Google's Developer Privacy Policy

At this point you are ready to go live! Sign your app with a release key, make sure you are not in test mode publish to any Android app store

Note (for publishers using surveys): Please bear in mind that the first time a user is introduced to the platform, when no paid surveys are available, a Standalone Demographic survey will be shown, as a way to increase the user's exposure in our clients' survey inventory. This survey returns no payment to app publishers, since it is part of the process that users need to go through, in order to join the platform. Our aim is to provide advanced targeting solutions to our customers and to do that we need to have this information. Targeting by marital status or education etc. are highly popular options in the survey world and we need to keep up with the market research. A vast majority of our clients are looking for this option when using the platform. Based on previous data, over 80% of the surveys designed on the platform require this type of targeting. Demographic surveys fire s2s callbacks with CPA=0. Publishers can provide rewards for users to incentivize them in completing the demographic surveys to get access to actual surveys.

In our efforts to include publishers and be as transparent as possible we provide full control over the process. We let publishers decide if their users are served these standalone surveys or not, in 2 different ways. Firstly by monitoring the process in code and excluding any users by listening to the relevant noitifications and checking the Cost Per Action (CPA) field which will be 0 USD cents and also Survey Type which will be Pollfish/Demographics. Secondly, publishers can disable the Standalone Demographic surveys through the Publisher Dashboard in the Settings area of an app. You can read more on demographic surveys here.

If you know attributes about a user like gender, age and others, you can provide them during initialization as described in section and skip or shorten this way, Pollfish Demographic surveys.

8.1. Complete the Google Play Data Safety questionnaire

When you publish your app your will be asked to complete the Google Play Data Safety questionnaire. For any info relevant to data collected and used from the Prodege SDK please advice the following link. For Prodege SDK the only questions that should be answered is under the Data types step, Device or other IDs section. Please select the checkbox:

After selecting the above checkbox, you will be prompted to answer a questionnaire regarding the Device or other IDs on the Data usage and handling step. Please answer the questionnaire with the following suggested answers:

Questionnaire Answers (Click to expand)
Question Answer
Is this data collected, shared, or both?
Collected YES
Shared YES
Is this data processed ephemerally? NO
Is this data required for your app, or can users choose whether it's collected? Users can choose whether this data is collected
Why is this user data collected?
Advertising or marketing YES
Why is this user data shared?
Advertising or marketing YES

9. Request your account to get verified

After your app is published on an app store you should request your account to get verified from the Publisher Dashboard.

When your account is verified you will be able to start receiving paid surveys from Prodege clients.

Note: Review process can take from a few minutes to a few hours depending on the 24/7 Review Team availability.

Optional section

10. Receive event notifications

You can register and receive callback notification for various events during the lifecycle of an ad by providing a ProdegeEventListener interface implementation.


import com.prodege.Prodege
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeEventListener

class YourClass : ProdegeEventListener {
    // See method overrides below

    private fun initializeProdegeSDK() {
        // ...


import com.prodege.Prodege;
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeEventListener;

public class YourClass implements ProdegeEventListener {
    // See method overrides below

    private void initializeProdegeSDK() {
        // ...

10.1. fun onStart(placement: String)

Override onStart method to receive a notification when a video ad starts playing.


override fun onStart(placement: String) {
    // Video ad started


public void onStart(@NonNull String placementId) {
   // Video ad started

10.2. fun onComplete(placement: String)

Override onComplete method to receive a notification when an ad is completed.


override fun onComplete(placement: String) {
    // Placement completed


public void onComplete(@NonNull String placementId) {
     // Placement completed

10.3. fun onUserReject(placement: String)

Override onUserReject method to receive a notfication when a user rejects an ad.


override fun onUserReject(placement: String) {
    // User rejected placement


public void onUserReject(@NonNull String placementId) {
    // User rejected placement

10.4. fun onUserNotEligible(placement: String)

Override onUserNotEligible method to receive a notification when a user is not eligible for an ad.

In market research monetization users can get screened out while completing a survey because they are not relevant with audience that the market researcher was looking for. In that case the user not eligible notification will fire and the publisher will make no money from that survey. User not eligible notification will fire after survey received when user starts completing the survey.


override fun onUserReject(placement: String) {
    // User not eligible


public void onUserNotEligible(@NonNull String placementId) {
    // User not eligible

10.5. fun onClick(placement: String)

Override onClick method to receive a notification when a user clicks through an ad.


override fun onClick(placement: String) {
    // User clicked


public void onClick(@NonNull String placementId) {
    // User clicked

11. Receive reward notifications

You can register and receive notifications when a user receives a reward by providing a ProdegeRewardListenerImplementation.


import com.prodege.Prodege
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeRewardListener
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeReward

class YourClass : ProdegeRewardListener {
    override fun onRewardReceived(reward: ProdegeReward) {
        // Reward received

    private fun initializeProdegeSDK() {
        // ...


import com.prodege.Prodege;
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeRewardListener;
import com.prodege.listener.ProdegeReward;

public class YourClass implements ProdegeRewardListener {

    public void onRewardReceived(@NonNull ProdegeReward prodegeReward) {
        // Reward received

    private void initializeProdegeSDK() {
        // ...


This object contains information about the received reward.

The ProdegeReward interface has two implementation depending on the received Ad format, containing additional information on each sub-type.

interface ProdegeReward {
    val points: Int
    val currency: String
    val placement: String
Field Description
points The virtual reward value as calculated via a given exchange rate on the Publisher Dashboard.
currency The virtual reward name as specified on Publisher Dashboard.
placement The placement id of the received ad.

ProdegeAdReward is just an implementation of the ProdegeReward interface, which does not include any additional information.

data class ProdegeAdReward(
    override val points: Int,
    override val currency: String,
    override val placement: String
) : ProdegeReward

ProdegeSurveyReward contains some additional information around the completed survey.

data class ProdegeSurveyReward(
    override val points: Int,
    override val currency: String,
    override val cpa: Int,
    override val placement: String,
    override val surveyClass: String?,
    override val remainingCompletes: Int?,
    override val incidenceRate: Int?,
    override val lengthOfInterview: Int?
) : ProdegeReward, SurveyStats

12. Additional Prodege SDK helper methods

12.1. Check if Prodege SDK is initialized

You can check at any time whether the SDK is initialized by calling the following method:





12.2. Check if a placement is loaded

You can check at any time whether a placement is loaded by calling the following method:





12.3. Check if a placement is visible

You can check at any time whether a placement is visible to the user by calling the following method:





12.4. Get the user identifier

You can check at any time which is the currect identifier and its type, that the SDK is using to identify a user.

This will return an object of type IdentifierInfo containing various info such as the identifier the type and the opt-out setting.


data class IdentifierInfo(
    val userId: String,
    val type: IdentifierType,
    val optOut: Boolean

12.5. Hide a placement

You can manually hide a placement by calling:





or you can manually hide all placements by calling:





13. Proguard

If you use proguard with your app, please insert the following lines in your proguard configuration file:

-dontwarn com.prodege.**
-keep class com.prodege.** { *; }

14. Minimum SDK version

Prodege SDK requires at minimum Android API 21 in order to work. You can still build your app if your app minimum target is lower than 21.


<manifest xmlns:android=""

    <uses-sdk tools:overrideLibrary="com.prodege" />

    <!-- ... -->


defaultConfig {
    // ...

    multiDexEnabled true

dependencies {
    // ...

    implementation 'androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1'

15. Server-to-server callbacks upon conversion

If you want to reward your users for completing a ad it is common practice to verify this through server to server callbacks in order to introduce an enhanced security layer to your system. You can easily add your postback url on your app's page on Publisher Dashboard. You can read more on how to set server to server callbacks here.

16. Payouts on Screenouts

In Market Research monetization users can get screened out within the survey since the Researcher might be looking a different user based on the provided answers. Screenouts do not deliver any revenue for the publisher nor any reward for the users. If you would like to activate payouts on screenouts too please follow the steps as described here.