- Внесены исправления для работы на HA 2021.6
- Добавлен русский язык
- updated LitElement source object to "home-assistant-main" as "hui-error-entity-row" is being removed in HA 0.88 update.
- Added da locale translations
- Added alt_* config entries. These allow complete remapping of slot data to what ever format desired by using a template sensor.
- Modified card refresh logic to allow an interval between card refreshes. This should help lower cpu powered devices to not be overwhelmed by multiple hass changes / sec.
- Added refresh_interval flag to config. Can be used to specify the number of seconds between card value refreshes. Defaults to 30.
- (VirtualL) Modified card to allow RTL languages
- (VirtualL) Added Hebrew language
- Corrected issue where an extra UOM would show on the forecast daily temps
- Corrected issue with Forecast day name not updating with hass state changes.
- Card now updates all values on hass state changes
- style getter is now a function as per suggestion from @thomasloven. This may help with using card modder with this card.
- Polish text added : @bieniu
- Adjusted temperature top-margin due to changes in HA v 86.x
- Corrected windy-variant icon mapping
- Fixed UOM for POP Intensity
- Added slots for current conditions. Allows setting specific locations for individual conditions.
- Added optional separator bar near top of card.
- Added optional probability of precipitation (pop) intensity
- Added several flags to control the positioning of components in the card
- Changed to local LitElement and html classes by using existing Lovelace class reference.
- Allow text (ESE, N, etc) wind bearing sensor to be passed in as well as normal numeric degree
- Changed URL reference for Lit and html classes
- Added "Today's High" text to current day high temp
- Added Beaufort scale to Wind. Set show_beaufort flag to true to enable
- Added current condition text to current condition icon. Set entity_current_text to a sensor or template entity to enable.
- Corrected 'it' localization of "feels like". Changed to "Percepito".
- Corrected 'de' localization of "feels like". Changed to "Gefühlt".
- added time_format flag : Overrides locale time format with either 12 or 24 hour time.
- Corrected invalid humidity value
- Added Dutch (nl) translation for Wind Directions
- Added Feels Like to current temperature
- Added current daytime high forecast
- Added current probability of precipitation
- Added daily forecast probability of precipitation
- Altered the way daily forecast high and low appear
- Added old_daily_format flag. Shows old style daily forecast high and low format (values stacked on top of each other).
- Made most current condition items optional
- Removed Sunset flag. Adding entity_sun to the configuration will cause the sunset information to appear
- Refactored card to use LitElement instead fo HTMLElement
- Moved all CSS style entries into card .js file .css file is no longer needed
- Added config entries for styling tooltips
- added localization for wind direction. Currently available for en, fr, it and de locales.
- Updated dark-sky-animated-weather.css file to align the color scheme of the tooltips with the icon colors.
- Fixed bug in Sunrise / Sunset code where invalid object was calling getDate
- Added Locale flag. Sets display of day name and time format by Locale specified
- Added Sunset flag. Enables / disables dislay of sunset and sunrise icons and times.
- Added configuration flag capability
- Added config flag tooltips : Enables/Disables daily summary tooltips
- Added config flag animated_icons : Enables/Disables animated icons
Initial Release