All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.2.0 (2021-08-09)
- localstorage: restricted adding the theme option when the cookie consent is disabled (f4f46a8), closes #145
- mapbox: added the possibility to load geojson file (d2fd6d7)
- gist: fixed the lost of indentation (650a791), closes sunt-programator/CodeIT#173 sunt-programator/CodeIT#173
- gist: fixed the lost of indentation (0f2081d)
- katex: added overflow to show correctly on mobile devices (9f84d2f), closes #194
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (588cc5d)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (07abfa9)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (ac5914c)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (a7c218c)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (25e10de)
- update [skip ci] (8700cd9)
- update [skip ci] (f89f119)
- update [skip ci] (59fb620)
- update [skip ci] (de65a1d)
- update [skip ci] (bd1368e)
- dependabot: removed automerge action (049ea8b)
- deploy: changed trigger event to tag pushing (7a6850b)
- js: removed compiled js files (ca7fcf5)
- npm: updated packages (17b56f8)
- npm: updated packages (daaadea)
- npm: updated packages (2ceff1e)
- npm: updated packages (131e1e9)
- npm: updated packages (a74cdcf)
- ignored the 'missing Instagram AccessToken' error (248048c)
- npm: updated packages (01ed5d2)
- npm: updated packages (1fdda4d)
- npm: updated packages (fab6811)
- npm: updated packages (9904b35)
- npm: updated packages (fe9ee8c)
- npm: updated packages (5cedad5)
- npm: updated packages (272899d)
0.1.2 (2021-05-02)
- avatar: added alt text (dbd66ba), closes #83
- orcid: added ORCID social button (57b4180), closes #82
- telegram: added Telegram sharing option (7614d2e), closes #93
- π add h3-h5 header-mark before style to improve header display on single page posts (4b35855)
- icon: fixed search icon shiftin on Firefox browser (d46221c), closes #76
- rss: fixed wrong author value (8d5b0dc), closes #116
- style: gist style improvements (976eb12)
- style: improve gist markdown file rendering (da4ed46)
- style: remove whitespace setting to preserve gist indentation (0f37c69)
- updated packages (ea3e157)
- updated packages (fc3ba71)
- updated packages (16aa115)
- updated packages (fa12232)
- dependabot: added job (0502b08)
- changed dependabot action (f79d41b)
- dependabot: added auto merger action (a8ada22)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (ea1305c)
- update [skip ci] (1d85835)
- readme: added emoji on titles (7e49cdf)
- readme: removed TOC since Github implemented it (66812e2)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (6245177)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (8969557)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (1840013)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (f93fcac)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (98b25de)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (122cbf8)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (ac3042e)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (e1df683)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (e25e6eb)
- update [skip ci] (2b1ff75)
- update [skip ci] (058153e)
- update [skip ci] (b4f0d34)
- update [skip ci] (6705912)
- update [skip ci] (fb23183)
- preview-image: changed preview image of the theme (c832e33), closes #29
- update [skip ci] (c33db6b)
- update [skip ci] (c9589eb)
- update [skip ci] (076ae7f)
- update [skip ci] (e844580)
- changed dev container configs (b575a22)
- enabled fingerprint (6ed8392)
- release: 0.1.1 (f13aab5)
- versionrc: added compare URL format (37fd853)
0.1.1 (2021-02-28)
- π add h3-h5 header-mark before style to improve header display on single page posts (4b35855)
- avatar: added alt text (dbd66ba), closes #83
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (f93fcac)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (98b25de)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (122cbf8)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (ac3042e)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (e1df683)
- update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (e25e6eb)
- update [skip ci] (6705912)
- update [skip ci] (fb23183)
- preview-image: changed preview image of the theme (c832e33), closes #29
- update [skip ci] (c33db6b)
- update [skip ci] (c9589eb)
- update [skip ci] (076ae7f)
- update [skip ci] (e844580)
- updated packages (ea3e157)
- updated packages (fc3ba71)
- updated packages (16aa115)
- updated packages (fa12232)
- versionrc: added compare URL format (37fd853)
- Add Plausible Analytics option (53e045c)
- added devcontainer (02f046e)
- analytics: update Google analytics.js to gtag.js (#349) (83869e0)
- button: add 'comment' fixed button (#169) (6e091b6)
- CDN: replace CDN config with CDN data file (#353) (39159a9)
- code: add copy button for code (#239) (8a0e610)
- code: add support for code block folding (#259) (bcbc426)
- comment: add comment for single page and emoji config for Valine (#328) (2513afb)
- comment: add Telegram Comments support (#180) (01d814e)
- comment: add Utterances comment system (#317) (7dfa964)
- comments: add comment system (#255) (f588881)
- compatibility: add config for compatibility ( and object-fit-images) (c5a0ec6)
- compatibility: add to improve compatibility (#236) (9f37d7b)
- compatibility: improve compatibility for Hugo basic version (#352) (762a7e5)
- content: support complete local resource references (#388) (aa48df5)
- cookies: add Cookie consent banner (#355) (0a9ec97)
- fixed-btns: add title for fixed buttons (#176) (80db783)
- header: add Logo, pre and post config for header title (#252) (87fbb05)
- header: support header title typeit (#306) (8c70654)
- home: add custom content for home page (#248) (3c38d54)
- home: add disclaimer under social links on home page (#175) (0ca8a4c)
- home: home profile title support HTML format (#356) (861350b)
- i18n: add Vietnamese translation (#383) (7a942f2)
- i18n: added romanian and russian languages (#335) (fcba159)
- lib: add normalize.css lib (#235) (bc97c09)
- lunr: some optimizing lib/lunr/*.js (#367) (c1016df)
- page: add custom page library support (css and js) (#357) (486d859)
- profile: Add optional title above subtitle (#308) (67617b8)
- rss: add rssFullText param for RSS (#301) (e3e3bdf)
- search: add absoluteURL config for search index (#302) (971eff8)
- search: add local search (#231) (90184ca)
- search: add more params for search and improve search index (#279) (16a4e94)
- search: add snippetLength config for search results (#296) (79df5c6)
- search: improve search index (108679e)
- search: improve search index (26381b4)
- search: improve search index by chunked separated by h2 and h3 (#290) (3096ff6)
- search: improve search index by rm line number in code block (#294)) (4191e04)
- SEO: update SEO config (#393) (89a526d)
- shortcode: add link shortcode (#179) (6b03c71)
- shortcode: add mapbox shortcode (#190) (aed8734)
- shortcode: add script shortcode (#359) (d3d2d75)
- shortcode: refactor and improve image shortcode (#187) (774e831)
- shortcodes: add width and height params for echarts shortc⦠(#192) (b6ce753)
- sitemap: improve priority (#392) (2242e0c)
- social: improve social links (#254) (c2197b7)
- style: add header title style config (#170) (ee1c5c2)
- style: adjust mobile TOC style (#155) (344f2f8)
- style: adjust style of header, tags and dynamic-to-top button (3d9aad3)
- style: change custom style file path (#360) (da9df3b)
- style: improve style shortcode to support nesting (#263) (fc46fba)
- style: improve toc style (#167) (212e67c)
- style: simplify blockquote style and rm fa-fw for fontawesome syntax (#257) (41a92c6)
- subtitle: add subtitle for posts (#171) (9a7189c)
- syntax: add fraction syntax (#181) (84d48f3)
- TOC: add keepStatic param for TOC (#372) (9dd5230)
- typeit: add some config for TypeIt (#314) (e4c71ed)
- improve browser compatibility for TypeIt and object-fit (#293) (3040ffa)
- twemoji: add support for twemoji (#264) (b46c810)
- valine: add more params for new valine (#272) (12546ba)
- add detection of the theme version and Hugo version (#173) (41c2d3a)
- 404: update 404.html style (17bbe91)
- aplayer: add dark-mode for APlayer and fix Typeit bug (c8e612b)
- assets: add SRI config for stylesheet and script (924692a)
- author: add author_link and fix highlight bug (8aa4b6d)
- checkbox: change checkbox style (495f7e6)
- comment: add enable for disqus and gitalk (86c6972)
- comments: improve comments and add valine config meta (2417eff)
- config: add config for default theme light/dark (095089f)
- countdown: add style para for countdown shortcode (6736670)
- css: add admonition css variable (b91ca3d)
- css: add local fork-awesome css (4c452aa)
- custom-css: new custom css (517b734)
- environment: use hugo.Environment to judge the production environment (285efc0)
- exampleSite: add some posts to exampleSite (437ef95)
- exampleSite: merge en and zh exampleSite (20c9c81)
- highlight: improve syntax style (aa01ece)
- home: improve default behavior of hiddenFromHomePage (a276661)
- i18n: add select-menu for i18n (1d1cae6)
- i18n: add switchTheme i18n (7e62363)
- image: add image lightgallery (72a2e9b)
- KaTeX: add copy-tex and mhchem for KaTeX (d605de7)
- layout: add animation for title and some style changed (b97cd8c)
- lib: update mermaid to v8.4.2, echarts to v4.5.0, typeit to v6.1.1(modern) (d056fd4)
- lib: upgrade libs and fix exampleSite bugs (e8ee57c)
- menu: add menu pre (8cd7e8d)
- mermaid: improve mermaid style and render (2578aba)
- paginate: add param home_paginate for home post pages and fix relURL bug (473900d)
- partial: add hook and image partial (8aba226)
- shortcodes: replace [align]/[float] with [style] and add [style] (f8a7fd1)
- socal: add support for custom MastodonPrefix (715cb00)
- social: add bilibili social config (edc53d7)
- speed: improve loading speed of static resource (836fe16)
- style: add some custom styles (c7e389c)
- style: improve style for header and image (26727fd)
- style: update toc link color style (f629b62)
- theme: add detecting system dark mode to set site theme (88273f4)
- toc: add custom TOC font size (1894403)
- toc: support fontawesome and ruby in TOC (c8fee17)
- valine: add valine dark theme (b9c7510)
- zh: exampleSite-zh fit new theme (8cdacbd)
- add bilibili diagram echarts and improve style (6981f1e)
- add en/zh README and exampleSite files (af3161f)
- add Katex (95aeca1)
- add site and page parameter for math(KaTeX) (3b279e7)
- add social link for RSS and some configs (#250) (07b669c)
- add subtitle typeit (5e55b25)
- add TypeIt and CountDown (0b85b03)
- CDN for public js lib (cf4b33a)
- faster, support custom lib cdn and more standardized code style (934c3a5)
- fit new themefix: fix style bugfix: fix style bug (f4cda2e)
- fontawesome, admonition and faster (2653f1b)
- impove i18n and clean code (c67a2a8)
- improve configuration (#245) (f14301c)
- KeepIt => LoveIt (96029ea)
- new index and style update (ee7c754)
- new mobile toc (3d8efd6)
- new style and faster (9433736)
- new style fix nav (a46456e)
- new style update (dcbc754)
- smarter typeit shortcode (a6bf8d8)
- tidy style and layout (5cc4fdb)
- update style / exampleSite files and compatible with Hugo 0.58 (69068c7)
- update style and exampleSite files (42d50ae)
- search: search icons position error on Safari Mobile (e4d9796)
- theme: changed repository name (8a099d9), closes #61
- fix script CORS error (#246) (a0ab272)
- fixed the description attribute of the meta tag (2ba1dc1), closes #57
- search index content htmlEscape (2ccba79)
- 404: 404 page select language error (#391) (f631e3d)
- code: inline code overflow-wrap (#280) (072b962)
- codeql: fixed potentially unsafe external link vulnerabilities (e1e63d8), closes #20
- compatibility: compatibility for version 0.1.X (#351) (7c4962e)
- docs: fix some docs bug (3ac6019)
- docs: link errors (87312d5)
- docs: links error (1af17ef)
- featuredImage: featuredImagePreview doesn't work by itself (6aa05a7)
- format: string format error (#366) (acef6c1)
- git: build panic without git (#271) (d5bc3be)
- gitalk: gitalk config error (9e3949c)
- header: header style and search dropdown (#282) (fa4c567)
- hugo: compatibility for Hugo basic version (#315) (4190c79)
- menu: hide divider when no menus (#307) (417851b)
- paginate: paginate error for empty content (#350) (7d0603e)
- path: broken tag/category link when containing a dot (#368) (e5ae1d6)
- fix link errors (#319) (c7dc889)
- fix link errors (#320) (d2adeab)
- rss: fix self atom:link. (#363) (36f59a7)
- search: theme.js error when search is disabled (#310) (09a7c95)
- shortcode: style shortcode scss file path (#327) (f4c9fe7)
- social: social links blocked by uBlock Origin (#354) (8d49150)
- style: comments div padding (04b9366)
- style: global link hover color (#288) (473238f)
- style: lightgallery icons color (9e54504)
- style: link color and wrap style (#283) (4f96582)
- style: remove Google Font (#394) (cded714)
- style: valine dark style, header title and figure margin (#285) (ab81038)
- title: terms title error and change delimiter from "|" to "-" (#299) (5b689bf)
- TOC: scrollbar bug when keepStatic is true (#382) (0c1f7d0)
- typeit: typeit code highlight (#284) (56026f9)
- typeit: typeit shortcode newline error (#330) (df6761f)
- img height error in code block (#277) (752c1b3)
- simpleicons title override link title error (#270) (9003e18)
- comment: fix visitors count for valine (629e2e5)
- git: git info in footer (66b76b5)
- image: some image style bug (b1990d0)
- SEO: some bad escape sequence in JSON-LD part 2 (#202) (919f559)
- some title case bugs for section page and list page (#251) (d90a2d9)
- wrong URL of JS and CSS files on baseURL (#249) (f5fb31e)
- animation: lost animation (9004e37)
- docs: fix some docs bug (d19a0c0)
- fontawesome: keep spaces on both sides of the fontawesome i⦠(#178) (f9dba2e)
- header: fix select label (12eb084)
- i18n: fix mobile i18n link error and zh -> zh-CN (cedd6f1)
- link: fix tags/categories link bug (a0f31c3)
- list: fix list title humanize bug (fbf7a3c)
- SEO: some bad escape sequence in JSON-LD (984e58e)
- shortcode: fix new BV id for bilibili shortcode (#232) (c56f219)
- srcatch: fix srcatch bugs (ae81e37)
- style: auto width problem caused by too long tags or site t⦠(#168) (e4f81f9)
- style: dark mode for mermaid and valine (92fc2bf)
- style: dark mode for valine (371150c)
- style: fix title style (a4878c3)
- style: gist shortcode dark mode style (e4e005d)
- style: social link style error (#162) (bf7c4b5)
- style: style conflict between 'strong' and 'a' tag (#156) (ca0996a)
- summary: use description as summary when summary is empty (850e8f3)
- toc: unwanted arrow of mobile TOC in Firefox (#154) (fc10c46)
- typeit: fix a TypeIt header link style bug (7f228d6)
- checkbox checked status opposite (6690387)
- aplayer: fix aplayer dark style (eb1daf1)
- check: fix some html check bugs (4b3addf)
- ci: fix circleci config bug (ef06c4e)
- ci: fix circleci config version bug (ca16439)
- config: fix config menu name (b20fe1b)
- css: fix css code style (1404509)
- css: fix css code style (cd1a058)
- css: fix some css bugs (344f0a9)
- exampleSite: fix zh exampleSite bug (76145b8)
- fork_awesome: fix incompatibility of Fork Awesome and Font Awesome (a2543e6)
- header: fix mobile header height (730ce7a)
- i18n: fix Valine Comment System i18n bug (69aa0cd)
- image: fix image safeURL bug (77d2dec)
- img: fix loading image size bug (4ada41f)
- link: fix long words and URLs style bug (917cf4a)
- music: fix music shortcode (097473e)
- paginator: fix Paginator render bug (e4627fe)
- scripts: fix CDN not work bug (a207005)
- scripts: fix jsonify bug (39f4869)
- social: fix social link bug (#81) (02919a7)
- style: fix active header menu item (f3eb6fc)
- style: fix summary font-size and padding style (46eb00f)
- style: fix summary height (3b833da)
- template: fix the with function rebinds context issue that result in TypeIt cdn configuration not work. (4879878)
- toc: fix inaccurate headerLinkTop calculation that result in activeTocIndex drift. (440051e)
- toc: fix toc link bug (a4116f1)
- toc: fix toc script bug (3bdf10f)
- typeit: fix duplicated typeit bug (#82) (b13bbc3)
- CDN (0e31808)
- CDN (e38ad3c)
- custom css (a4562eb)
- fix baseURL bug (4e58826)
- fix css and js cros bug (c8bb077)
- fix css bug (4ce4029)
- fix css bug (76e7475)
- fix css bug (9c796e0)
- fix css bug (8261719)
- fix disqus feature and format (1e709b5)
- fix i18n bug (ca6d543)
- fix icon css bug (45c9281)
- fix iPad TOC orientation css bug (f1ec275)
- fix iPad TOC orientation css bug (99d52da)
- fix iPad TOC orientation css bug (87857b2)
- fix path bug (7644bc2)
- fix resource (7639927)
- fix screen-splash bug under dark theme and orientationchange bug (0788330)
- fix seo bug (280ec37)
- fix style bug (bf7d694)
- fix style bug (41a885e)
- fix tag bug (7218a98)
- fix tag bug (30c3195)
- fix toc css bug (a7f9fd4)
- fix toc css bug (9d2e810)
- fix toc css bug (4f2ff40)
- fix toc css bug (36a9b75)
- fix toc css bug (1dc227f)
- fix toc id bug (d7d27e0)
- fix valine bug (00b6b7f)
- mobile nav backgroud and new style (6d0116b)
- mobile-toc target offset (f64c499)
- rm a hover underline (9e08c96)
- rm extra js (f1918f5)
- smarter typeit shortcode (a8bb44d)
- smarter typeit shortcode (0882180)
- smarter typeit shortcode (c0237f3)
- added deployment script (654081c), closes #28
- added deployment script (50c5484), closes #28
- added deployment script (0371b6c), closes #28
- added pull request checks (ce40892), closes #33
- added release creation scripts (4ae07fb), closes #30
- updated deployment script (b91edc7)
- circleci: removed circleci deployment file (c17ff8c)
- devcontainer: changed zsh configs (6985224)
- husky: moved the configs in the package.json file (3805089)
- husky: removed prepare-commit-msg hook (11820f7)
- npm: added all-contributors-cli package (1d5134e), closes #41
- npm: changed configs (39911c5), closes #6
- standard-version: added configs (e60d698), closes #34
- standard-version: added package (3e0065a), closes #34
- standard-version: added posttag script (961dc59), closes #34
- standard-version: removed posttag script (7632574)
- archetype: rename show_description to description_as_summary (d8854c7)
- devcontainer: added VS Code extensions (d0fe529)
- added linters (0c809a2), closes #43
- readme: changed build documentation instructions (6303d10), closes #32
- release: 0.0.1 (3ae5254)
- added deployment status badge (b2e6d8f)
- added issue template (7baacdb), closes #31
- added license (6655d76)
- changed issue templates (359f34a)
- changed readme file (7260492)
- changed theme name in files (61a49bb), closes #23
- changed theme name in files (ca63529), closes #23
- cleaned comments in files (f2770f2), closes #24
- create config file for dependabot (cf7d03d)
- fixed theme icon (bdf8484)
- refactor some code (8f53c99)
- update exampleSite config (09e3b45)
- update packages (c120204)
- update project related information (5bc843c)
- update scripts (f62ccbf)
- update theme.js init (4e3e54b)
- update version to v0.2.10 (94b8e6b)
- updated bug issue template (9747fc0)
- updated feature issue template (b90f036)
- updated the deployment script name (ac8be1d)
- ci: add circleci config (6be6295)
- ci: hugo-loveit-en -> hugo-loveit (5ccaec4)
- ci: update ci (311570c)
- codeql: removed go language (13f5eb6)
- comment: add Valine config for exampleSite (d94c5f1)
- config: update config name (dd78d80)
- config: update exampleSite config (8ef1edd)
- deps: remove jQuery (2f8123b)
- deps-dev: bump minimist from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2 (#152) (ca13e7d)
- deps-dev: bump minimist from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 (#216) (be0f0a6)
- doc: add English "Theme Documentation - Basics" (54a9920)
- docs: add images for config and front matter (591f395)
- docs: compress images in docs (8a2bb03)
- docs: update docs (74a10e0)
- docs: update docs (f3acc60)
- docs: update docs (49272df)
- docs: update docs (f6f7d91)
- docs: update docs (#281) (7affd65)
- docs: update docs (#287) (980b5d3)
- docs: update docs and valine emoji style (6e1e86e)
- docs: update docs for i18n (13b051b)
- docs: update emoji docs (9bb56fd)
- docs: update shortcodes docs (a0d222a)
- docs: update theme documentation basic (413b73d)
- docs: update theme preview (#160) (7dbe1f8)
- docs: update zh-cn docs (2ab3d97)
- forkawesome: update forkawesome css (933e32c)
- github: add issue templates (#276) (e71b373)
- header: remove all dummy-targets and update smooth scroll (6968866)
- hook: add babel pre-commit hook (d87af71)
- i18n: fix i18n files (cbfc965)
- i18n: update Polish and docs (#234) (6112b51)
- icon: update line icon (212e26c)
- js: update typeit.js to v6.5.1 (d25cbf6)
- lang: removed fr and zh-cn languages (cddfe7f)
- lib: refactor libs and update Font Awesome 5.11.2 -> 5.12.1 (ef88651)
- lib: remove ls.native-loading (0dc5feb)
- lib: update gitalk 1.6.0 -> 1.6.2 (5d377ee)
- lib: update libraries (96cf051)
- lib: update mapbox-gl and valine (854e9e3)
- lib: update mermaid 8.4.2 -> 8.4.8 echarts 4.5.0 -> 4.6.0 gitalk 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0 (7e56922)
- lib: update simple-icons and twemoji (84b0989)
- libs: update libs (#256) (7ab1c10)
- netlify: update netlify 404 redirects (ea655d9)
- partials: refactor partials (4e6fe22)
- readme: added codeql badge (e388cfe)
- readme: update readme (4aac6b9)
- resources: update resources (7f2df7a)
- shortcode: make style shortcode toCSS outputStyle compressed (c673353)
- style: improve lightgallery style code (286bf70)
- version: update version to 0.2.1 (d24df51)
- format code (c16db32)
- refactor code style (12bd1e1)
- refactor scripts code style (1088f86)
- update docs and style (#269) (6805d69)
- style: update code style (2a7611b)
- style: update css code style (41a14bc)
- add more README and resoures folder (7aa65e7)
- change resoures folder (a53482e)
- refactor css code style (73b1250)
- rename (6d188f2)
- update i18n (71fcef1)
- style: update code style and add an i18n word (52c7ad2)
- added brief history of this theme (41a2b25), closes #46
- readme: removed zh-cn language (3bbeb51)
- add @anup92k as a contributor (631d091)
- add @astropenguin as a contributor (984c187)
- add @cmpsoares91 as a contributor (c1fa00f)
- add @codedge as a contributor (fc4e940)
- add @derelartwork as a contributor (b68d3d3)
- add @devandreacarratta as a contributor (498dea3)
- add @dillonzq as a contributor (bf14a85)
- add @edte as a contributor (2b9885e)
- add @markdluethje as a contributor (9005ca2)
- add @maxlefou as a contributor (cc00adf)
- add @nirgn975 as a contributor (e96bb12)
- add @onisuly as a contributor (c7205ce)
- add @quyleanh as a contributor (1343e89)
- add @ramrodo as a contributor (4c23b65)
- add @realsangil as a contributor (1c79289)
- add @sarathsp06 as a contributor (335e5d7)
- add @solarpowerinncr as a contributor (2adac6a)
- add @thejayhaykid as a contributor (07c7543)
- add @tlereste as a contributor (031afe0)
- add @tomaja-linuxo as a contributor (3d1e7df)
- add @vanildosouto as a contributor (f1ae522)
- add @victor-pogor as a contributor (af588e2)
- add @wtchangdm as a contributor (9c64ab0)
- add @yoloyi as a contributor (69bee3f)
- add @youngxhui as a contributor (2516121)
- add @ziobron as a contributor (80d14b8)
- add @AutomationD as a contributor (50b16dd)
- add @DaveA-W as a contributor (2800a93)
- add @Fastbyte01 as a contributor (f81e8ec)
- add @Fedomn as a contributor (093d1b7)
- add @Ghosin as a contributor (fef8ddf)
- add @Programazing as a contributor (bba6993)
- add @SilkeHenderickx as a contributor (2d2587b)
- fix echarts shortcodes error (d42f15b)
- improve version used for docs (#188) (a9850f7)
- removed old documentation changes (1c82984)
- rm useless spaces (c592156)
- update @victor-pogor as a contributor (2f1ada3)
- update theme preview and translation (#262) (19c7da3)
- update theme preview image and fix some docs error (#151) (61d76c5)
- badge: update badge (1fbbc9a)
- update zh-CN docs and fix some bugs (fb9a9e7)
- webp -> jpg (8c5f4c0)
- added devcontainer (214f454)
- readme: changed build documentation instructions (6893033), closes #32
- added deployment status badge (035f4c9)
- added issue template (e653cdc), closes #31
- added license (1031e2c)
- changed issue templates (b95b727)
- changed readme file (5434a4d)
- changed theme name in files (c1bd293), closes #23
- changed theme name in files (c673765), closes #23
- cleaned comments in files (46ce494), closes #24
- create config file for dependabot (79e845d)
- fixed theme icon (0bd96ce)
- fixed theme icon (ed956af)
- update packages (e00ebd2)
- updated bug issue template (caf826d)
- updated feature issue template (076f1c4)
- updated the deployment script name (c41103c)
- codeql: removed go language (4d67402)
- lang: removed fr and zh-cn languages (5d9c7de)
- readme: added codeql badge (934b17b)
- added deployment script (705026d), closes #28
- added deployment script (00a25b9), closes #28
- added deployment script (8753d1c), closes #28
- added deployment script (b0a84fa), closes #28
- added deployment script (6d3eb4f), closes #28
- added pull request checks (29f919e), closes #33
- added release creation scripts (ce6fb60), closes #30
- updated deployment script (f266f5d)
- circleci: removed circleci deployment file (17fb375)
- devcontainer: changed zsh configs (b132d45)
- husky: moved the configs in the package.json file (ff44b8c)
- husky: removed prepare-commit-msg hook (adaa2d8)
- npm: changed configs (1054277), closes #6
- standard-version: added configs (5660036), closes #34
- standard-version: added package (0392198), closes #34
- standard-version: added posttag script (2c78c48), closes #34
- standard-version: removed posttag script (b6254af)