Rule ID: 5-35
Rule Description: The baseline air leakage rate of the building envelope (I75Pa) at a fixed building pressure differential of 0.3 in. of water shall be 1 cfm/ft2. The air leakage rate of the building envelope shall be converted to appropriate units for the simulation program using one of the methods in Section G3.1.1.4.
Rule Assertion: Sum of B-RMD infiltration.infiltration.air_leakage_rate = expected value.
Appendix G Section: Section 5 Envelope
Appendix G Section Reference: Section G3.1-5(h) Building Envelope Modeling Requirements for the Baseline building
Applicability: All required data elements exist for B_RMD
Applicability Checks: None
Manual Check: None
Evaluation Context: Each Data Element
Data Lookup: None
Function Call:
- get_surface_conditioning_category()
- get_zone_conditioning_category()
Get surface conditioning category dictionary for B_RMD:
scc_dict_b = get_surface_conditioning_category(B_RMD)
Get zone conditioning category dictionary for B_RMD:
zone_conditioning_category_dict_b = get_zone_conditioning_category(B_RMD)
For each zone in the Baseline model:
for zone_b in B_RMD...zones:
For each surface in zone:
for surface_b in zone_b.surfaces:
- Check if surface is regulated, add zone total area of building envelope to building total:
if scc_dict_b[] != "UNREGULATED": building_total_envelope_area += sum(surface.area for surface in zone_b.surfaces)
- Check if surface is regulated, add zone total area of building envelope to building total:
Check if zone is conditioned or semi-heated, add zone infiltration flow rate to building total:
if zone_conditioning_category_dict_b[] in [CONDITIONED RESIDENTIAL, CONDITIONED NON-RESIDENTIAL, CONDITIONED MIXED, SEMI-HEATED]: building_total_air_leakage_rate_b += zone_b.infiltration.infiltration_flow_rate
Calculate the required baseline air leakage rate at 75Pa in cfm:
target_air_leakage_rate_75pa_b = 1.0 * building_total_envelope_area
Rule Assertion:
Case 1: For B_RMD, if the total zone infiltration rate for conditioned and semi-heated zones is equal to the required baseline infiltration rate at 75Pa with a conversion factor of 0.112 as per Section G3.1.1.4:
if building_total_air_leakage_rate_b == target_air_leakage_rate_75pa_b * 0.112: PASS
Case 2: Else:
else: FAIL
- Update Rule ID from 5-47 to 5-36 on 10/26/2023
- Update Rule ID from 5-36 to 5-35 on 12/22/2023