Schema Version: 0.0.25
Mandatory Rule: True
Rule ID: 22-13
Rule Description: The baseline heat rejection loop shall be an axial-fan open circuit cooling tower.
Rule Assertion: B-RMR = expected value
Appendix G Section: Section 22 CHW&CW Loop
90.1 Section Reference: G3.1.3.11
Data Lookup: None
Evaluation Context: Each HeatRejection
Applicability Checks:
- B-RMR is modeled with at least one air-side system that is Type-7, 8, 12, 13, 7b, 8b, 12b.
- B-RMR is modeled with heat rejection loop
Function Call:
- get_heat_rejection_loops_connected_to_baseline_systems()
Applicability Checks:
The function get_heat_rejection_loops_connected_to_baseline_systems() returns a list of loops that are connected to Type 7,8,12,13,7b,8b,12b. Get the list of applicable heat rejection loops:
heat_rejection_loop_ids_b = get_heat_rejection_loops_connected_to_baseline_systems(B_RMI)
check applicability for each HeatRejection in the model:
for heat_rejection in B_RMI.heat_rejections:
check if heat_rejection fluid_loop is one of the applicable loops:
if in heat_rejection_loop_ids_b: CHECK_RULE_LOGIC
Else, rule is not applicable to the heat rejection:
get the fan type:
fan_type_b = heat_rejection.fan_type_b
get the heat rejection type:
heat_rejection_type_b = heat_rejection.type
Rule Assertion - HeatRejection:
Case 1: If the heat rejection has an axial fan and is an open-circuit cooling tower, PASS:
if ( fan_type_b == AXIAL ) AND (heat_rejection_type_b == OPEN_CIRCUIT_COOLING_TOWER): PASS
Case 2: Else:
else: FAIL