Rule ID: 21-17
Rule Description: All boilers in the baseline building design shall be modeled at the minimum efficiency levels, both part load and full load, in accordance with Tables G3.5.6.
Rule Assertion: B-RMR
Appendix G Section: Section 21 Boiler
Appendix G Section Reference: Section G3.1.2.1 General Baseline HVAC System Requirements - Equipment Efficiencies
Applicability: All required data elements exist for B_RMR
Applicability Checks:
- B-RMR is modeled with at least one air-side system that is Type-1, 5, 7, 11.2, 12, 1a, 7a, 11.2a, 12a.
Manual Check: None
Evaluation Context: Building
Data Lookup: None
Function Call:
- get_baseline_system_types()
Applicability Checks:
Get B-RMR system types:
baseline_hvac_system_dict = get_baseline_system_types(B-RMR)
Check if B-RMR is modeled with at least one air-side system that is Type-1, 5, 7, 11.2, 12, 1a, 7a, 11.2a, 12a, continue to rule logic:
if any(sys_type in baseline_hvac_system_dict.keys() for sys_type in ["SYS-1", "SYS-5", "SYS-7", "SYS-11.2", "SYS-12", "SYS-1A", "SYS-7A", "SYS-11.2A", "SYS-12A"]): CHECK_RULE_LOGIC
Else, rule is not applicable to B-RMR:
For each boiler in B-RMR:
for boiler_b in B_RMR.RulesetModelInstance.boilers:
Rule Assertion - Component:
Case 1: For each boiler, if its rated capacity is less than 300,000Btuh, and its efficiency metric is AFUE, and its efficiency is 80%:
if ( boiler_b.rated_capacity < 300000 ) AND ( boiler_b.efficiency_metric == "ANNUAL_FUEL_UTILIZATION" ) AND ( boiler_b.efficiency == 0.8 ): PASS
Case 2: Else if its rated capacity is less than or equal to 2,500,000Btuh, and its efficiency metric is thermal, and its efficiency is 75%:
if ( boiler_b.rated_capacity <= 2500000 ) AND ( boiler_b.efficiency_metric == "THERMAL" ) AND ( boiler_b.efficiency == 0.75 ): PASS
Case 3: Else if its rated capacity is more than 2,500,000Btuh, and its efficiency metric is combustion, and its efficiency is 80%:
if ( boiler_b.rated_capacity > 2500000 ) AND ( boiler_b.efficiency_metric == "COMBUSTION" ) AND ( boiler_b.efficiency == 0.8 ): PASS
Case 4: Else:
else: FAIL
- Updated the Rule ID from 21-19 to 21-17 on 7/26/2022