Schema Version: 0.0.37
Mandatory Rule: TRUE
Rule ID: 11-7
Rule Description: Except in buildings that will have no service water heating loads, the service water heating system type in the baseline building design shall be as specified in Table G3.1.1-2 for each building area type in the proposed design.
Rule Assertion: Options are PASS/FAIL/NOT_APPLICABLE
Appendix G Section Reference: Table G3.1 #11, baseline column, a & b
Evaluation Context: B-RMD each SWH Equipment
Data Lookup:
- Table G3.1.1-2(swh_bat)
Function Call: - get_component_by_id
- get_SWH_components_associated_with_each_SWH_bat
- get_SWH_bats_and_SWH_use
- get_SWH_equipment_type
Applicability Checks:
Note: Applicability is determined at the building segment level, but the rule is evaluated for all SWH equipment serving the building segment.
Each SWH bat is applicable if there are SWH loads in the BAT in the proposed model
call the function get_SWH_bats_and_SWH_use for the proposed:
swh_bats_and_uses_p = get_SWH_bats_and_SWH_use(P_RMD)
look through each of the SWH bats in the building:
for swh_bat in swh_bats_and_uses_p:
- set a boolean has_swh to false:
has_swh = false
- look at each service water heating use in the BAT:
for swh_use_id in swh_bats_and_uses_p[swh_bat]:
- get the swh use from the swh_use_id:
swh_use = get_component_by_id(P_RMD, swh_use_id)
- check if there are SWH loads in this use, continue to rule logic and set has_swh to true. In this case, we are not worried about the use_units, we just want to know that there is a use that is greater than 0:
if swh_use.use > 0: has_swh = true; CONTINUE TO RULE LOGIC
- get the swh use from the swh_use_id:
- otherwise, if the shw_bat is NOT PARKING_GARAGE, continue to rule logic:
- otherwise, rule is not applicable for this swh_bat:
- use get_SWH_components_associated_with_each_SWH_bat to get the SWH use types and SWH use in the building:
swh_bats_and_uses_b = get_SWH_components_associated_with_each_SWH_bat(B_RMD)
- look at each SWH Equipment in the swh_bat. Appendix G requires only one system per bat, but this is covered in rule 11-8, so here we will allow multiple SWH equipment:
for swh_equip_id in swh_bats_and_uses_b[swh_bat]["SWHHeatingEq"]:
- get the SWH equipment type using the function get_SWH_equipment_type:
swh_equip_type = get_SWH_equipment_type(B_RMD, swh_equip_id)
- get the expected SWH equipment type by looking it up in the table G3.1.1-2:
expected_swh_equip_type = data_lookup(Table G3.1.1-2, swh_bat)
- get the SWH equipment type using the function get_SWH_equipment_type:
- set a boolean has_swh to false:
Case1: the swh_bat has zero SWH use, return UNDETERMINED with a not to check that service water heating has been included as appropriate:
if has_swh == false: UNDETERMIEND; rule_note = "Building area type " + swh_bat + " has no service water heating use. Confirm that this is correct for this building area type."
Case2: the expected_swh_equip_type matches swh_equip_type: PASS:
elif expected_swh_equip_type == swh_equip_type: PASS
Case3: the expected_swh_equip_type doesn't match swh_equip_type,
FAIL: else: FAIL
- The rule states bats for the proposed, but this is complex to check - can we add that SWH uses need to have the same use type to the section 1 general checks?