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Airside systems – Rule 10-6

Schema Version: 0.0.23
Mandatory Rule: True
Rule ID: 10-6

Rule Description: For HVAC systems designed, mechanical cooling equipment efficiencies shall be adjusted to remove the supply fan energy from the efficiency rating.
Rule Assertion: P-RMR = expected value
Appendix G Section: Table G3.1 Section 10 b.
Appendix G Section Reference: None
Data Lookup: None
Evaluation Context: Evaluate each CoolingSystem data object

Applicability Checks:

  1. HVAC with DX mechanical cooling.

Function Call: None

Manual Check: None

Rule Logic:

Applicability Check 1:

  • For each hvac system in the P_RMR: for hvac_p in P_RMR...HeatingVentilatingAirConditioningSystem:
    • For each cooling system in the HVAC system: for cooling_system_p in hvac_p.cooling_system:
      • Check that cooling system type is equal to DX:: if cooling_system_p.cooling_system_type == "DIRECT_EXPANSION":

        • Reset no_fan_eff_entered boolean variable: no_fan_eff_entered = FALSE

        • loop through each of the efficiency_metric_types associated with the cooling system until FULL_LOAD_COEFFICIENT_OF_PERFORMANCE_NO_FAN is found (this is the metric in 90.1 2019 used for dx coil performance). Get the associated value of the efficiency from the list of efficiency_metric_values associated with the cooling_system_p: for x in range(len(cooling_system_p.efficiency_metric_values)):

          • check if the efficiency_metric_type equals FULL_LOAD_COEFFICIENT_OF_PERFORMANCE_NO_FAN: if cooling_system_p.efficiency_metric_types[x] == "FULL_LOAD_COEFFICIENT_OF_PERFORMANCE_NO_FAN":
            • Check that the no fan full load cooling efficiency does not equal Null: if cooling_system_p.efficiency_metric_values[x] != Null: no_fan_eff_entered = TRUE
          • Else: Else: no_fan_eff_entered = FALSE
        • Check that the no fan full load cooling efficiency does not equal Null: if cooling_system_p.full_load_efficiency_no_fan != Null: no_fan_eff_entered = TRUE

        • Else: Else: no_fan_eff_entered = FALSE

        Rule Assertion:

        • Case 1: For each applicable cooling system, if no_fan_eff_entered = TRUE then pass: if no_fan_eff_entered == TRUE: outcome == "PASS"
        • Case 2: For each applicable cooling system, else (no_fan_eff_entered = FALSE) then fail: Else: outcome == "FAIL" and raise_message "Per Table G3.1 section 10 b cooling efficiency is required to be adjusted to remove the supply fan energy from the efficiency rating. A no fan full load cooling efficiency does not appear to have been modeled for this cooling system."
