Schema Version: 0.0.36
Mandatory Rule: True
Rule ID: 1-3
Rule Description: The Performance Cost Index-Target (PCIt) shall be calculated using the procedures defined in Section The PCIt shall be equal to [baseline building unregulated energy cost (BBUEC) + BPF x baseline building regulated energy cost (BBREC)]/ BBP
Rule Assertion: Options are Pass/Fail
Appendix G Section: Section
90.1 Section Reference: None
Data Lookup: None
Evaluation Context:
Applicability Checks:
Function Calls: None
Create a set of the PCI Target values from the various outputs (it only needs to exist in at least 1 output):
pci_target_set = set([B_0_RMD.output.performance_cost_index_target, B_90_RMD.output.performance_cost_index_target, B_180_RMD.output.performance_cost_index_target, B_270_RMD.output.performance_cost_index_target, P_RMD.output.performance_cost_index_target, U_RMD.output.performance_cost_index_target])
Create a set of the project area weighted average building performance factor (BPF) from the various outputs (it only needs to exist in at least 1 output):
bpf_set = set([B_0_RMD.output.total_area_weighted_building_performance_factor, B_90_RMD.output.total_area_weighted_building_performance_factor, B_180_RMD.output.total_area_weighted_building_performance_factor, B_270_RMD.output.total_area_weighted_building_performance_factor, P_RMD.output.total_area_weighted_building_performance_factor, U_RMD.output.total_area_weighted_building_performance_factor])
Create a set of the baseline building performance (BBP) from the various outputs (it only needs to exist in at least 1 output):
bbp_set = set([B_0_RMD.output.baseline_building_performance_energy_cost, B_90_RMD.output.baseline_building_performance_energy_cost, B_180_RMD.output.baseline_building_performance_energy_cost, B_270_RMD.output.baseline_building_performance_energy_cost, P_RMD.output.baseline_building_performance_energy_cost, U_RMD.output.baseline_building_performance_energy_cost])
Create a set of the baseline building regulated energy cost (BBREC) from the various outputs (it only needs to exist in at least 1 output):
bbrec_set = set([B_0_RMD.output.baseline_building_regulated_energy_cost, B_90_RMD.output.baseline_building_regulated_energy_cost, B_180_RMD.output.baseline_building_regulated_energy_cost, B_270_RMD.output.baseline_building_regulated_energy_cost, P_RMD.output.baseline_building_regulated_energy_cost, U_RMD.output.baseline_building_regulated_energy_cost])
Create a set of the baseline building unregulated energy cost (BBUEC) from the various outputs (it only needs to exist in at least 1 output):
bbuec_set = set([B_0_RMD.output.baseline_building_unregulated_energy_cost, B_90_RMD.output.baseline_building_unregulated_energy_cost, B_180_RMD.output.baseline_building_unregulated_energy_cost, B_270_RMD.output.baseline_building_unregulated_energy_cost, P_RMD.output.baseline_building_unregulated_energy_cost, U_RMD.output.baseline_building_unregulated_energy_cost])
If the length of the PCI Target set is not 1, raise a message and return FAIL:
if len(pci_target_set) != 1: outcome = FAIL and raise_message "Ruleset expects exactly one PCI Target value to be used in the project."
If the length of the BPF set is not 1, raise a message and return FAIL:
if len(bpf_set) != 1: outcome = FAIL and raise_message "Ruleset expects exactly one BPF value to be used in the project."
If the length of the BBP set is not 1, raise a message and return FAIL:
if len(bbp_set) != 1: outcome = FAIL and raise_message "Ruleset expects exactly one BBP value to be used in the project."
If the length of the BBREC set is not 1, raise a message and return FAIL:
if len(bbrec_set) != 1: outcome = FAIL and raise_message "Ruleset expects exactly one BBREC value to be used in the project."
If the length of the BBUEC set is not 1, raise a message and return FAIL:
if len(bbuec_set) != 1: outcome = FAIL and raise_message "Ruleset expects exactly one BBUEC value to be used in the project."
Get the Performance Cost Index-Target from the output(s):
output_pci_target = pci_target_set[0]
Get the project area weighted average building performance factor (BPF) from the output(s):
output_bpf = bpf_set[0]
Get the baseline building performance (BBP) from the output(s):
output_bbp = bbp_set[0]
Get the baseline building regulated energy cost (BBREC) from the output(s):
output_bbrec = bbrec_set[0]
Get the baseline building unregulated energy cost (BBUEC) from the output(s):
output_bbuec = bbuec_set[0]
If the output_bbp value is 0, raise a message and return FAIL:
if output_bbp == 0: outcome = FAIL and raise_message "Ruleset expects baseline_building_performance_energy_cost to be greater than 0."
Rule Assertion:
if output_bbp !=0 and output_pci_target == (output_bbuec + (output_bpf * output_bbrec))/output_bbp: outcome = PASS
- Else: FAIL
else: outcome = FAIL
Notes/Questions: None