To customise the payment manager, follow these steps:
You can customize the following variables in the configuration file based on your requirements:
- PRIMARY_COLOR: The primary color of the payment manager. (Applies to charts, modals and buttons)
- SECONDARY_COLOR: The secondary color of the payment manager. (Applies to navbar and borders.)
- ACCENT_COLOR: The accent color of the payment manager. (Applies to navbar and borders.)
- TITLE: The title of the payment manager.
- COUNTRY_LOGO: The DFSP logo/Country Logo, specified as a URL or base64-encoded string.
- The logo or image for the title, specified as a URL or base64-encoded string.
Ensure the images meet the following dimensions:
- LOGO: 126x45 pixels
- COUTNRY_LOGO: 50x50 pixels
You can rename the current file by clicking the file name in the navigation bar or by clicking the Rename button in the file explorer.
If you want to use base64-encoded images for LOGO or COUNTRY_LOGO, follow these steps:
Convert the Image to WebP Format:
- Use the website CloudConvert to convert your image to WebP format.
- Select the source and target formats.
- Upload your image.
- Click "Convert" and download the WebP image.
- Use the website CloudConvert to convert your image to WebP format.
Encode the WebP Image to Base64:
- Use the website Base64-Image to convert the WebP image to a base64 string.
- Once the encoding is complete, copy the base64 string.
- Replace in the configuration file with the base64 string.
Example format:
Use this link to generate WebP format images: