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 # MagisBundle
+*Symfony bundle for php templates rendering*
+## Why Magis?
+### - It's incredible fast!
+### - It's easy to understand!
+### - It can implement all services you need!
+## Install
+If you want to install Magis symfony bundle
+composer require pjpawel/magis-bundle
+If you want raw view service and view classes use [Magis](https://github.com/pjpawel/Magis)
+composer require pjpawel/magis
+## Usage
+In container, you will find `magis` alias for `ViewDispatcherService`;
+You should use 'AbstractMagisController':
+use pjpawel\Magis\MagisBundle\Controller\AbstractMagisController;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
+class FooController extends AbstractMagisController
+    public function test(): Response
+    {
+        return $this->renderPhpView($templateName, $params);
+    }
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