Everything to build your next non-embedded Shopify App and Marketing pages in one place. This Template utilizes Middleware and APIs for OAuth, so no custom server is needed.
Intentionally barebones. 🦴
- 🤩 Features
- 👀 Requirements
- 🤓 Getting Started
- 🚀 One click deploy
- 🧰 Built with
- ⚡ Next.js - React Framework for static rendering
- ✨ Serverless Architecture
- 💳 App Subscrptions
- 💾 Session Storage with Redis
- 🚇 Ngrok for development
- 🚀 Apollo/Client
- 🪝 Webhooks set up
- Shopify Partner Account
- Shopify Dev Store
- Ngrok account
- Upstash Redis Database
- Click
Use this template
or this link - Create an App in your Shopify Partner Account
- Set https://localhost as the App Url for now
- Go to
App Setup
->Embedded app
and disableEmbed your app in Shopify admin
- Fill out your
: The Shopify Api key of the app, you have just createdSHOPIFY_API_SECRET_KEY
: The Shopify Api secret key of the app, you have just createdSCOPES
: The access scopes your app needsHOST
: The Url of your app. Leave this empty for developmentSHOP
: Your dev stores urlNGROK_AUTH_TOKEN
: Your Ngrok auth tokenUPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL
: Your Upstash Redis REST token.
- Run
npm install
- Run
npm run dev
- Visit
to install your app
Clone and deploy this template in one click to Vercel for free!
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.