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File metadata and controls

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How does it Work?

Instanciating a map with goGoCarto('#gogocarto', myConfig) will create a GoGoCartoModule which

  1. Loads the configuration
  2. Renders the main template (layout) and inserts it into the specified DOM
  3. Instanciates AppModule
  4. Initializes some modules and components (see src/js/gogocarto.ts)

AppModule is a kind of "One ring to rule them all". Every components, modules and managers belongs to AppModule. AppModule is accessible everywhere in the code calling the App variable. For example, in the MapComponent, If I want to get the BoundsModule, I can do


Components, Modules, what is all of this ?


Components are responsible of a part of the UI. Components have a javascript class, a view, and css style. For example the MarkerComponent


Some components, like Marker & Element, render their view on the fly. But most part of the components are more "static", meaning their are instanciated once, and the view is rendered from the main layout.

The AppComponent is a bit special. Its purpose is to handle the main layout, and mostly resizes the visible components.

(See UI layout on next page)

Modules (src/js/modules)

A Module is a piece of code not linked to the view, who can performs various actions. In some frameworks, this kind of object is called a Service.

For example AjaxModule performs Ajax calls. One of the method is

AjaxModule.getElementById(elementId, callbackSuccess?, callbackFailure?)

Managers (src/js/managers)

Managers take care of linking components and modules between each others. To say it differently, managers are responsibles for transverse actions.

Actually, with the global App variable, all modules and components can access to all others ones. But in practice, the use of App variable within a component or Module should remain for "reading" action, like getting the value from an other component. But if a Component or a Module need to have an impact on others, it need to go throw a Manager first.

For example, a Map Click should close a visible element infoBar. The map component will not hide the infoBar itself (it could, but it will not). Instead the MapManager is here to listen for map click, and then performs the transverse actions, like App.infoBarComponent.hide()

Managers should listen to components or modules events. This is the preferred way.

But sometimes, to go faster, a component or a module can call directly a Manager. This is the case for changing State, Mode or DataType (see below). For example, the GoGoControlComponent has a ShowAsListButton. When this button is clicked, the GoGoControlComponent will call App.stateManager.setMode(AppModes.List);

Also, when actions are very simple, a component can call an other one. For example the GoGoControlComponent has a ShowDirectoryMenuButton. When this button is clicked, the GoGoControlComponent will call

Classes (src/js/classes)

This folder contains all the classes who describe an Object, but without being a UI Component. For example a TileLayer, a PostalAddress Thoses classes should not have business logic inside. This is more a descriptive object, with getters, setters and methods to initialize or do basic operations

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User Interface Layout