- RunActionAfterGeneratorCompletes won't call it's on_done action if closed prematurely
- more complete support for generators in RunActionAfterGeneratorCompletes
- added run_when_generator_completes and RunActionAfterGeneratorCompletes
- breaking change: DictObject will no longer announce it's presence via str and repr. It will just display it's dictionary.
- nested creation of DictObject's was optimized
- fixed the modules page in documentation
- added choose_with_index
- paths changed in pyproject.toml
- removed prints from unit tests
- deprecated rethrow_as
- fixed circular import
- fixed a subtle bug in _CPUProfileBuilderThread.get_own_cpu_usage
- slight optimization for Heap.push_many
- bugfix for Heap.push and a deprecation
- changed how CallableGroup works - now every add adds a CancellableCallback and it's always true that CallableGroup has it's own cancellable callbacks.
- add JSONAbleDataObject
- improved typing for reraise_as
- added weak_refs to SingletonWithRegardsTo
- added jump_to_directory
- fixed get_size() to RuntimeError on PyPy instead of hanging