Pinpoint Go Agent creates a Config populated with default settings, command line flags, environment variables, config file and config functions are prefixed with 'With', such as WithAppName. Config uses the following precedence order. Each item takes precedence over the item below it:
- command line flag
- environment variable
- config file
- config function
- default
For example, if a configuration item is specified in the environment variable and in the configuration file respectively, the value set in the environment variable is finally used.
Pinpoint Go Agent supports the ability to have your application live read a config file while running. Configuration options marked with the dynamic can be changed at runtime when you change the config file.
The titles below are used as configuration keys in config file. In the description of each config option below, the list is shown in the order command flag, environment variable, config function, value type and additional information.
The config options below can be saved to the config file is set by ConfigFile option. It is supported JSON, YAML and Properties config files and configuration keys used in config files are case-insensitive.
- --pinpoint-configfile
- WithConfigFile()
- string
- case-sensitive
For .
delimited path keys, they are accessed in nested field.
The format of the YAML config file is as follows:
applicationName: "MyAppName"
host: ""
type: "percent"
percentRate: 10
logLevel: "error"
The configuration profile feature is supported. You can set the profile in the config file and specify the profile to activate with the ActiveProfile option.
- --pinpoint-activeprofile
- WithActiveProfile()
- string
- case-insensitive
The example below shows that config file and profile are set by command flag.
--pinpoint-configfile=pinpoint-config.json --pinpoint-activeprofile=dev
"applicationName": "JsonAppName",
"agentId": "JsonAgentID",
"loglevel": "debug",
"profile": {
"dev": {
"collector": {
"host": ""
"sampling": {
"type": "COUNTER",
"CounterRate": 1
"real": {
"collector": {
"host": ""
"sampling": {
"type": "percent",
"percentRate": 5.5
ApplicationName option sets the application name. If this option is not provided, the agent can't be started. The maximum length of ApplicationName is 24.
- --pinpoint-applicationname
- WithAppName()
- string
- case-sensitive
ApplicationType option sets the application type.
- --pinpoint-applicationtype
- WithAppType()
- int
- default: 1800 (ServiceTypeGoApp)
AgentId option set id to distinguish agent. We recommend that you enable hostname to be included. The maximum length of AgentId is 24. If agent id is not set or the maximum length is exceeded, automatically generated id is given.
- --pinpoint-agentid
- WithAgentId()
- string
- case-sensitive
AgentName option sets the agent name. The maximum length of AgentName is 255.
- --pinpoint-agentname
- WithAgentName()
- string
- case-sensitive
Collector.Host option sets the host address of Pinpoint collector.
- --pinpoint-collector-host
- WithCollectorHost()
- string
- default: "localhost"
- case-sensitive
Collector.AgentPort option sets the agent port of Pinpoint collector.
- --pinpoint-collector-agentport
- WithCollectorAgentPort()
- int
- default: 9991
Collector.SpanPort option sets the span port of Pinpoint collector.
- --pinpoint-collector-spanport
- WithCollectorSpanPort()
- int
- default: 9993
Collector.StatPort option sets the stat port of Pinpoint collector.
- --pinpoint-collector-statport
- WithCollectorStatPort()
- int
- default: 9992
Sampling.Type option sets the type of agent sampler. Either "COUNTER" or "PERCENT" must be specified.
- --pinpoint-sampling-type
- WithSamplingType()
- string
- default: "COUNTER"
- case-insensitive
- dynamic
Sampling.CounterRate option sets the counter sampling rate. Sample 1/rate. In other words, if the rate is 1, then it will be 100% and if it is 100, it will be 1% sampling.
- --pinpoint-sampling-counterrate
- WithSamplingCounterRate()
- int
- default: 1
- valid range: 0 ~ 100
- dynamic
Sampling.PercentRate option sets the sampling rate for a 'percent sampler'.
- --pinpoint-sampling-percentrate
- WithSamplingPercentRate()
- float
- default: 100
- valid range: 0.01 ~ 100
- dynamic
Sampling.NewThroughput option sets the new TPS for a 'throughput sampler'.
- --pinpoint-sampling-newthroughput
- WithSamplingNewThroughput()
- type: int
- default: 0
- dynamic
Sampling.ContinueThroughput option sets the cont TPS for a 'throughput sampler'.
- --pinpoint-sampling-continuethroughput
- WithSamplingContinueThroughput()
- type: int
- default: 0
- dynamic
Span.QueueSize option sets the size of agent's span queue for gRPC.
- --pinpoint-span-queuesize
- WithSpanQueueSize()
- type: int
- default: 1024
Span.EventChunkSize option sets the size of span event chunk for gRPC.
- --pinpoint-span-eventchunksize
- WithSpanEventChunkSize()
- type: int
- default: 20
Span.MaxCallStackDepth option sets the max callstack depth of a span, if -1 is unlimited and min is 2.
- --pinpoint-span-maxcallstackdepth
- WithSpanMaxCallStackDepth()
- type: int
- default: 64
- dynamic
Span.MaxCallStackDepth option sets the max callstack sequence of a span, if -1 is unlimited and min is 4.
- --pinpoint-span-maxcallstacksequence
- WithSpanMaxCallStackSequence()
- type: int
- default: 5000
- dynamic
Stat.CollectInterval option sets the statistics collection cycle for the agent.
- --pinpoint-stat-collectinterval
- WithStatCollectInterval()
- type: int
- default: 5000
- unit: milliseconds
Stat.BatchCount option sets batch delivery units for collected statistics.
- --pinpoint-stat-batchcount
- WithStatBatchCount()
- type: int
- default: 6
SQL.TraceBindValue option enables bind value tracing for SQL Driver.
- --pinpoint-sql-tracebindvalue
- WithSQLTraceBindValue()
- type: bool
- default: true
- dynamic
SQL.MaxBindValueSize option sets the max length of traced bind value for SQL Driver.
- --pinpoint-sql-maxbindvaluesize
- WithSQLMaxBindValueSize()
- type: int
- default: 1024
- unit: bytes
- dynamic
SQL.TraceCommit option enables commit tracing for SQL Driver.
- --pinpoint-sql-tracecommit
- WithSQLTraceCommit()
- type: bool
- default: true
- dynamic
SQL.TraceRollback option enables rollback tracing for SQL Driver.
- --pinpoint-sql-tracerollback
- WithSQLTraceRollback()
- type: bool
- default: true
- dynamic
SQL.TraceQueryStat option enables trace SQL query statistics.
- --pinpoint-sql-tracequerystat
- WithSQLTraceQueryStat()
- type: bool
- default: false
- dynamic
Log.Level option sets the level of log generated by the agent. Either trace, debug, info, warn, or error must be set.
- --pinpoint-log-level
- WithLogLevel()
- type: string
- default: "info"
- case-insensitive
- dynamic
Log.Output option sets the output file of log generated by the agent. You can set stderr, stdout or file path.
- --pinpoint-log-output
- WithLogOutput()
- type: string
- default: "stderr"
- case-insensitive
- dynamic
Log.MaxSize option sets the max size of log file. The unit of value is MB.
- --pinpoint-log-maxsize
- WithLogMaxSize()
- type: int
- default: 10
- dynamic
Error.TraceCallStack option enables trace callstack dump when a error occurs.
- --pinpoint-error-tracecallstack
- WithErrorTraceCallStack()
- type: bool
- default: false
- dynamic
Error.CallStackDepth option sets the max depth of callstack to be dumped.
- --pinpoint-error-callstackdepth
- WithErrorCallStackDepth()
- type: int
- default: 32
- dynamic
IsContainerEnv option sets whether the application is running in a container environment or not. If this is not set, the agent automatically checks it.
- --pinpoint-iscontainerenv
- WithIsContainerEnv()
- type: bool
- default: false
Enable option enables the agent is operational state. If this is set as false, the agent doesn't start working.
- --pinpoint-enable
- WithEnable()
- type: bool
- default: true
Http.Server.StatusCodeErrors option sets HTTP status code with request failure. Refer
- --pinpoint-http-server-statuscodeerrors
- WithHttpServerStatusCodeError()
- type: string slice
- default: {"5xx"}
- case-insensitive
- dynamic
The string slice value is set as follows.
- 5xx
- 301
- 400
Http.Server.ExcludeUrl option sets URLs to exclude from tracking. It supports ant style pattern. (e.g. /aa/*.html, /??/exclude.html) Refer
- --pinpoint-http-server-excludeurl
- WithHttpServerExcludeUrl()
- type: string slice
- case-sensitive
- dynamic
Http.Server.ExcludeMethod option sets HTTP Request methods to exclude from tracking.
- --pinpoint-http-server-excludemethod
- WithHttpServerExcludeMethod()
- type: string slice
- case-insensitive
- dynamic
Http.Server.RecordRequestHeader option sets HTTP request headers to be logged on the server side. If sets to "HEADERS-ALL", it records all request headers.
- --pinpoint-http-server-recordrequestheader
- WithHttpServerRecordRequestHeader()
- type: string slice
- case-insensitive
- dynamic
Http.Server.RecordResponseHeader option sets HTTP response headers to be logged on the server side. If sets to "HEADERS-ALL", it records all request headers.
- --pinpoint-http-server-recordresponseheader
- WithHttpServerRecordRespondHeader()
- type: string slice
- case-insensitive
- dynamic
Http.Server.RecordRequestCookie option sets HTTP request cookies to be logged on the server side. If sets to "HEADERS-ALL", it records all request headers.
- --pinpoint-http-server-recordrequestcookie
- WithHttpServerRecordRequestCookie()
- type: string slice
- case-insensitive
- dynamic
Http.Server.RecordHandlerError sets whether to record the error returned by http handler.
- --pinpoint-http-server-recordhandlererror
- WithHttpServerRecordHandlerError()
- type: bool
- default: true
- dynamic
Http.Client.RecordRequestHeader option sets HTTP request headers to be logged on the client side. If sets to "HEADERS-ALL", it records all request headers.
- --pinpoint-http-client-recordrequestheader
- WithHttpClientRecordRequestHeader()
- type: string slice
- case-insensitive
- dynamic
Http.Client.RecordResponseHeader option sets HTTP response headers to be logged on the client side. If sets to "HEADERS-ALL", it records all request headers.
- --pinpoint-http-client-recordresponseheader
- WithHttpClientRecordRespondHeader()
- type: string slice
- case-insensitive
- dynamic
Http.Client.RecordRequestCookie option sets HTTP request cookies to be logged on the client side. If sets to "HEADERS-ALL", it records all request headers.
- --pinpoint-http-client-recordrequestcookie
- WithHttpClientRecordRequestCookie()
- type: string slice
- case-insensitive
- dynamic
Http.UrlStat.Enable option enables the agent's HTTP URL statistics feature. If this is set as false, the agent doesn't collect HTTP URL statistics. Pinpoint Go Agent collects response times, successes and failures for all http requests regardless of sampling. The HTTP URL statistics feature is supported from Pinpoint version 2.5.0.
- --pinpoint-http-urlstat-enable
- WithHttpUrlStatEnable()
- type: bool
- default: false
- dynamic
Http.UrlStat.LimitSize option sets the limit size of the URLs to be collected.
- --pinpoint-http-urlstat-limitsize
- WithHttpUrlStatLimitSize()
- type: int
- default: 1024
- dynamic
Http.UrlStat.WithMethod option adds http method as prefix to url string key.
- --pinpoint-http-urlstat-withmethod
- WithHttpUrlStatWithMethod()
- type: bool
- default: false
- dynamic