From 9fcffa98adb6d0f338a2f17a966b3793ccc1a5b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christian Geier <>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 17:00:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] trying to reproduce #836

 tests/ | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 5f90dbaaf..269164d82 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1018,3 +1018,71 @@ def test_list_now(runner, tmpdir):
     result = runner.invoke(main_khal, ['list', 'now'])
     assert not result.exception
+@freeze_time('2019-01-22 06:30:00', tz_offset=0)
+def test_reproduce_836(runner, tmpdir):
+    # while it is already 2019-01-22 in UTC, it is still 2019-01-21 in
+    # America/Los_Angeles
+    import datetime as dt
+    print(
+    import pytz
+    local_tz = pytz.timezone('America/Los_Angeles')
+    print(
+    runner = runner()
+    xdg_config_home = tmpdir.join('.config')
+    config_file = xdg_config_home.join('khal').join('config')
+    config_file.write("""
+        [calendars]
+        [[one]]
+        path = {}
+        color = dark blue
+        [[two]]
+        path = {}
+        color = dark green
+        [[three]]
+        path = {}
+        [locale]
+        dateformat = %Y-%m-%d
+        longdateformat = %Y-%m-%d
+        datetimeformat = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M
+        longdatetimeformat = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M
+        timeformat = %H:%M
+        default_timezone = America/Los_Angeles
+        local_timezone = America/Los_Angeles
+    """.format(
+        tmpdir.join('calendar'),
+        tmpdir.join('calendar2'),
+        tmpdir.join('calendar3'),
+    ))
+    print(runner.invoke(main_khal, 'printformats --now'.split()).output)
+    result = runner.invoke(main_khal, 'new -a one 2019-01-20 23:00 24:00 Meeting on 20st at 23:00'.split())
+    result = runner.invoke(main_khal, 'new -a one 2019-01-21 23:00 24:00 Meeting on 21st at 23:00'.split())
+    result = runner.invoke(main_khal, 'new -a one 2019-01-22 17:00 20:00 Meeting on 22nd at 17:00'.split())
+    result = runner.invoke(main_khal, 'new -a one 23:00 Meeting today at 23:00'.split())
+    print('$ khal calendar 2019-01-20')
+    result = runner.invoke(main_khal, ['list', '2019-01-20'])
+    print(result.output)
+    assert result.output.startswith('Sunday, 2019-01-20')
+    print('$ khal calendar 2019-01-21')
+    result = runner.invoke(main_khal, ['list', '2019-01-21'])
+    print(result.output)
+    assert result.output.startswith('Today, 2019-01-21')
+    print('$ khal calendar 2019-01-22')
+    result = runner.invoke(main_khal, ['list', '2019-01-22'])
+    print(result.output)
+    assert result.output.startswith('Tomorrow, 2019-01-22')
+    # this part tests, if the default start (today) is also correctly set to the
+    # 21st
+    print('$ khal calendar')
+    result = runner.invoke(main_khal, ['list'])
+    print(result.output)
+    assert result.output.startswith('Today, 2019-01-21')