Status | SLI | SLO |
WIP | In-cluster dns latency from a single prober pod, measured as latency of per second DNS lookup1 for "null service" from that pod, measured as 99th percentile over last 5 minutes. | In default Kubernetes installataion with RTT between nodes <= Y, 99th percentile of (99th percentile over all prober pods) per cluster-day <= X |
[1] In fact two DNS lookups: (1) to nameserver IP from /etc/resolv.conf (2) to kube-system/kube-dns service IP and track them as two separate SLIs.
- As a user of vanilla Kubernetes, I want some guarantee how fast my in-cluster DNS requests are resolved
- We obviously can't give any guarantee in a general case, because cluster administrators may configure cluster as they want.
- As a result, we define the SLI to be very generic (no matter how your cluster is set up), but we provide SLO only for default installations with an additional requirement that low-level RTT between nodes is lower than Y.
- DNS latency is one of the most crucial aspects from the point of view of application performance, especially in microservices world. As a result, to meet user expectations, we need to provide some guarantees arount that.
- We are introducing two SLIs (for two IP addresses) to enable measuring the impact of node-local caching.
- The SLI is formulated for a prober pods, even though users are mostly interested in the aggregation across all pods (that is done only at the SLO level). However, that provides very similar guarantees and makes it fairly easy to measure.
- The RTT between nodes may significantly differ, if nodes are in different topologies (e.g. GCP zones). However, given that topology-aware service routing is not natively supported in Kubernetes yet, we explicitly acknowledge that depending on the pinged endpoint, results may signiifcantly differ if nodes are spanning multiple topologies.
- The prober reporting that is fairly trivial and itself needs only negligible amount of resources. Unfortunately there isn't any component to which we can attach that functionality (e.g. KubeProxy is running in host network), so we will create a dedicated set of prober pods. We will run a set of prober pods (number proportional to cluster size).
- We don't have any "null service" running in cluster, so an administrator has to set up one to make the SLI measurable in real cluster. In tests, we will create a service on top of prober pods.
- DNS Latency is only a part of criticial metrics, the other being "drop rate" or "timeout rate". Given that is seems harder to measure/sample, we would like to address that separate to avoid blocking this SLI on the resolution.
TODO: Describe test scenario.