Contributions and issue reports are encouraged and appreciated!
Before opening an issue, please check whether your issue has already been reported. Assuming it has not:
- Describe the issue you're encountering or the suggestion you're making
- Include any relevant steps to reproduce or code samples you can. It's always easier for us to debug if we have something that demonstrates the error.
- Let us know what version of patch you were using. If you're using a github checkout, provide the git hash.
- Describe how you're building patch (i.e., via patch-platform, cabal install, stack, obelisk, etc.). If you're using patch-platform or obelisk, provide the git hash of your checkout.
The summary line of your commit message should summarize the changes being made. Commit messages should be written in the imperative mood and should describe what happens when the commit is applied.
One way to think about it is that your commit message should be able to complete the sentence: "When applied, this commit will..."
For breaking changes, new features, refactors, or other major changes, the body of the commit message should describe the motivation behind the change in greater detail and may include references to the issue tracker. The body shouldn't repeat code/comments from the diff.
Wherever possible, pull requests should add a single feature or fix a single bug. Pull requests should not bundle several unrelated changes.
Your pull request should add no new warnings to the project. It should also generally not disable any warnings.
Make sure the project builds and that the tests pass! This will generally also be checked by CI before merge, but trying it yourself first means you'll catch problems earlier and your contribution can be merged that much sooner!
Include version bounds whenever adding a dependency to the library stanza of the cabal file. Note that libraries added to patch.cabal also need to be added to default.nix.
We're always striving to improve documentation. Please include haddock documentation for any added code, and update the documentation for any code you modify.
In the Changelog
Add an entry to the changelog when your PR:
- Adds a feature
- Deprecates something
- Includes a breaking change
- Makes any other change that will impact users
In the Readme
The readme is the first place a lot of people look for information about the repository. Update any parts of the readme that are affected by your PR.