Daily AI generated patriotic images on the Adafruit MagTag
This assumes that the MagTag storage is remounted read/write after boot using boot.py.
import storage
storage.remount("/", readonly=False)
MagTag code is written in CircuitPython. The following libraries are required:
- Adafruit MagTag
- Adafruit MagTag Libraries
- adafruit_bitmap_font
- adafruit_imageload
- adafruit_io
- adafruit_magtag
- adafruit_minimqtt
- adafruit_requests
- adafruit_ticks
- simpleio
- socketpool
- ssl
- wifi
See server/requirements.txt
The server-side code runs as a systemd timer once every 24 hours. It generates a new patriotic image via the OpenAI DALL-E-3 API.
The MagTag reaches out to the server every 24 hours to get the latest image and display it.