Each node serving persistent storage should have akash.network/storageclasses
label set.
NOTE - currently the Helm Charts for persistent storage support only a single storageclass per cluster. All nodes in the cluster should be marked as
- as an example - and cannot have a mix ofbeta2
- Ensure that this command is issued - one at a time - for all nodes serving persistent storage
- Replace the
value with the proper storage class and as clarified in the example command
- Use this command to capture the node names for the subsequent step
kubectl get nodes
NOTE - ensure ALL nodes in the Kubernetes cluster receive this label
kubectl label node <node-name> akash.network/storageclasses=<beta1|beta2|beta3> --overwrite
In our example with a single node serving persistent storage with the storage class of beta2, the following label syntax would be applied.
kubectl label node node2 akash.network/storageclasses=beta2 --overwrite