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Dante Di Tommaso edited this page Jan 14, 2016 · 15 revisions


Welcome to the CSS/PhUSE repository. This site hosts standard scripts for data transformations and analyses across and within a therapeutic area, as well as for exploratory analyses. Our goal is to standardize analyses and code across the industry, and to provide other examples of how our industry can build upon standardized data sets. We aim to establish this repository as the place to collaborate and share between industry and regulators.

WE use an MIT license and contributors agree to the User Agreement.

Here are the links to the working group at FDA/PhUSE:


This site provides a collaborative development environment for scripts for analysis and programming of clinical trials data. It was started by members of the Phuse/FDA Working Group 5. For more about this group see working group home page.

Current Activities

The two main projects within this working group are:

Note: PhUSE publish Final White Papers on their web site.

The working group publish scripts on this GitHub site. Our 2016 goal is to publish R and SAS scripts that unlock the standard analyses that the White Paper on Central Tendency (WPCT) specifies.

While work continues on our github folder structure, the Repository Content team is working within the whitepapers subfolder.

Note: Code on this site is by definition 'under development'.

Useful Links