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217 lines (173 loc) · 6.84 KB


File metadata and controls

217 lines (173 loc) · 6.84 KB

Notes on the VT100 Platform


  • Processor: Intel 8080 running at about 2.76MHz

  • Basic display modes: 80x24 or 132x14 (132x24 for avo)

  • RAM: 3KB(3072 bytes) combined screen and scratch

  • ROM: 8KB(8192 bytes) for processor data and code ** ROMs include a checksum which is checked at self-test ** Checksum: every 2K, summed, mod 0xff == 0

  • Character generation ROM(s): 2KB(2048 bytes) for characters

  • Non-volatile RAM for storing configuration, ER1400 (1400 bits)

  • AVO Option: 1K extra main RAM, 4K of FOUR BIT RAM for attributes.


Main Crystal: 24.8832 MHz NVR/LBA7: 15.734 kHz (63.556 uS); estimate at 8 * LBA4 LBA4 period : 7.945uS Even line: Kbd transmission time : 1.27mS/B Vertical freq: ~60 Hz Dot clock: 24 MHz in 132-char mode; 16 MHz in 80-char mode PSUART: 2.76480 MHz (Div9) Processor: 2.76480 MHz (Div9)

Memory Map

Start End Size Description
0x0000 0x1fff 8K Basic ROM
0x2000 0x2bff 3K Video and scratch RAM (see below)
0x2c00 0x2fff 1K AVO - screen RAM
0x3000 0x3fff 4K AVO - attribute RAM
0x4000 0x7fff 16K Unassigned
0x8000 0x9fff 2Kx4 AVO - program memory expansion ROM
0xa000 0xbfff 8K AVO - program memory expansion ROM
0xc000 0xffff 16K Unassigned

ROM is four 2kx8 mask programmed ROMs. Main RAM is six 1kx4 static RAM chips. AVO RAM is another six 1kx4 static RAM chips.


Cleared out from 0x66 to 0xb9 -- 83 bytes At end of roms -- 1fd7 to 2000 -- 41 bytes

0x2004/0x2005 get saved and set to 70 03 when screensaver is on

Start End Size Description
0x22c2 0x22c4 2B SSvfl Vertical frames left until screensaver
0x22c4 0x22c5 1B SSbfl Vertical frames left until next brightness step down
0x22c5 0x22c6 1B SSst Screensaver state: 00 off, 01 fading, 02 on
0x22c6 0x22c8 2B SSprv Remember previous first line ptr
0x22c8 0x22c9 1B SSbrt Backup of brightness


Start End Size Description
0x2000 0x2012 18B Blank lines for refresh (6 x 3B)
0x2012 0x204e 60B Stack area (grows down from 0x204e)
0x204f 0x22d0 641B Scratch Pad/Setup Area(?)
0x2052 0x2054 2B 0x2004 during init ?
0x2068 0x2069 1B Keys flag buffer
0x206a 0x206e 3B New keys pressed buffer
0x20f6 0x20f8 2B 0x22d0 during init?
0x2014 0x2015 1B 0xff during init?
0x22d0 0x2c00 2352B Screen RAM

0x22bb through 0x22d0 appear to be unused!!!

We are using ??? as our screensaver counter.

Setup Area

Start Size Description
0x217b 22 Answerback message (20chars+2delim)
0x2191 17 Tabs (bit encoding) (first bit always set)
0x21a2 1 80/132 col mode (00 = 80 col, 01 = 132 col)
0x21a3 1 intensity (00 = brightest, 0x1f = dimmest)
0x21a4 1 Mode byte for PUSART
0x21a5 1 Online/local
0x21a6 1 Switches 1
0x21a7 1 Switches 2
0x21a8 1 Switches 3
0x21a9 1 Switches 4
0x21aa 1 Switches 5
0x21ab 1 TX baud rate
0x21ac 1 RX baud rate
0x21ad 1 parity
0x21ae 1 nvr checksum

Screen RAM organization

Starts at 0x2000. Each line consists of a terminator (0x7f) followed by two bytes of address and attributes:

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
S AA M addr addr

S == 1 if part of scrolling region AA == 11 if normal atrributes M == 1 if ram starting at 0x2000, M = 0 if ram starting at 0x4000 (?) addr == low bits of address

Relevant port addresses

Location R/W Description
0x00 R/W PUSART data bus
0x01 R/W PUSART command port
0x02 W Baud rate generator
0x42 W Brightness D/A latch
0x42 R Flags buffer
0x62 W Non-volatile memory latch
0x82 W Keyboard write
0x82 R Keyboad read
0xA2 W vid. proc. DC012
0xC2 W vid. proc. DC011

There is no even field mystery. It was the LBA 7 (also known as the NVR clock) all along!

NVRAM interactions

data is D0 C1 is D1 C2 is D2 C3 is D3 !SPDS is D5

Accept address high, accept address low, standby, read, standby, (accept data is standby?) 22 23x9 22 23x9 0x2f 0x2d 0x2f 0x25 0x2f 0x30 0x23

Flags buffer

Bit Active? Description
7 H KBD Transmit Buffer Empty
6 H LBA 7(?) (It's a pin on the backplane connector...) - used to clock NVR - line buffer address
4 L EVEN FIELD (comes out of the video timing generator)
3 H OPTION PRESENT (terminal output option???)
2 L GRAPHICS FLAG (is VT52 graphics card present)
1 L ADVANCED VIDEO (is AVO present)

Interrupt vector

Location Purpose
0x00 Startup
0x08 Keyboard interrupt
0x10 Receiver
0x18 Keyboard interrupt and receiver
0x20 Vertical frequency
0x28 Vertical frequency and keyboard interrupt
0x30 Vertical frequency and receiver
0x38 Vertical frequency and keyboard interrupt and receiver

Other addresses are bitwise combinations of these interrupts! Crazy.

Convenience Functions in ROM

Label Description
X13de add A to HL

X1083 | set DE bytes starting at HL to B X02a4 | init: zero all RAM above stack X038b | memmov: copy B bytes from DE to HL X1083 | memset: set DE bytes starting at HL to B

Control Function Parser

Scans for characters in the FIFO in the control range (<0x20 or 0x7f).

8-bit data bus, 16-bit address bus. 8228 breaks devices on bus into write-only and bidirectional/read-only busses.


All value loads that could be addresses: X01c3: lxi h,X0815 ??? lxi h, 020e ??? right after loads keymapping table X0431: lxi b,X0113 (then call 0f7e,0e47) X05af: lxi h,X05b8 (then jmp a18) // Likely table? (but subsequent code at 5b8 is valid) X0c64: lxi h,X05ad (then jmp a18) // ... less likely table, feels like a chain X0c7a: lxi h,X0c8a (feels like a table)

STP -- Standard Terminal Port

This is an edge connector on the main board that contains breakout points for the RS232 and Modem lines. It can be used to disconnect the terminal from the normal serial port and connect it to an internal device. The external serial port is also available to the device as a plain connector.