X Basic paste functionality: X Show and process form X View individual pastes X View paginated list of pastes X Show raw paste X Populate form from existing paste X Second tier functionality: X Syntax highlighting X HTML Purifier for markdown X Captcha support X Split based on "##" sections X Move PhlyPaste\Mongo stuff into separate module
- Third tier functionality:
X DB service
X No CAPTCHA if user is authenticated
- Display themes
- Embed paste via JS
- Array service (?)
- Cacheable service decorator (?)
- Dasbit plugin: !paste -> return link and title/first line
X X-PhlyPaste-Token: X Use API keys from configuration by default X /paste/api/paste{/:paste} X POST to create X Return location of canonical HTML in 201 status X GET to get list; $page QUERY variable to determine page of results X Ideally, should include prev/next page relation links in results X each item would link to both canonical HTML and API version X GET with ID X return link to canonical HTML and first line X See https://gist.github.com/1912431 for links example. Looks like this is a winner:
"links": [
{"rel": "self", "href": "http://paste.local/paste/api/paste?page=2"},
{"rel": "next", "href": "http://paste.local/paste/api/paste?page=3"},
{"prev": "next", "href": "http://paste.local/paste/api/paste"},
POST ^^^^
http POST http://paste.local/paste/api/paste < data
"language": "php",
"private": "false",
"content": "..."
HTTP/1.0 201 Created
Location: http://paste.local/paste/XYZ
Content-Type: application/json
"links": [
{"rel": "canonical", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/XYZ"},
{"rel": "self", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste/XYZ"}
GET (no hash) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
http GET http://paste.local/paste/api/paste
HTTP/1.0 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json
"links": [
{"rel": "canonical", "href": "http://pages.local/paste"},
{"rel": "self", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste"},
{"rel": "first", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste"},
{"rel": "last", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste?page=X"},
{"rel": "next", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste?page=2"}
"items": [
{"rel": "canonical", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/XYZ"},
{"rel": "item", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste/XYZ"}
/* ... */
GET (with hash) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
http GET http://paste.local/paste/api/paste
HTTP/1.0 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json
"links": [
{"rel": "canonical", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/XYZ"},
{"rel": "self", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste/XYZ"},
{"rel": "up", "href": "http://pages.local/paste/api/paste"}
"title": "...",
"language": "...",
"timestamp": "...",