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title: An Abstract Application Layer Interface to Transport Services abbrev: TAPS Interface docname: draft-trammell-taps-interface-latest date: category: info

ipr: trust200902 area: Transport workgroup: TAPS Working Group keyword: Internet-Draft

stand_alone: yes pi: [toc, sortrefs, symrefs]


ins: B. Trammell
name: Brian Trammell
role: editor
org: ETH Zurich
email: [email protected]
street: Gloriastrasse 35
city: 8092 Zurich
country: Switzerland
  • ins: M. Welzl name: Michael Welzl role: editor org: University of Oslo
  • ins: G. Fairhurst name: Gorry Fairhurst org: University of Aberdeen email: [email protected]
  • ins: M. Kuehlewind name: Mirja Kuehlewind org: ETH Zurich email: [email protected] street: Gloriastrasse 35 city: 8092 Zurich country: Switzerland
  • ins: C. Perkins name: Colin Perkins org: University of Glasgow street: School of Computing Science city: Glasgow G12 8QQ country: United Kingdom email: [email protected]
  • ins: P. Tiesel name: Philipp S. Tiesel org: TU Berlin email: [email protected]
  • ins: C. Wood name: Chris Wood org: Apple Inc. street: 1 Infinite Loop city: Cupertino, California 95014 country: United States of America email: [email protected]

normative: TAPS-ARCH: title: An Architecture for Transport Services docname: draft-pauly-taps-arch-00 author: - ins: T. Pauly role: editor - ins: B. Trammell role: editor - ins: A. Brunstrom - ins: G. Fairhurst - ins: C. Perkins - ins: P. Tiesel - ins: C. Wood

--- abstract

This document describes an abstract programming interface to the transport layer, following the Transport Services Architecture. It supports the asynchronous, atomic transmission of messages over transport protocols and network paths dynamically selected at runtime. It is intended to replace the traditional BSD sockets API as the lowest common denominator interface to the transport layer, in an environment where endpoints have multiple interfaces and potential transport protocols to select from.

--- middle


The BSD Unix Sockets API's SOCK_STREAM abstraction, by bringing network sockets into the UNIX programming model, allowing anyone who knew how to write programs that dealt with sequential-access files to also write network applications, was a revolution in simplicity. It would not be an overstatement to say that this simple API is the reason the Internet won the protocol wars of the 1980s. SOCK_STREAM is tied to the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), specified in 1981 {{?RFC0793}}. TCP has scaled remarkably well over the past three and a half decades, but its total ubiquity has hidden an uncomfortable fact: the network is not really a file, and stream abstractions are too simplistic for many modern application programming models.

In the meantime, the nature of Internet access, and the variety of Internet transport protocols, is evolving. The challenges that new protocols and access paradigms present to the sockets API and to programming models based on them inspire the design principles of a new approach, which we outline in {{principles}}.

As a first step to realizing this design, {{TAPS-ARCH}} describes a high-level architecture for transport services. This document builds a modern abstract programming interface atop this architecture, deriving specific path and protocol selection properties and supported transport features from the analysis provided in {{?RFC8095}} and {{?TAPS-MINSET=I-D.ietf-taps-minset}}.

Terminology and Notation

This API is described in terms of Objects, which an application can interact with; Actions the application can perform on these objects; Events, which an object can send to an application asynchronously; and Parameters associated with these Actions and Events.

The following notations, which can be combined, are used in this document:

  • Object := Action()

An Action creates an Object.

  • Object.Action()

An Action is performed on an Object.

  • Object -> Event<>

An Object sends an Event.

  • Action(parameter, parameter, ...) / Event<parameter, parameter, ...>

An Action takes a set of Parameters; an Event contains a set of Parameters.

Actions associated with no object are Actions on the abstract interface itself; they are equivalent to actions on a per-application global context.

How these abstract concepts map into concrete implementations of this API in a given language on a given platform is largely dependent on the features of the language and the platform. Actions could be implemented as functions or method calls, for instance, and Events could be implemented though via callback passing or other asynchronous calling conventions.

Design Principles {#principles}

We begin with a set of initial design principles for the abstract interface to realize.

  • Transport protocol stack independence in line with the Transport Services Architecture {{TAPS-ARCH}}, allowing applications to be written in terms of the semantics best for the application's own design, separate from the protocol(s) used on the wire to achieve them. This enables applications written to a single API to make use of transport protocols in terms of the features they provide.

  • Explicit support for multistreaming and multipath transport protocols.

  • Explicit support for security properties as first-order transport features, and for long-term caching of cryptographic identities and parameters for associations among endpoints.

  • Atomic transmission of content, using application-assisted framing and deframing where the underlying transport does not provide these.

  • Asynchronous connection establishment, transmission, and reception, allowing most application interactions with the transport layer to be event-driven.

API Summary

[TASK: write three paragraph summary here, should state how all this works for common cases from the application's PoV.]

In the following sections, we describe the details of application interaction with Objects through Actions and Events in each phase of a connection, following the phases described in {{TAPS-ARCH}}.

Pre-Establishment Phase

Establishment begins with the creation of a Connection...

Connection := NewConnection(localSpecifier, remoteSpecifier, transportParameters, cryptographicParameters)

[NOTE: note also that framers and deframers should be bound to connections during pre-establishment, forward-reference {{send-framing}} and {{receive-framing}}]

Resolving Remote Endpoints {#resolving}

[TASK: write me. note: resolution should be flexible, and should accept URLS and URL-like things. binding to transport or pseudotransport happens via pre-establishment properties. resolution happens as part of connection creation.]

Specifying Transport Parameters {#transport-params}

[TASK: write me. list parameters to bind to a connection before establishing it. look at minset for this. note that the API should have sensible and well-defined defaults.]

Specifying Cryptographic Parameters {#crypto-params}

[TASK: write me. separate out cryptographic parameters, since these bind to a local and a remote. chris?]

Establishing Connections

Before a Connection can be used for data transfer, it must be established. Establishment ends the pre-establishment phase; all transport and cryptographic parameter specification must be complete before establishment, as these parameters will be used to select candidate Paths and Protocol Stacks for the Connection. Establishment may be active, using the Initiate() Action; passive, using the Listen() Action; or simultaneous for peer-to-peer, using the Rendezvous() Action. These Actions are described in the subsections below.

Active Open: Initiate {#initiate}

Active open is the action of establishing a connection to an endpoint presumed to be listening for incoming connection requests, commonly used by clients in client-server interactions. Active open is supported by this interface through the Initiate action:


Before calling Initiate, the caller must have initialized the Connection during the pre-establishment phase with local and remote endpoint specifiers, as well as all parameters necessary for candidate selection. After calling Initiate, no further parameters may be bound to the Connection, and no subsequent establishment call may be made on the Connection.

Once Initiate is called, the candidate Protocol Stack(s) may cause one or more transport-layer connections to be created to the specified remote endpoint. The caller may immediately begin sending Content on the Connection (see {{sending}}) after calling Initate, though it may wait for one of the following events before doing so.

Connection -> Ready<>

The Ready event occurs after Initiate has established a transport-layer connection on at least one usable candidate Protocol Stack over at least one candidate Path. No Receive events (see {{receiving}}) will occur until after the Ready event for connections established using Initiate.

Connection -> InitiateError<>

An InitiateError occurs either when the set of local and remote specifiers and transport and cryptographic parameters cannot be fulfilled on a connection for initiation (e.g. the set of available Paths and/or Protocol Stacks meeting the constraints is empty), when the remote specifier cannot be resolved, or when no transport-layer connection can be established to the remote endpoint (e.g. because the remote endpoint is not accepting connections, or the application is prohibited from opening a connection by the operating system).

Passive Open: Listen {#listen}

Passive open is the action of waiting for connections from remote endpoints, commonly used by servers in client-server interactions. Passive open is supported by this interface through the Listen action:


Before calling Listen, the caller must have initialized the Connection during the pre-establishment phase with local endpoint specifiers, as well as all parameters necessary for Protocol Stack selection. After calling Listen, no further parameters may be bound to the Connection, and no subsequent establishment call may be made on the Connection.

Connection -> ConnectionReceived<Connection>

The ConnectionReceived event occurs when a remote endpoint has established a transport-layer connection to this Connection, causing a new Connection to be created. The resulting Connection is contained within the ConnectionReceived event, and is ready to use as soon as it is passed to the application via the event.

Connection -> ListenError<>

A ListenError occurs either when the set of local specifier, transport and cryptographic parameters cannot be fulfilled for listening, when the local specifier cannot be resolved, or when the application is prohibited from listening by the operating system.

Peer to Peer Establishment: Rendezvous {#rendezvous}


Connection -> Ready<>

Connection -> RendezvousError<>

Connection Groups {#groups}

Sending Data {#sending}

Once a Connection has been established, it can be used for sending data. Data is sent by passing a Content object and additional properties {{send-props}} to the Send action on an established connection:

Connection.Send(Content, ...)

The type of the Content to be passed is dependent on the implementation, and on the constraints on the Protocol Stacks implied by the Connection's transport parameters. It may itself contain an array of octets to be transmitted in the transport protocol payload, or be transformable to an array of octets by a sender-side framer (see {{send-framing}}).

If Send is called on a Connection which has not yet been established, an Initiate action will be implicitly performed simultaneously with the Send. Used together with the Idempotent property (see {{send-idempotent}}), this can be used to send data during establishment for 0-RTT session resumption on Protocol Stacks that support it.

Like all Actions in this interface, the Send action is asynchronous. However, a Send call may block until there is sufficient buffer space in the implementation and/or the underlying Protocol Stack to handle the Content, in order to provide sender-side backpressure to the application when transmission is limited by transport channel capacity.

Connection -> Sent<contentRef>

The Sent event occurs when a previous Send action has completed, i.e. when the data derived from the Content has been passed down or through the underlying Protocol Stack and is no longer the responsbility of the implementation of this interface. The exact disposition of Content when the Sent event occurs is specific to the implementation and the constraints on the Protocol Stacks implied by the Connection's transport parameters. The Sent event contains an implementation-specific reference to the Content to which it applies.

Connection -> Expired<contentRef>

The Expired event occurs when a previous Send action expired before completion; i.e. when the data derived from the Content was not sent before its Lifetime (see {{send-lifetime}}) expired. This is separate from SendError, as it is an expected behavior for partially reliable transports. The Expired event contains an implementation-specific reference to the Content to which it applies.

Connection -> SendError<contentRef>

A SendError occurs when Content could not be sent due to an error condition: some failure of the underlying Protocol Stack, or a set of send parameters not consistent with the Connection's transport parameters.

Send Properties {#send-props}

The Send action takes five per-Content properties which control how it will be sent down to the underlying Protocol Stack and transmitted. Note that some of these properties are not compatible with transport parameters; attempting to Send with such an incompatibility yields a SendError.

Lifetime {#send-lifetime}

Lifetime specifies how long a particular Content can wait to be sent to the remote endpoint before it is irrelevant and no longer needs to be (re-)transmitted. When a Content's Lifetime is infinite, it must be transmitted reliably. The type and units of Lifetime are implementation-specific.

Niceness {#send-niceness}

Niceness represents an unbounded hierarchy of priorities of Content, relative to other Content sent over the same Connection and/or Connection Group (see {{groups}}). It is most naturally represented as a non-negative integer. Content with Niceness 0 will yield to Content with Niceness 1, which will yield to Content with Niceness 2, and so on. Niceness may be used as a sender-side scheduling construct only, or be used to specify priorities on the wire for Protocol Stacks supporting prioritization.

Note that this inversion of normal schemes for expressing priority has a convenient property: priority increases as both Niceness and Lifetime decrease.

Ordered {#send-ordered}

Ordered is a boolean property. If true, this Content should be delivered after the last Content passed to the same Connection via the Send action; if false, this Content may be delivered before the last Content passed to the same Connection.

Immediate {#send-immediate}

Immediate is a boolean property. If true, the caller prefers immediacy to efficiency for this Content, and the Content should not be bundled with other Content into the same transmission by the underlying Protocol Stack.

Idempotent {#send-idempotent}

Idempotent is a boolean property. If true, the application-layer entity in the Content is safe to send to the remote endpoint more than once for a single Send action. It is used to mark data safe for certain 0-RTT establishment techniques, where retransmission of the 0-RTT data may cause the remote application to receive the Content multiple times.

[NOTE: we need some way to signal to the transport that we want to wait for 0RTT data on Initiate. Probably a transport parameter]

Sender-side Framing {#send-framing}

Sender-side framing allows a caller to provide the interface with a function that takes Content of an appropriate type and returns an array of octets, the on-the-wire representation of the content to be handed down to the Protocol Stack. It consists of a Framer object with a single Action, Frame. Since the Framer depends on the protocol used at the application layer, it is bound to the Connection during the pre-establishment phase:


OctetArray := Framer.Frame(Content)

Sender-side framing is a convenience feature of the interface, for parity with receiver-side framing (see {{receive-framing}}).

Receiving Data {#receiving}

Once a Connection is established, Content may be received on it. The interface notifies the application that content has been received via the Received event:

Connection -> Received<Content>

As with sending, the type of the Content to be passed is dependent on the implementation, and on the constraints on the Protocol Stacks implied by the Connection's transport parameters. The Content may also contain metadata from protocols in the Protocol Stack for logging and debugging purposes.

The Content object must provide some method to retrieve an octet array containing application data, corresponding to a single message within the underlying Protocol Stack's framing. See {{receive-framing}} for handling framing in situations where the Protocol Stack provides octet-stream transport only.

Connection -> ReceiveError<>

A ReceiveError occurs when data is received by the underlying Protocol Stack that cannot be fully retrieved or deframed, or when some other indication is recieved that reception has failed. Such conditions that irrevocably lead the the termination of the Connection are signaled using ConnectionError instead (see {{termination}}).

Application-Layer Backpressure at the Receiver {#receive-backpressure}

Implementations of this interface must provide some way for the application to indicate that it is temporarily not ready to receive new Content. Since the mechanisms of event handling are implementation-platform specific, this document does not specify the exact nature of this

Receiver-side Deframing over Stream Protocols {#receive-framing}

The Receive event is intended to be fired once per application-layer Content sent by the remote endpoint; i.e., it is a desired property of this interface that a Send at one end of a Connection maps to exactly one Receive on the other end. This is possible with Protocol Stacks that provide a mechanism message boundary preservation, but is not the case over Protocol Stacks that provide a simple octet stream transport.

For preserving message boundaries over stream transports, this interface provides receiver-side deframing. This facility is based on the observation that, since many of our current application protocols evolved over TCP, which does not provide message boundary preservation, and since many these protocols require message boundaries to function, each application layer protocol has defined its own framing. A Deframer allows an application to push this deframing down into the interface, in order to transform an octet stream into a sequence of Content.

Concretely, receiver-side deframing allows a caller to provide the interface with a function that takes an octet stream, as provided by the underlying Protocol Stack, reads and returns a sigle Content of an appropriate type for the application and platform, and leaves the octet stream at the start of the next Content. It consists of a Deframer object with a single Action, Deframe. Since the Deframer depends on the protocol used at the application layer, it is bound to the Connection during the pre-establishment phase:


Content := Deframer.Deframe(OctetStream, ...)

Connection Termination {#termination}


Connection -> Finished<>


Connection -> ConnectionError<>

Event and Error Handling

[NOTE: point out that events and errors may be handled differently, although they are the modeled the same in this specification.]

IANA Considerations

RFC-EDITOR: Please remove this section before publication.

This document has no actions for IANA.

Security Considerations

be paranoid